It seems we've found another HYIP Scam - which can only operate with the Complicity of the Monitor that recommends and promotes it - here I will show you how the Con works, and it supports what others on YouTube, Websites and elsewhere say about the whole HYIP Industry.
Firstly; here's the Scamsite...........
Looks awesome huh, all those huge Payments for comparative modest Investments - while that "Your Profits are 100% safe with us" bit requires some Scrutiny! I asked them how guaranteed it was and their Admin mailed me within the hour that they were "100% Paying" unquote.
So I made my Payment..........................
Note the Address on the Website corresponds with that of the Payment............
Emailed them as instructed, sending them my Bitcoin Wallet Account Number - waited more than 24 Hours.... then looked at my Bitcoin Wallet Account...........
You will see that no Payment has gone into my Account - even after about 36 Hours
So I emailed them sending some of this - and also this.......
This is what is called a TX ID - irrefutable Proof that Money was sent to their Bitcoin Address for Investment.
I also contacted these People, a Monitor that promotes and recommends HYIP Programs to People who might otherwise not know about them. They offer a Refund to anyone who hasn't received Payment from Programs People access via their Site...
I told them that CoinBTC hasn't paid me - sending them these Screenshots and the TX ID so they could see that I wasn't being dishonest and trying to blag a Refund for something I never paid for. I suggested they contact the Program to ask why they haven't paid, while they could drop the Ad and denounce them in their HYIP News Page advising People not to invest. I am no nearer getting a Reply from them than I am getting my Money - (from a Site whose Admin also don't reply to Email AFTER you have paid them - so not so prompt once they have Peoples Money huh!)
I emailed, then emailed - and so on - even telling them about other Scams I had written about and how I kept an anti-scam Journal, still nothing!
I then got a bit sarky and sent them instructions in how to send Bitcoin........
After all, I was starting to think that they didn't know how or something, and it seems it worked - or at least for these People.......
Yep, this is the Monitor which promoted the Website - and still is - while Coinbtc must have figured out how to send Bitcoin from my Email because you can see they say that they made most recent Payment on the 13th April - today! Note the Date and Time in the bottom right hand Corner!
Hmmm, except here's a Screenshot of my Bitcoin Account showing they certainly haven't paid me............
Again, note the Date and Time - you will see that as up to 18.01PM on the 13th April they still haven't paid - and have no intention of paying - me!
I then emailed the Monitor asking them how they can still tell their Readers that the Site is paying, asking them "paying who............ you?"
They have yet to reply - or put pressure on CoinBTC to make good their Promise of Payment to their Customers. So Peoples Profits might be "100% safe with them" but they should rather be 100% safe with us!
Without much adoo - here's todays Screenshot, and everyone is in suspense, the Anticipation is palpable, you could slice up the Tension and sell it...................... And today you get a supporting Feature - y'know - the Film they show before the main one, so the Curtains open, People sip their Kiaora, eat Ice Cream, Popcorn etc.........
Hmm, seems someone has graffiti'ised the Poster for this..........
We have the Intermission/Entracte - the Music plays, People buy more Kiora, Ice Cream, Popcorn etc, the Tension, the Agony of it all - the Suspense............ The Usherette resupplies with Food and Drink, We decide to run a double Screening every evening to cater to the growing Demand.

The Audience starts getting apoplectic, "Awe C'mon" someone shouts, "Hear hear" someone else says, even more People at the back make a Rasp Sound, a few louder Boos and Hisses can be heard, the Projectionist stands outside having a Cigarette shaking his Head in disbelief, someone even throws something................. Nothing, Zilch, Nish!!!!! No Refund, no Payment. People then make for the Box Office for Season Tickets to the next Installment. I start having Meetings with Film Bosses about a potential Franchise, someone offers to do the Merchandising. A TV Company wants to do a Mini-series, a Film-Maker asks to make a Spin-off, Record Companies clamour to release a Soundtrack Album. We begin Work on the "Making of....." Documentary!