I posted some updates in a Post I wrote about the escalation of War in the Levant a few years ago. This was a compendium of Comments Id made on the Subject elsewhere on the Internet a few years earlier.
Such is the Gravitas that is happening as Conflict spreads like a Contagion I decided to create this so you could read recent Comments here.
As Reports emerge that Syrian Leader Bashar Assad has fled to Moscow after he was toppled by HTS the Future for Syria looks very uncertain and maybe even very bleak.
One only has to see what happened in Iraq after Saddam was deposed, which went through several Civil Wars - including the establishment of Islamic State in Cities like Mosul and Fallujah, and this was with the large presence of Coalition Forces.
What this means for the myriad Groups who fought the Regime in Syria now that Regime has apparently gone is as yet unknown. The only thing unifying them was their War against it, while there have been skirmishes and conflicts between them.
Kurds under Massoud Barzani fought to protect non-Sunni Minorities and Christians from Islamist Forces, and against the SNA (Syrian National Army) backed by Turkey. Supposedly moderate Free Syrian Army Soldiers gradually became part of the Islamist Factions and other Forces have been at work with/against each other during the Civil War.
Assad himself guaranteed Protection to all Citizens in the Country.
As the Kurds will probably have to concentrate guarding against the Insurgents, particularly any backed by Turkey, and Assad has gone can we trust HTS who tell us they have changed and are no longer the Al Qaida/IS People they were?
And how about the remnants of the Syrian Army?
Will they just down Guns and go home, or will they form up yet another Faction in the fractured Country that was Syria?
How long could HTS maintain what they claim will be a 'moderate' Regime if Insurgents start turning on them, and how will this further brutalise those involved?
This isn't a western backed Government like Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan after the Taliban was defeated, while there are Rival players in the Region, each with their Proxies in a Syria that has no actual Leadership. Iran would back the Remnants of the Army and Syrian Hezbollah while Turkey and others support those opposed to these.
And how might any of this look to a People who saw and even fought a "War on Terrorism" since 2001, only to see an offshoot of Al Qaida seize Power in Damascus?
As all this goes on Syria itself and the Region generally might conclude they were better off with Assad!
I think some People are being dangerously naïve if they believe post-Assad Syria will begin towards Human Rights and open Society.
The SNA had committed terrible Crimes against Kurds in northern Syria - including the public Murder of Kurdish Politician Hevrin Khalaf. The UN have cited many instances of Rape, Murder, Kidnappings and Theft by them against Kurds.
Yazidis fled from them to Kurdish Regions in their 1000's.
Others, including Islamists, used Chemical Weapons in a false Flag Attack that was blamed on the Government - while all will vie for Influence in the Ruins of what remains of the Country.
There's very little difference between some of them and those we saw in Iraq conducting public Executions of Iraqi Soldiers during the Camp Speicher Massacre and dozens of Mutilations in the Streets of Mosul.
Do they assume Hayat Tahrir Al Sham or their Leader Abu Mohammed Al Jolani will call free and fair Elections if or when things settle down?
As I said, these aren't even the likes of Ahmed Chalabi in Iraq or Hamid Kharzai in Afghanistan, while HTS have been dubbed a Terrorist Organisation.
They are also committed against Kurdish YPG or Peoples Defences Units Forces, supported by Western Governments - who want a federal secular Country rather than an islamist Caliphate.
Also, how open will they be to Shi'ite Moslems who they deem as heretical?
So, Syria won't suddenly become a cute and cuddly Bastion of Peace and liberal Democracy now the Assad Regime has gone, while there will be those from the Regime who will probably form yet another Militia in the huge network of Fighters there, supported by former Ba'athist Party Members.
Now that Regime has gone there's nothing stopping any of the above committing further and even worse Atrocities than those done during the years long Civil War.
And what makes it worse is how any former Government Weapons and Materiel has fallen into the Hands of who knows what in the subsequent free-for-all!
You ain't seen nothing yet......
As the West loses it's Stomach for War - particularly after the humiliating Rout in Afghanistan and the "War on Terrorism" Rhetoric long outstayed it's welcome years ago, what might things be like now Al Qaida 2 seems to have seized Control in Syria?
One thing is certain, they now have access to equipment once owned by the most heavily armed Force in the Arab World. Second only to Saddam before he was deposed.
Then, what if they decide to export their form of Wahhabism to the rest of the World? That Syria becomes the new Afghanistan, but with far more Weapons, for any Terror Group that makes Osama look tame in comparison?
Anyone remember what happened after a former Western (read American) Proxy went rogue and flew Planes into Buildings? They fought the Soviets, HTS fought the Russian's Ally in Damascus, then what happens?
If we did have another '9/11' how could the Politicians sell the response to us after the last Go-Round?
And if that happened how many more Civil Liberties will be eroded by yet another Patriot Act, and then another?
America is about to have a President who is known for potential Authoritarianism and disdain for Civil Liberties. A President who faces very little Opposition that could effectively curb some of his wider excesses.
How many more Patriot Acts will we see?
Also, as reported, Executions are already starting in Syria despite Jolani's reassurances, what will happen there as 1000''s then millions try to flee? Who is going to invest in a Country with that sort of Leadership and rescue it's shattered Economy, rebuild it's ruined Infrastructure and reapply essential services?
These are all very good reasons to ask if Syria and the World that will feel the Ramifications of it is better off without Assad - or is the euphoria at his demise very misguided
Has the Leopard changed his Spots?
If Reports are true and Scenes reminiscent of what happened in Iraq are repeated as I write then maybe not. Allegations circulate that before they mounted their Insurgency HTS - who ran an Enclave in the Idlib Province - administered public Stoning's of Women for Adultery while the whole War has seen Excesses that were even worse than the darker days of the Taliban.
And what if he appears too friendly to the West and even Israel?
President elect Trump has made no Secret that he covets Syrian Oil in the resource rich eastern region of the Country. How will it sit with Jolani's Peers and those opposed to him if that Region becomes an American Colony? During the War it was always possible it would be returned to full Syrian control. What if that no longer applies?
How about the Israelis, and if they decide to settle into Syria beyond the Golan Heights? The Heights has been contentious enough since they were captured in 1967. How long will Jolani last if he does nothing to prevent it?
Then there's the Turkish occupation of the Region on its Border. Will they withdraw or will they decide to cash in on their Support of the SNA and keep it? Kurds in the Region must be very apprehensive about any of that after what they were subjected to.
Syria enjoyed considerable regional Influence for a very long time and I can't imagine many Syrians would be prepared to give any of that up to other Players in it or western Proxies.
And if, in Assad's absence, the Country is off limits to Russia and Iran who will sponsor the Countries physical, fiscal and economic rehabilitation after more than 10 years of War?
And if Israel doesn't think Syria is more dangerous after Assad was toppled why have they done what they never did during the whole Assad Era .....?
Bomb all Syrian Military Assets, or at least those they could get to.
They never did anything as all encompassing as they did a few Days ago.
So they obviously know that these who have replaced Assad would have been far too dangerous if they had access to the same Equipment Assad's once powerful Army used.
More airbrushing of History .......?
Rather like all the post 2014 reports of Azov Excesses in Ukraine including Human Rights Articles about their Treatment of ethnic Russians, and the general Narrative about neo-Nazis in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Reports of the many 1000's killed and displaced by Islamist Rebels and Turkish backed Forces in Syria before Assad was toppled seem to have disappeared.
Now we are being fed a continuous Narrative that every Death, Injury and Injustice was firmly the fault of the former Regime.
This is completely wrong and as inaccurate as saying the same things in Iraqi Cities like Mosul and Fallujah were done by Saddam. Not that either Dictator was a Bastion of liberal Democracy - because they weren't - but then, neither are many of those who choose to replace them.
Syria's interim Prime Minister has announced there won't be Elections in Syria probably for another 18 Months, and as we have seen, a lot can happen in that time. Including positing the necessary People in all the crucial Posts before hand.
Any innocence of spontaneity we might see now will completely disappear in that time.
And while a lot can happen in Syria in that year and a half - one of those is Civil War, which could very easily happen as the anti-Assad Unity fades and each player - and their Sponsors jostle for influence in the new Syria. Afghanistan collapsed into terrible Civil War after the Soviets left and it wasn't until the Taliban seized Power it ended. The most powerful Faction in Syria is the HTS - who are just revamped Al Qaida, so will we begin seeing the same thing in Syria we saw in Afghanistan in the late 1980's?
And with a similar Conclusion?
That those who end up running Syria won't be western backed Rebels, rather like those who ended up running Afghanistan in the 1990's.
Whatever happens in Syria now won't be attributed to Assad who is currently in exile in Moscow. Every incident now will be done to, and by, the Rebels who now run the Country.
I'm wondering how much of this will be reported as we are sold a Syria that isn't like the one the Assad Family ran.
Except he can watch all this go on in a Country during his absence!
And while he can now say; "I didn't do it" from Moscow how - I wonder - did these 'Rebels' feel when Israel promptly set out to destroy most of their Equipment (otherwise being the captured Spoils of War) and indulged in a Land Grab of Areas east of the Golan Heights?
How does that look to anyone asking what the Motive for any western Support might have been?
What becomes of the Millions of Refugees who are spread the length and breadth of Europe, Scandinavia, Arabia and North Africa?
Refugees who didn't flee Assad, but fled what came after 2011! They lived in Syria for hundreds of years before then.
And while, it seems, even Israel regards the new Forces that prevail in Syria as more dangerous than Assad to the point where they felt they had to destroy captured Syrian Military Assets rather than let them be used by the likes of HTS there are other things that might not be quite as certain now.
Those 1980's Beirut Hostages who didn't come home via Cyprus did so via Hafez Assad's Syria.
They would be handed to Syrian backed Lebanese Militia (usually Amal) before being given to Syrian Officials - who would then take them to Damascus.
They didn't come home via Israel, while there's very little chance they would so via the new Syria.
Also, during the 1990/1 Gulf War SAS Soldiers who had been operating deep inside Iraq had suffered Casualties through Firefights, Injuries and the Cold Weather before making it to the Syrian Border. After asking a Goat Herder where they were and learning they were in Syria they knew their Ordeal was over.
Could they say that now?
While Executions of Assad's Henchmen began a few days ago will they be restricted to these or extended to others? Ba'ath Party Members, Iranian Officials, Supporters of Hezbollah, Kurds who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, Shia and Alawite Moslems? Anyone else who doesn't comply with their Doctrine?
Then there's the Betrayal that will be felt by those Syrians who supported HTS, only to see yet more Land appropriated by Israel. Something that didn't happen during the Assad Era.
So, what might happen in the 18 Months Syria's interim Prime Minister said would elapse before any Elections?
As there is potential for all sorts of manoeuvring's and subterfuge the Euphoria will fade very quickly if it wasn't misguided to start with.
Then, what happens if host Governments decide to repatriate the millions of Refugees who fled the Country during the Civil War, who had otherwise lived in Syria for 100's of years before?
What will they be going back to, and just how welcome would they be by the new Regime after spending so long in the West?
And those Millions of Refugees who fled Syria didn't flee Assad, many had lived there for Decades during that Era, and they fled the War. They aren't Wahabi'ists or other forms of Extremists, but regular Syrians whose Lives had been destroyed by Conflict. How much of those Lives would still exist if they returned to Syria, and how much of the Country and Society would they at all recognise?
Of anyone who should understand this it ought to be a People whose Lives and Villages across eastern and central Europe were erased by WW2, but how many descendants of the Ashkenazim Diaspora empathise with the Plight of those Syrian Refugees?
Or are they merely replacing one Diaspora with another?
Also, if Money and Resources sent to Ukraine so Kiev could fight Russia was funnelled into Syria to train and equip the HTS War against Assad's Government isn't that constitutionally illegal? That the American Legislature passed Laws allowing it be sent to Ukraine - not Syrian Rebels?
Shouldn't someone be asking this on Capitol Hill?
Any Legislator or Representative worth their Constituents on Capital Hill, and maybe those in Westminster, and other western Countries who have sent Weapons and Resources to Ukraine should be asking why some of those things ended up in Syria.
It was discovered that some had even wound up in Kosovo, and a poignant Question to those who sent them, and even Zelenskiy, is whether there's an Intention to spread the War into Syria and maybe even Serbia? There were increasingly anxious Reports about a year and a half ago about manoeuvring's in the Balkans by NATO Countries anathema to Serbia's Interests.
Is Ukraine a sort of distribution Hub to other Forces at War (actual or potential) with Russia's Partners and Allies?
The proverbial "Guns of August" where Barbara Tuchman shows the causes and effects, alliances and enmities, that led to WW1 being played out again for yet another World War?
It's like those Lunatics in Seoul who staged a Coup and Martial Law in South Korea earlier this Month. Some speculated they were trying to provoke a "local War" with the North. President Yoon acting like a sort of 21st Century Joseph McCarthy, accusing members of his and other Political Parties, of being infiltrators by the North. The old Cold War era Paranoia revisited.
Given the current geopolitical Climate any "local War" with North Korea wouldn't remain "local" for very long .......... and wouldn't remain a conventional one either.
Zelenskiy - who has also staged a Coup by cancelling Elections in May this year - did something similar with his Politicians and those of the Opposition, the Military and even the Orthodox Church on suspicion of being Russian Agents. Even People who took part in the Istanbul Negotiations fell under similar Suspicion and died, disappeared or were imprisoned.
Any Journalist working in Washington should ask how Resources sent to Ukraine ended up in west Asia and the Balkans.
Ukrainian Corruption - one of the worst in the World - and it's Reputation for Black Market Activity does give People very plausible Deniability.
"Oh, those Weapons ended up in Kosovo because of Ukrainian Corruption" provides a convenient Veil to anyone wanting to equip a People for some future War with Serbia.
The War in Ukraine merely adds to it by distracting Attention from what was happening in Syria a couple of Weeks ago - and the months before - when HTS prepared for, then launched, their Offensive against Syrian Government Forces.
And the Ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israel was another Smokescreen as the Offensive was being planned and executed. The Conflict was merely transferred elsewhere, but with a similar Result.
Hezbollah have lost a crucial logistics Conduit of Support while Lebanon - already reeling from the recent Hezbollah War with Israel - now has to deal with 10's of 1000's of Syrian Refugees and guard it's Border against potential HTS Incursion. This could cause it to collapse completely.
So, is Ukraine merely a Hub of supply and support to any anti-Sino/Russian Axis? A Conduit to spread the forever War?
A Korean Conflict - the War that could break the Worlds Back .....
Since the Nuclear Arms race began - or at least not long after - it was always agreed that each Nuclear Power would notify the other of a scheduled Test - which might be either a Launch or Detonation. The idea being to avoid the Risk of a retaliatory response by one if they mistook a Test by the other to be an actual Strike.
But despite this, there have been many near misses with what is dubbed a close Call. This could be prompted by an encounter between Aircraft, one of which might be nuclear capable, the Soviet Submarine that was moments away from firing a Nuclear Torpedo in 1962, a malfunction in either sides Detection equipment, and even someone mistaking a training Video for the real thing.
Here is a chronology showing you many examples of all of these and some ....
And this is with comparatively stable, communicative Governments, with firmly established procedures.
But what about North Korea - who don't notify anyone of any impending Test? They have fired many Missiles in Test scenarios in close proximity to Japan, South Korea and even Alaska.
What if President Yoon did get his War with the North earlier this Month and Pyon Yang chose to do yet another Test during it?
With the increased tension in the Region and US military gradually becoming an omnipresence - particularly in the China Sea and Philippines - what would the Response have been once it had been detected? They would have just a few Minutes to react before they would be destroyed, so there is a very narrow margin of Error.
Like the interactions, alliances and enmities of those "Guns of August" each would have their Allies and Proxies who would feel obliged to join in in support - particularly as both Ukraine and west Asia are already on the boil.
And if there were attempts at pressuring Serbia Russia would have to support it like they did in 1914.
A horrible History no one learned from repeating itself - but with even more deadly Weapons.
No such thing as a War Dividend.....
ReplyDeleteWhen I was talking to someone about the continuing escalation of the Forever Wars they said that the Money being made by the Weapons Industry was good for the Economy and good for the Country.
But is it?
Isn't it self evident - with everything from the cost of living crisis to the not so guaranteed supply of energy, fuel and even food - that it isn't?
War Economies now are not like those of WW1 and WW2 - with the mass mobilisation of Workers for War Industry - where the 1914-18 War saw Women employed in their 1000's for the first time, or how WW2 effectively ended the great Depression of the 1930's in America.
The Companies making the Weapons being sent to Ukraine and Israel (and thus elsewhere) aren't employing new Staff to supply the demand, or building whole new Factories to do so. There is no mass mobilisation of Workers to build Storm Shadow, Taurus or Scalp Missiles, Leopard Tanks, F16's and all the other stuff that's being used in these Conflicts.
Neither is the Money those Companies are making helping the host Countries Economies.
If it did why did Britain have to endure the Austerity Policies of recent Governments? Why is America continually printing Money to keep it's Economy afloat? Why has the latter accrued Debts into the $30 Trillions?
And while Sanctions might seem like a good Idea those on Russia haven't collapsed their Economy (as people hoped) and have backfired hugely. Europe particularly suddenly lost its guaranteed Supply of cheap, reliable Russian Fuel and realised how much of it's Acumen was based on it. Sanctions being a two way process meant western Businesses lost Russian Clients and had to find others in an increasingly competitive, reduced Market. Some didn't and went bust. Western Products - now unavailable in Russia - have been copied by Russian Entrepreneurs to sell to their Market.
And whole Areas of non-Military Economics have subsequently been devastated by the Conflicts.
Not to mention how the physical and human Damage done in the Warzones have completely wrecked those of where they are.
Apart from it's Money Laundry Ukraine has much less industry than it did. Libya, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq have shattered Economies who can no longer produce or be exported to. How can Amazon deliver to the Rubble of Aleppo?
And on it goes, as War devastates the economies of the World, apart from the Money Funnellers and Military Industrial Complex.
Don't mind me, but some of us have been writing this for the last 22 years to make sure "Last Christmas" by Wham doesn't end up having a horrible double meaning!
ReplyDeleteThere is a culture of Denial that Weapons supplied to Ukraine are ending up in Criminal Gangs and other Actors across Europe - including the Balkans.
ReplyDeleteThat these Rumours are just Russian disinformation meant to discredit the War Effort to supply Ukraine.
Unless everyone from Interpol, Europol, the New York Post, Chicago Tribune and Finnish Police have been infiltrated by Russian Agents this is untrue.
These and others have corroborated Stories about anything up to $1Bn of Weapons finding their way into the Darknet and illicit ownership.
Also, while they might claim Ukraine has a robust Weapons tracking Process this wouldn't apply to any captured Weapons that could fall into the Hands of Russian Gangs.
This veritable Supermarket of Arms is a real threat to stability in some Countries as the situation deteriorates in Ukraine and things become increasingly desperate. What measures we are told Kiev might have will diminish as the situation becomes worse and more difficult to monitor.
And all this reiterates comments made by some of us as long ago as 2022 that these Weapons and those trained to use them could find their way into the far right extremist movements of Europe and America. Set against the Backdrop of increasing unrest in some European Countries, a growing disdain for the liberal left, and their Shift to the Right in Politics is cause for concern.
What made the original Ku Klux Klan so violent to the the point where even Nathan Bedford Forest resigned was because it was full of heavily armed, fully trained former Confederate Army Veterans after the Civil War in America. There are Fighters in Ukraine who are just the modern equivalent, who will return home to whatever Country they came from while Ukraine is strewn with a huge Glut of Weapons no one is monitoring because Kiev has been defeated.
As for the Syrian HTS getting Weapons and Training from Ukraine, there's little attempt to deny it.
And there are other Reports on the same thing.
Meanwhile, the current geopolitical Situation could accelerate Iran's Nuclear Weapons program.
According to the IAEA Iran is on the Cusp of going Nuclear.
So this isn't just idle Speculation on the part of fearmongers.
Apparently there was a 'Demo' in Bratislava against Robert Fico meeting the Russians in Moscow.
ReplyDeleteUnlike them, maybe Fico is a practical Man who knows it's more feasible, and cheaper to send Fuel to Slovakia across land based Pipelines than it would be Ships landing in foreign Ports, then Fuel being transported to his Country.
When the CIA rent-a-crowd have gone home to resume their Lives maybe we should ask them after a year of paying through the Nose (all Puns intended) for expensive American Fuel and thus Energy.
It's the same across much of eastern and central Europe.
And when the Euphoria dies down in Damascus, those cheering Jolani's Army can then stand back and watch what is left of their Country be destroyed by the War Turkey and the SNA have already begun with the Kurds and any Iranian efforts to re-establish their Landbridge with Hezbollah in Lebanon
ReplyDeleteSyria has been well and truly balkanised!
While Syria has been balkanised the actual Balkans are like a microcosm of the World as it is right now.
ReplyDeleteThe Tension in the Region shouldn't be underestimated as everything, from Bosniaks violating the Dayton Accords, the Kosovar President reporting escalating tensions between his People and the Serbs, Pristina working closely with Kiev and the Serbian President warning that we are on the Cusp of a World War. It all looks very ominous, as the Regions Intelligentsia - particularly those working in History and Geopoliitics - use it's recent and not so recent Past as a Template to understand what is happening now.
Here's a Comment on the Subject I posted today ......
ReplyDeleteThe Levant is a shambles because the Region got Sykes-Picot instead of Balfour-Lawrence.
Faisal should have been given what was offered - King of Arabia - and thus a Hashemite Ruler who would have unified it's People. Instead the French made him nominal King of Syria and everything Arab Nationalists could accuse him of - a Puppet Monarch at their behest. They then expelled him to British Iraq who took very little Part in the Arab Revolt of WW1, further diminishing his Stature.
As a unifying Force he'd have been very effective. After all, this wasn't lost on other Leaders in the Region - from Saladin to Gamal Nasser - who both tried doing the same thing.
With a powerful Arabia on its Doorstep a fledgling Israel as envisioned by Balfour would have had to behave itself - or else. Except, instead of that in 1918 they got 1948 - in a fractured Region of Arabist Enclaves and Causes.
The Kurdish situation should have been resolved at the same time.
Syria and Iraq didn't exist while Turkey was in no position to argue after being defeated in WW1. There was nothing stopping the Creation of a Kurdish Homeland except the lack of a Will to do so.
And with all of this established the Hashemites would have begun a Rapprochement with the Turks - as they wanted to in the 1920's. This would have been because of the Hashemites Ancestry - and what this meant for Moslems everywhere, Shia as much as Sunni, which also means better relations with Iran.
I'm convinced that, had this happened the Region would be far less problematic than it has been because it didn't.
As Tensions grow in the Balkans and Serbia being a traditional Ally of Russia, no prizes for guessing who might try to exploit those Tensions to the Aims of an Agenda that is becoming all to apparent.
ReplyDeleteWhile the global Polarity deepens pressure is brought on those who try to prevent that from happening, from Robert Fico in Slovakia who endured an Assassination attempt and supposed 'Demos' - to Viktor Orban of Hungary - who faced Sanctions from the EU. Even the Irish President faced criticism for offering an Olive Branch to Iran.
But what are these People supposed to do, pretend that a large part of the World doesn't exist?
While Fico seems to be rather more pragmatic and more of a Realist his equivalent in Prague echos everything Dimitry Medvedev said about how the Czech Republic has become hostage to American Foreign Policy.
ReplyDeleteWhen the last vestiges of reliable and cheap Russian Fuel ends as Ukraine doesn't renew the Franchises governing Supply Lines they'll become hostage to expensive American Fuel too.
Which includes extremely dangerous, expensive and vulnerable LNG Ships.
Even Robert Kennedy Jnr - staunch advocate of renewable Energy - favours Pipelines against Ships for that very reason.
And had the West and NATO not trashed Libya it might have been more feasible to run a Pipeline under the Mediterranean into southern Europe as a Contingency than any wild eyed Scheme to do the same across the Atlantic.
LNG Ships are terrifying things. Like 4 or 5 Calor Gas Bottles in a Steel Trough but millions of times bigger. A huge floating Bomb, more dangerous than an Oil Tanker because it contains Fuel with a much lower spark point and is pressurised. Even empty Gas Containers can explode as the heat inside them expands.
ReplyDeleteAs Europe becomes more dependent on American Fuel that arrives by Ship haven't the Houthis shown how vulnerable they can be? They've had a bigger impact on the Red Sea and Suez than Gamal Nasser ever did, with the Canal effectively closed to some Countries and the Israeli Port of Eliat doing very little Business.
And as the Rumour Mill in Washington rumbles something about President Elect Trump wanting to seize the Panama Canal does he think there's a Risk the Canal will go the same way as it's Egyptian equivalent?
The thing is, if he does will that spread the Conflict into Latin America, particularly Venezuela and Brazil? It also revives old acrimonies with Countries like El Salvador and Nicaragua.
Just how viable are the Seaports of Bulgaria, Georgia and Romania as the Bosphorus could become a Choke Point? After all, if a Bunch of rag-tag 'Terrorists' run from the Wilds of Afghanistan could fly Planes into the WTC and even the Pentagon (or so we're told), what's stopping anyone from attacking LNG Ships sailing into the Black Sea? Firing an RPG from the Sultan Mehmet Bridge for example?
ReplyDeleteTurkey is more implicated in the whole Syrian Debacle than most.
Is NATO good for Trade?
Some argue that it is. That it acts as a mutual trading Bloc for its Members .......
Except, just how mutual is "mutual"?
How many Tanks, Planes, Missiles and Artillery Pieces does Estonia sell to Britain, France and particularly America? How about civilian Produce? The Ukraine War meant all former Soviets and Warsaw Pact Countries could ditch their old Soviet Equipment and buy in new NATO Kit. Stuff that comes from the usual Names you expect.
And while Montenegrin Membership provides nominal military Assets, and miniscule amounts of Produce, it's joining does surround Serbia completely. All access to it is now through NATO Airspace or Land, except a tiny slither of Coastline via Bosnia. NATO has done to Serbia what Hitler did to Poland in 1938-9 just before the Invasion. Annexe Sudeten, turn Slovakia into a Client, invade Czechia, and negotiate his Pact with Molotov. Poland was surrounded.
What happens next as we saw what happened in Syria and attempted elsewhere?
And while there are all those misguided People who cheered the Demise of Bashar Al Assad, so much for the Season of Goodwill in Suqaylabiyah near Hama in Syria as the Towns Christmas Tree was burnt down by masked Men.
ReplyDeleteMass Protests erupted at the Attack but it raises Fears that this is a symbolic Gesture by Islamists for what is to come against Christians in Syria. This never happened during the Assad Era and shows that he guaranteed at least some things to religious and ethnic minorities.
Think I'm making all this up ......?
ReplyDeleteHere's a Video posted a few Hours ago about just how much of an Impact on the EU Fuel Supply Ukrainian Policy will have and how it plays right into the Hands of the US - who will become the biggest Supplier to the EU once this transpires.
Nordstream was as symbolic as it was a Conduit of Fuel to Europe, being an example of working cooperation between Russia and the West.
According to the Kyiv Independent more than 2/3rds of Ukrainians would like to see their Nuclear Weapons restored.
ReplyDelete30 years since the Budapest Memorandum ended the presence of soviet era Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine over 70% say they would like to see them return. Since the 2022 Conflict began People are saying they should never have been given up.
Except, these were soviet - thus Cold War - era Weapons calibrated to be fired at Targets in western Europe and America, so not much use against Russia, while any Russian Targets - including Moscow and St Petersburg - would be too close to be used safely anyway - even if they could be fired at Russia.
Moscow is only 520 Miles from Ukraine and St Petersburg is closer than even that to both Estonia and Helsinki, so unless the Ukrainians want to destroy both themselves and their new Allies maybe Nuclear Weapons aren't such a good Idea after all.
Despite the Wisdom acquired during that Cold War there is still a Mindset that believes Nuclear War can be kept limited.
It can't, and when one side uses them - even tactically - the other will have to, until it becomes strategic as either side feels theirs could be destroyed by the other. Once Nuclear War starts it obtains its own momentum until everything is gone.
More airbrushing of History......
ReplyDeleteWhile we are no longer encouraged to know about HTS Excesses in Idlib before their Offensive that finally toppled the Assad Regime in Syria, a Video showing Fighters attacking and desecrating an Alawite Shrine has been dismissed as "an old Video" by the interim HTS Government.
Derided as an attempt to cause Strife the Video prompted Demonstrations by 1000's who called for a "free Syria". They also requested those responsible for the Attack to be brought to justice.
How many more examples of this are the new Government going to dismiss as "old" when this particular incident was as recent as the end of November?
Are we being encouraged to allow HTS to launder itself so it can be sold as somehow more acceptable?
Do the Demonstrations show that the People might beg to differ and aren't convinced about this born again former terrorist Movement?
Is there any difference between the destruction of an Alawite Shrine in Syria and that of the Buddhist Statues in Afghanistan by the Taliban ....... or even the Synagogues of 1930's Germany by the Nazis?
And what further diminishes the democratic credentials of the 'interim' Government is how Jolani has now said Elections in Syria might not happen for another 4 years. That's a long time for all sorts of things to happen - from Civil War to further Occupations by Israel, continued dismemberment and balkanisation by Turkey, and War on the Kurds to extend into their Lands.
ReplyDeleteThen, of course, after he and others in the 'interim' Government have spent 4 years courting dignataries from other Countries - which has already begun - just what chance would any opposition have in any free and fair Election?
A potential War with Iran?
Events in Syria could influence any possibility of this, from any Israeli ambitions to those of Turkey, both of whom jostle with Tehran for regional Power.
Except any War with Iran - and anyone - won't be like one with Iraq or Afghanistan.
Iraq and Afghanistan were isolated Countries, bereft of any Allies, while Iran has the support of Russia. War accelerates military development as we saw in WW1 and 2 with the development of Weapons from canvas Biplanes to Jet Fighters and Bombers. If Iran feels it has to complete it's Nuclear Program it will, and if it is bombed by whoever they're at War with that could continue in Russia and maybe even North Korea.
The Difference between M.A.D and insane......
ReplyDeleteWhat those Ukrainians who supported renuclearization ought to remember is that the Idea of nuclear War is a Cold War anachronism.
The Weapons based in their Country were part of a strategic existential Plan should nuclear War become a reality. That there's a huge difference between them, rather like those based in the vast Khazak Deserts, being fired at American Cities 1000's of Miles away, and Weapons fired at Cities much closer to home. The American Strategy was the same with Silo's in Nebraska poised to be fired at Cities in western Russia and the Soviet Union - including Kiev.
Didn't Ukrainians of all people learn anything from Chernobyl - whose Fallout contaminated Countries as far away as Britain and northern Scandinavia? What would that of a Missile fired at St Petersburg do to Estonia and Finland, or one fired at Murmansk do to Norway and Sweden? Then, anything fired at Moscow could create a Dust Cloud carried across back to Kharkov and other eastern Ukrainian Cities, maybe even Kiev itself.
Do they know something we don't?
ReplyDeleteAlmost as soon as HTS became the "interim" Government (and just how interim is "interim") in Syria there have been huge Demonstrations.
The most prominent were the Christian response to the Christmas Tree burning - which shows how fragile or tenuous any claims to a multi-Faith Syria it will be - and others calling for a "free Syria"!
So, with Assad gone who are the Protests aimed at? Do the Protestors know something about this supposed new Government that we either don't ........ or aren't being told?
Apparent free Elections - once thought to be 18 Months away according to the 'interim' Prime Minister (a long time in the current rapidly shifting geopolitical Landscape) - now might not happen for 4 years we are told by Jolani himself. That's about the length of time most terms of Office last for any elected Government, and seeing how fast things have happened in Syria and elsewhere in only a few months one has to ask if there would be much of a Syria left by then? If there was what would it look like as the myriad interest Groups like Israel and particularly Turkey have carved it up?
So does what the Protesters know not necessarily tally with the convenient and expedient Narrative we are being sold on the Subject?
And how long will those Protests remain only Protests before they become something else?
And how long will the 'interim' Government tolerate such Dissent?
The International Response ......
ReplyDeleteIf there was any integrity in the International Response to Events in Syria shouldn't it be calling for proper Trials of any captured former Government Officials and Military from the Assad Regime?
Instead we have seen a very muted Response to the summary Justice and Executions meted out to those HTS have caught since they seized power. How can the new Syria claim to be any better than the old one if this is allowed to continue?
Why are foreign Governments who have apprehended any of them been handing them back to the HTS in Damascus rather than Organisations like the International Criminal Court if their Crimes violated any semblance of acceptable Standards?
Also, shouldn't the International Community be calling for Elections sooner rather later if HTS want to claim any legitimacy? What are they afraid of that stops them from organising these while there is still something left of the Countries infrastructure to do so?
If HTS are as reinvented as they claim shouldn't they be inviting the International Community to assist and supervise these?
And with all this happening unquestioned in Syria could Serbia be next?
ReplyDeleteNATO has surrounded it while its only Route to the rest of the World is via Bosnia-Herzegovina (hardly a particularly amicable Corridor given their recent Past).
A few Agent Provocateurs in northern Kosovo to exploit the growing tensions between Serbs and Kosovars, Pristina's closening ties with Ukraine, the deepening Rift with Serbia's Russian Allies, Assad's downfall, Albania's NATO membership.
All these things indicate a potential Conflict, first of regional interest and influence, then actual, with the Serbs.
Like the Balkans Wars of the 1990's weren't horrific enough, and the War on Serbia in 1913-4 wasn't enough of a global catastrophe!
M.A.D or insane ...... cont'd
ReplyDeleteThose 70% of Ukrainians saying they should go nuclear in a Poll conducted a fortnight before Christmas should realise this ......
America and the Soviet Union had enough nuclear Weapons to destroy each other utterly, which made both loath to use them. Ukraine could never hope to match the American nuclear capability needed to do this, while America is 1000's of Miles away. There's a difference between launching Missiles at Russia from Iowa than from anywhere in their Territory at Russian Cities only a few 100 Miles across the Border.
Also, Talin was as Soviet as Moscow .......while so was Kiev. Missiles fired at St Petersburg would irradiate Estonia like Chernobyl irradiated Areas of Belarus - including Minsk, and even upper Regions of Britain. Weapons fired at Sevastopol would create Fallout that would land on Odessa and on to Romania and Bulgaria. Geopolitics has changed and even NATO seems to have failed to grasp what using nuclear Weapons could mean for some of its newer more easterly members.
There's no such thing as a limited nuclear War either, because once one has been fired you have to fire them all, because that is what your Enemy is going to do in response.
So why should the rest of the World die because a few Lunatics in Ukraine don't want to acknowledge that the Game is up?
Meanwhile, I heard what must have been one of the most eurocentric Comments on this Subject I'd ever encountered.
ReplyDeleteThat the Arab World is like it is because they had "no enlightenment"!
So how does that explain the terrible things Europeans have done to non-Europeans and each other since the Region had its own Enlightenment? Civil Wars, the Peninsular War, Wars of Independence and 2 World Wars - and that was just amongst each other. There was also the Holocaust, the myriad Genocides, the Conflicts in the Balkans and the current War in Ukraine.
The Conquest and destruction of 100's of native American Tribes, the Subjugation of Peoples in the myriad Empires, the Assault on China - and everything else that happened after we were supposedly 'enlightened'.
And while most Europeans lived in Wattle and Daub Huts - usually with their Livestock, in Settlements that were damp, and grimy, and rife with Diseases, Arab Cities had Street Lights, the most advanced Physicians, sophisticated Science and Mathematics and Damascus Steel was the Envy of Metallurgists everywhere. Almost all Spanish Architecture Tourists flock to see was built by the Moors of Morocco and the Arabs had a very keen sense of high Culture.
They also had their own Folklore - most famously the Arabian Nights.
The Iranians have their Persian roots which left Alexander's Army of Goat herders awestruck, and whose Cities rivalled anything in Greece.
Much of the Downfall of the Arabs can be attributed to both European and Ottoman Ambitions in the Region. The former used the Arabs to defeat the latter - then betrayed them with Sikes-Picot.
The Region was infected with western Intrigue and Arabs who longed to rule the subsequent artificial Countries.
And during the so called Age of European Enlightenment Slavery was at its Zenith, along with Imperialism, and while Britain might have finally abolished the Trade in 1807 and the Practice in 1833 America had to have a brutal Civil War to end it in their Country. After which they went to work on what remained of the Natives.
ReplyDeleteTerrible things were being done by other 'enlightened' People to the Natives of Australia and New Zealand.
Even in our own Country half the Population had to endure Hunger Strikes, work in dangerous Munitions Fsctories and throw themselves under Race Horses before they could vote as Women didn't enjoy full independent Suffrage until 1928 and it was similar in many other 'enlightened' Countries.
And even as I write the 'enlightened' of today are still arming and intriguing a War that should have ended in April 2022 and funding and supplying the Genocide in Gaza.
So much for the "Enlightenment" then!
Aren't Women's Rights Groups watching Events in Syria with increasing Trepidation given the HTS equivalents Conduct during their Rule in regions of Iraq and even their own in Idlib? I would be asking how many of my Rights will be rolled back in the 4 years Jolani says it will take before Syria has an Election?
ReplyDeleteNo, not the Song by the Police but the radioactive detrious caused by a Nuclear Bomb.
According to the Massachusets Institute of Technology Journal lethal Fallout in certain conditions may extend 100's of Miles downwind of an Explosion. Even though it's Toxicity might decrease in a short time it's still subsequently contaminated enough if it reached Finland or Estonia after St Petersburg would be bombed.
What might the affect be on Poland and Lithuania if Kaliningrad was bombed, which is even closer to these new NATO Members? During any Cold War era Nuclear Attack on it Lithuania was a Soviet State and Poland was Warsaw Pact. It's a given that it would be, for key strategic Reasons, rather like Sevastopol would be - and what that could mean for Ukrainian Cities in the Vicinity, Ukraine also being a former Soviet.
You also get very toxic Nuclear Hotspots 1000's of Miles away.
In 1953 a Hotspot appeared in Albany New York after a Test in Nevada. This exposed People to doses 10 times the usual level of Background Radiation. And this can happen quite a lot.
The Concept of Nuclear War was thought up when there were up to 1000's of Miles separating the Soviet Union from NATO. That Warsaw Pact Buffer had a mutual affect of protecting both sides. When countries like the Baltics were in the USSR, and others like Poland and Romania were Soviet Allies.
Ironically, by expanding eastwards NATO has put itself much closer to potential Harm should Nuclear Weapons be used on Russia, with only a few 100 Kms between them and key Russian Cities and Installations. Even less with the Exclave of Kaliningrad.
Korea would be even worse.
Seoul is within conventional Attack distance of North Korea - who could pulverise it with Shells and Missiles without even having to launch an Airstrike or single Nuclear Rocket. So what's stopping them if it isn't Americas nuclear Presence in the Region?
So what if - as some believe - President Yoon had got his "local Conflict" with the North and Pyon Yang did open fire? How would the collective West respond to pre-empt any Nuclear Strike by the North?
How long would that "local Conflict" have remained "local" or even conventional?
"Head Choppers" ......?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure I speak for Chopper Motorcycle and e'Bike enthusiasts everywhere when I say we might be quite aggrieved to be lumped in or made analogous with some of the Extremists currently operating in Syria and the Levant by certain Commentators on YouTube!
I noticed how it was similar with a Film about Rwanda called "Shooting Dogs" - where Machete wielding Hutus were called "Choppers"!
The problem I have with a lot of these YouTube Warsceptics is how YouTube has existed concurrent to almost all of the Nightmares we have seen since 2003 and hasn't prevented any of them.
ReplyDeleteNo disrespect to the likes of Scott Ritter - but while, if this was 1962, he might have been in Turkey or Italy helping dismantle Jupiter Missile Systems the Negotiations, Decision and Order came from somewhere else.
RFK Junior is about to become the first Kennedy to be a member of the US Government since his father left the Attorney Generals Office in the early 1960's. Where are all the other Elements that contributed to those Negotiations, Decisions and Orders to end the worst Crisis since Cuba 1962?
Here's something I posted in response to a YouTube Video with Jeffrey Sachs ......
ReplyDelete"..........it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine"
Arthur Balfour 1917.
Presumably Mr Sachs has read ALL of the Balfour Declaration, this being the part of it a lot of its Critics choose to ignore. They do of course realise that this gives them something in common with Zionists who also do.
The Levant and it's immediate environs are a Shambles because, instead of Balfour-Lawrence and a homeland for the Kurds after WW1, the Region was foisted with Sikes-Picot.
A fledgling Israel/Judea might have had to behave better to it's Palestinian Arabs if they'd have had a unified Arab Nation on their Doorstep instead of the fractured one that existed right up to 1948. After all, why did Gamal Nasser try to establish the UAR - linking Cairo with Damascus? But then, why was Saladin so powerful against the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem?
The Hashemites have familial Branches that extend as far west as Morocco and as far east as Indo-Persia, so aren't just a Royal House centered in Mecca and the Hejaz until they were ousted by Ibn Saud.
If Faisal had been given what was offered he'd have been a powerful Counter to any future Israeli Aggression. Instead, his was a nominal Rule at the Behest of France, then Britain and whose position was subsequently undermined by fractured Arab Nationalism.
And who has benefitted most from that in the last 77 years?
I think I'd be a bit more convinced by the likes of Jeffrey Sachs and a lot of the others I've been seeing if or when that Doomsday Clock moves in the opposite direction.
ReplyDeleteAnd when the likes of Sachs etc comment on the Balfour Declaration they rather deceitfully never do so in the Context of everything else that happened at the time.
ReplyDeleteThat the Declaration was set against the Backdrop of the Arab Revolt and that Jews were also recruited to fight the Ottoman Turks in Arabia and the Levant. They were called the Jewish Legion, and some were recruited from the Jewish Community of New York.
So the offer of a Homeland was made as an Incentive for those People to do so, like Faisals Kingship for his part in raising an Arab Army against the Turks.
What was supposed to happen afterwards had been set against the Template of Checks and Balances. One would balance the other.
Instead, neither had anything except what Sikes-Picot gave them. Anglo-French interests had precedence against Judeo-Arab ones.
Balfour was as betrayed as Lawrence and Faisal.
Here's something I find incongruous, but might explain the somewhat patchy Narrative about the Middle East during and just after WW1.
ReplyDeleteWhy oh why isn't there a full Documentary about Faisal 1 on YouTube? Particularly after the Iraq War, the rise of IS and the collapse of Syria.
How all of these might have been avoided had Faisal prevailed in his aims of a unified, secular Arabia that would have included Syria, Mesopotamia (Iraq) and the Hejaz!
There is a Book on the Subject that is highly recommended - Ali Allawi’s biography, "Faisal I of Iraq, but no Documentary.
Strange given David Leans 1962 epic "Lawrence of Arabia" and all subsequent Documentaries on the Subject.
There are other things that always seem to get scant Mention by the People you usually see on social Media Videos.
ReplyDeleteArthur Balfour was of a group of early 20th Century Statesmen who did not believe Jews should have all of what would be the British Mandate of Palestine . This is conducive to the spirit of the Oslo Accords that aimed to retain Areas of Palestine for the Palestinians.
He was also against creating what might be called a "Jewish State", saying how a home for the Jews is not the same as a Jewish Government.
He wrote about this in 1919, responding to Lord Curzon who believed the opposite: "Weizmann has never put forward a claim for the Jewish Government of Palestine. Such a claim in my opinion is clearly inadmissible and personally I do not think we should go further than the original declaration which I made to Lord Rothschild."
So even Chaim Weizmann agreed that there should not be a Jewish State in Palestine and Balfour was not being as critics claim deliberately vague.
Another point that needs mentioning is how the last non-Ottoman Ruler of Palestine was Al-Ashraf Abu Al-Nasr Tuman Bay, a Mamluk Sultan who was defeated and deposed by the Turks in 1517, 400 years before the end of WW1 and the Collapse of the Ottoman Empire. He also ruled from Egypt, not Jerusalem or any other Palestinian City.
So there was a huge Vacuum left in it's wake and it was not like the reset of Countries in 1945 - after just 6 years of War in Europe or other Theaters of Conflict. There was a nominal Ruler of Palestine after the War - Haij Amin Hussein - but more of him in a moment.
Also, Britain like all the other Countries after WW1, didn't just have to contend with the Aftermath of a World War, they also had to deal with human Geography. Vast Populations either returned to Homes occupied or destroyed by War, some left Entities that ceased to exist, and Jews were leaving the Pogroms of eastern and central Europe. Others left the newly established Bolshevik Russia and its subsequent Civil War.
Many went to America while others would go to Palestine.
The Task for those having to deal with this was immense which they anticipated, and they had to find the most workable Solution to it,
Unfortunately, while they were in Cairo towards the end of the War they were unaware of what was being decided in London and Paris by Sikes-Picot until it was finalised.
The Scene in David Leans "Lawrence of Arabia" where Alec Guinness's Faisal chides Peter O'Tooles T E Lawrence is rather downplayed because in reality the Hashemite Prince left the British Soldier with a very large Flea in his Ear after he discovered what had happened.
The Roots of the current Arab-Israeli debacle don't start with the Balfour Declaration, but rather with Mr Husseini, who rejected the Declarations spirit of peaceful coexistence of a People with a shared Heritage and he set out to exploit the Differences and create an "other". As the Mufti of Jerusalem he began an extremist campaign against the Declaration that put moderate Arabs in his Sights as much as Jews.
The Problem is, his Legacy is what endures today in a Narrative propagated by some who should know better - that deliberately plays on Prejudice and Expediency, and refuses to delve into the actual History of what was happening amongst the majority of Jews and Arabs in inter-War Palestine.
That, had the Declaration been as promoted as much as his Zeal the Situation could be very different.
You have to ask how much of Haij Amin Husseini's Motive was due to political Ambition as any Concerns about Palestinian Arabs. That while mutually beneficial Effects were being felt by Arabs and Jews coexisting peacefully he began to feel somewhat superfluous.
ReplyDeleteHe served in the Ottoman Army against both Arabs and British during WW1.
And during WW2 he became the most famous Arab Quisling - working for Nazi Germany, recruiting for them amongst Muslims in the Balkans and doing Propaganda on their behalf in Arabic. This could have been disastrous for the Allies - given Hitlers desire for Arab Oil - and it should be asked what was in it for him as the Reich would have subjugated his People to acquire it? Other Collaborators made the same Mistake - from Ukraine and the Balts to Vichy France - the former becoming an extension of Lebensraum, the latter taxed to death to support the Regime.
You also have to ask why there has been a deliberate Narrative to vilify Balfour for his 1917 Declaration without considering it in context.
ReplyDeleteRead the previous Comments to see what that Context was.
That rather than prosper in coexistence with the Jews who began arriving after WW1 the Palestinian Arabs, stirred by Haij Amin Huseini, fought and lost most of what they had, and who has gained from it? That he was quite prepared to submit his People to the Behest of the Nazi's tells you much about his Motives.
But then, this Story was played out before
By the 1890's the Native Americans didn't have very much left, but there was an uneasy Peace that meant they kept at least that.
Then, one day someone called Wovoka went into their Communities and told them that if they did a certain Dance their Ancestors would return, along with the Buffalo, and if they wore a certain Shirt they would be protected from the White Mans Bullets.
This caused a growing insurrection as Natives practiced the Dance and it finally led indirectly to the Battle of Wounded Knee. This and other Measures that meant the White Man could acquire yet more of their Land and erode yet more of their Rights.
So who benefitted most from Wovoka's Teachings? Certainly not the Natives.
And Husseini was as foolish as Stepan Banderas, the Ukrainian OUN Collaborator during WW2.
ReplyDeleteBanderas's OUN might have been useful to the Reich at first. Fighting Soviet Partisans, acting as enforcers for the Occupiers, ethnically cleansing western Ukraine of Poles and helping to run the Death Camps like Sobibor, but what happens when they outlive that usefulness?
As the Reich turned Ukraine into Lebensraum they coveted it's vast Resources - industrial, agricultural and mineral. Even German Officers, known for being non-Nazis like Erich Vonn Manstein said how a conquered Countries resources and produce are merely there to supply the Occupiers, not the Population.
So if the Reich had occupied Palestine as a Base to launch further into Arabia and it's Oil Fields - what would have happened to Husseini and his People once the Nazis had no further use for them?
The Japanese cut swathes of Territory in east Asia - telling the indigenous People they were freeing them from European Colonialism, when in reality they were using those Countries Resources to supply their Military and the Population back home.
When Banderas gradually fell out with the Nazis he ended up fighting them, along with the Soviet Armies and Partisans.
Look at what has happened to Ukraine because it refused to coexist peacefully with Russia - and what might happen to it now!
Before 2014 it had the Crimea, before 2022 it had the other Regions it has since lost.
If Ukraine had decided to coexist peacefully with the Russians instead of succumbing to external Influences against them it would now be a prosperous Country working with both the EU and Russia.
ReplyDeleteInstead, it's a conflict shattered failing State that has signed nearly all its resources to the Americans and other western Entities, about to sign over even more, and lost vast Areas of Territory to a Russia that now has a lot of antipathy towards a rather uncertain Europe.
In Palestine/Israel the much mooted 2 State Solution has always been regarded as second best.
The ideal Arrangement has always been a single State where both Communities coexist integrate and prosper.
Had Balfour prevailed and the divisiveness of Husseini hadn't that might have happened 100 years ago.
So to criticise Balfour without considering everything else relevant that was happening at the time - like what was supposed to happen for Faisal once the Turks had been defeated - is a very slanted two dimensional Analysis of the Situation.
ReplyDeleteIn the Context of the Title of this Post, the World reached this particular Nadir because, for two and a half years, its 2 most heavily armed Countries had no contact with each other. One seemed to enjoy provoking the other and looked for more ways to do so.
ReplyDeleteAny attempts to end the Impasse were rebuffed by that same one of those.
At least now, with a new President, America is pulling out all the stops to recommence Contact with Russia, whatever anyone might think of Trump.