I'm aghast!!!!!!
While the European Leaders whine about JD Vance's Comments at the Munich Conference have any of them remembered why he is the American Vice President at all?
That, last year the Americans had had enough of the Biden Harris Administration that dragged the World into the Morass the Conference is meant to resolve.
And hasn't the German Chancellor seen the ominous parable of Munich and how Zelenskiy has done exactly what Adolf Hitler did in 1933? He used the Countries Democracy to become it's leader, then abolished it.
And if that wasn't enough, the unelected Dictator of Ukraine seems to want to become the unelected Commander in chief of a "European Army!!!!!!
This will be a Europe fighting a Russia that no longer recognises the INF Treaty and could nuke every City in it with short to medium range Missiles.
How much longer have we got to go along with this Mans delusional insanity?
Any hope that Britain might talk some sense into that 3rd rate Actor were dashed when David Lammy said how Ukraine was "on an irreversible path to joining NATO"!
Has he forgotten why this War started in the first place?
But what a lot of these NATOphiles forget is that a component of the Istanbul Agreement - which would have ended the Ukraine War in April 2022 - was about how other Countries - including Russia - would act as a security Guarantor should neutral Ukraine be threatened by any other.
In other Words, rather like NATO's Article 5 but by another Name, and better, because it does include the Russians, avoiding the confrontational Aspects that caused the Conflict.
But what if the War was different?
Zelenskiy seems so far removed from the Plot he has failed to realise this ......
Even if - and that's a very big, very speculative "IF" and completely hypothetical - Ukraine did prevail and fought the Russians to a Standstill, forcing Moscow to sue for Peace, what would be left of Ukraine to the Ukrainians?
Nothing if all it's natural, mineral, agricultural and manufacturing Wealth has been sold off to the West and most prominently America.
And he would have to continue selling off the Country if the very unlikely happened and he did push the Russians back to pre-2014 and recaptured the Crimea. Every Acre of it all captured would be sold to equip and fund the Ukrainian Forces necessary to do so.
So he, or more accurately the Ukrainian People, would gain nothing.
And to further the Hitler comparison there's a Video showing Zelenskiy with a huge Map on a Table showing where these rare Earth Deposits are - except many of them are now in Russian controlled Areas. He's like Hitler - who would do the same in the Fuhrer Bunker with Maps showing non existent Divisions, saying they should push here, or push there, except they'd been destroyed by the Soviet Armies on the Eastern Front.
And rather like the end of WW2 many of these Deposits are in the Russian controlled Zone like it was what would become Kaliningrad, the Area formerly known as East Prussia, Silesia and East Germany which saw Assets stripped as reparations for the War and taken back to the Soviet Union.
Seeing how the Munich Meeting is taking shape the War could end very similarly too, in how the main Winners won't be the European Powers but America and Russia.
And in that Munich Conference it seems the EU might not be involved in any final Talks to resolve the Conflict.
Ironic considering the EU insisted on excluding the Russians from the EU-Ukraine cooperation Summit in 2013 - which forced Yanukovych to abandon it and led to the Maidan Coup of 2014.
Zelenskiy has caused a Pooh Storm by now refusing to sign over Rare Earth Minerals to the Americans, except he must be suffering from Amnesia after offering those same Minerals to them as long ago as last October.
The thing is, not only was American influence on Maidan probably due to Oil Companies Chevron, Haliburton and Exxon doing exploratory drilling in Ukraine, he must have been very naive if he thought there wouldn't be a Caveat to all this military and financial Aid he's been getting since the Conflict started.
As I've said, he should have ratified the Istanbul Agreement instead, before his Country was wrecked by War, People died and were displaced in their Millions, it's Assets stripped by foreign Concerns, and he was still politically and diplomatically intact.
Quitting while you're ahead is not the same as quitting.