Saturday 6 June 2020

Fake Road Signs .......

Invasion of the Road Signs ........

At least, that's what the Policy says, except maybe the Law itself has been  - erm -redirected somewhere on the Motorways as it doesn't seem to have reached the Communities.

We had several which had been up at least a Week after the Road Scheme they presumably referred to was finished. Even when it wasn't, the Road wasn't closed and the Lockdown was in full tilt, so very few People were commuting to Bristol and no-one was going to the Shopping Mall.

I mentioned it here before, about 2 years ago when we had Signs appear intermittently for no apparent Reason. There were no Roadworks, no Utilities being laid, no Telecoms or Cable TV Upgrades, no Accidents, no Street Fayres and no wide Vehicles. I thought it wasn't only unnecessary Clutter but also dangerous because it caused distraction and confusion with Drivers in an increasingly busy environment.

Let's play Spot the Roadworks .......

Any here?

Here maybe .....?

How about here?

The Fact that we are told about a new Traffic System here suggests it has been finished.

And that one shows you the finished System.

So what's with this?

........ Or even this?

There were others too ......

"Pedestrian" Signs that had been there for at least a year. Like we don't know that it is a Footpath and Cycle Track and we need these very obstructive Signs to tell us!

Unless the Lunatics are on the Grass it's a bit difficult to socially distance!

These have since been removed, either by the Council or an irate Cyclist who crashed into them trying to keep 2m away from a Pedestrian.

This isn't the only Example of anomalous Traffic Phenomena.

How about the worst Pelican Crossing in the World ........?

Maybe this is another of these crappy Jokes ..... Y'know, why did the Chicken cross the Road ...... Drone, blah!!!! 

But you stand there after pressing the Button, and wait, and wait .... and on it goes. Then, look, everything has stopped. Cars from everywhere have stopped at all the adjacent Junctions, but ....... the Green Man hasn't appeared yet, or that "Bleep, Bleep" Sound. People in their Cars start glowering at you, tapping on their Steering Wheels, wondering why you haven't crossed yet. You look back at them, wondering why they have stopped, but you aren't being told to cross, and this goes on for ages. Then the Cars start again - continuing their Journey and you feel perplexed, wondering what all that was about. Then it all starts again ..... until either you, or the Drivers say "stuff it" and decide to act anyway. All very very dangerous!

Maybe it's a Ruse by the adjacent Macdonald's to make you buy a Burger!

And with even fewer Roadworks than before Weeks later we still had this one .....

As you can see, it is so pointless even the Bus Driver chose to ignore it.

And then, they reappeared .......

Except, rather like the previous one Buses are exempt, along with anyone else who decides to ignore it. The thing is, many years ago now there used to be another rather more useful Sign here telling you about an Accident Black Spot because People couldn't see Stuff coming into the Junction where Coombe Road and Slade Road formed a Crossroads. Either this is where we do fake Brummie Accents and pretend to be Slade and check into Meg Mortimer/Noel Gordon's tacky Midlands ATV Soap Opera Motel or this is a take on the Black Spot from "Treasure Island".

Whichever we choose it's very dangerous and completely unnecessary.

And, sure enough, yet more have appeared for some incongruous Reason. Photos will be posted in the next few days ......

Watch this Space.

Here's a nice friendly Roadsign ....

If it's still there in the next day or so I'll go on Recon to see what all the Fuss was about!

Maybe one night someone might replace them with this instead .......

Or even this .......

Another Brick in the Wall huh?

How lovely??????

And there's more...... In the last 2 weeks or so we've had these .......

Don't point, it's "rude" LOL!!!!!!

Then there was this one, since pinched/removed probably because of its complete and utter uselessness.

Why were these positioned at either end of the High Street? Maybe we're in Waitrose or even the BBC Library.