Friday 8 December 2017

Cold War 2?????

27 Years after the end of Cold War1 I thought I'd do something of an update ........ so here it is!!!!

Erm, yeah - very nice, but before all that some of us had to do this ........

It's a Scene from a Film in 2002, set in 1942, but could have been 1991 even the Russian Civil War Bill Bailey mentions. And there was also this .............

Then we had the obligatory and everso re-affirming Handshake ..........

So, comrade Commissar - everything is gonna be like this when this is done huh?

Look, there's Beer and white Wine and Coffee - and there's Music - wow, now that's something to look forward to and fight for..... (And they're not in a Cafe etc)

Then a few years ago I was with someone from Poland and I asked him what he thought of all the new build we were looking at .........

He said it looked like Warsaw .......

Ahh, that's what he meant (maybe), but wasn't it all supposed to be like this .......?

So why does it feel more like this?

Oh, and let's not forget that we also had some of this .......... Not much "Beer and white Wine and Coffee" going on here huh!

When we were hoping it would be like this ........

Bet they know how to make each other Tea and Coffee.

So, without any Ado, there's nothing for it but this ............

Dang right, you tell 'em Jack!!!!!!!

Maybe he should borrow a Megaphone from one of those Blokes in the Film and yell it intro the eras of these People

Honecker/Hitler - by 1989 there wasn't really any difference!!!!!!


  1. When Jack Kennedy made his Speech he didn't just mean the German City - he meant the whole World, and while that Wall existed that World was divided. The implication here being that whether it affects the life of an Individual or very many Individuals that metaphorical Wall also exists. What was the Berlin Wall if it wasn't a huge Social Cul De Sac? The weird thing is that even after 20,000 People have arrived in the last 20 Years - I meet the same very small Number of People on anything like a regular Basis, and that while that happens, others meet by default, like it was still the years before.

    I met someone in 2007 and she might have been shocked to see me wearing a Red Army Guards Badge, but then, this wasn't that long after "Enemy at the Gates" - while it might as well have been 1988 for all the Progress that had happened in the Years up until that Meeting.

    Until things improve and those Cul De Sacs are unblocked this Post will remain on this Website!

  2. The Dog Nazis could be Lotho Sackville Baggins couldn't they!

    I wonder now if those "Lord of the Rings" Films didn't include "The Scouring of the Shire" because - if they had - People might draw some unfortunate Comparisons between Sackville Baggins's spiteful Police State and this - erm - 'Shire'.

  3. What's brilliant about that opening Battle Scene is how anyone who does this 'in front and behind, or even on either side' thing looks either like the Nazis or the NKVD. The latter was run by one of the most feared People in Stalins Government - Lavrenty Beria - who was responsible for some of the Purges of the Military - severely damaging its ability to fight during the War. He was executed in 1953 - one of the Charges leveled against him was the Purge of the Red Army in 1941.

    Before People start throwing Words like "Normal" around the Question I have for those who might do this is why can't you be normal and just approach People normally like anyone else does? What's with the weird Choreography?

  4. Check out the Photograph of a Polish Street Scene from WW2. The Fella sat on the Rubble looks like someone here. Why is that Woman holding that Inner Tube? Why do some of those Germans look like they're on holiday?

    The thing is, while the Ministry of Fuck ups, Contradictions, Hypocrisy and Inconsistency tells us not to look back in Anger why the fuck are we living our Lives by some crappy Photograph taken in Poland during World War 2?

    And I'm sorry Sir Paul, no one is laughing!

  5. What "Photograph" do you mean exactly?

  6. The thing is, and probably everyone in Poland might agree, to keep something trapped in a Wartime Photograph is deeply offensive to a People who have horrific Memories of it. The Invasion and Dismemberment of 1939, Hand Wringing by Britain and France. The Ghettos of Warsaw and Cracow, the Concentration Camps, the Warsaw Uprisings, Katyn - then the Cold War!

    A particularly bitter and brutal War - so why the fuck would they want to be continually reminded of it? Their 1989 was particularly joyous because it finally ended what began in September 1939!

  7. War in the East was particularly gruesome, while the American Civil War caused a Trauma which defines modern America - even at the end of the 20th Century. In Ken Burns's excellent Documentary about the American Conflict we discover that it was the first photographed War. It produced Millions of Plates, taken in 10,000 Theaters of War in just over 4 years. Once it ended they had neither use, or desire, for them and they were left to fade or used as tinted Window Panes. Americans were trying to put the War behind them.

    What makes Eastern European People any different? While, what happened in the East was horrific. It's not only disgusting to keep something trapped in that it also prompts Questions about more than 50 years of Pop Culture. Was everything they told us in those Interviews since "A day in the Life" a Lie?

  8. And while everything said in those Interviews could be a Lie, based on THAT Photograph, were Steve Winwood and Jim Capaldi merely being ironic when they called their Group "Traffic"?

  9. "You said your Body was young, but you might as well be old" Noel Gallagher sang on "Setting Sons". While the Beatles need to elaborate about which "Photograph" and Steve Winwood might have been ironic with his post-Spencer Davis Career does the Oasis Songwriter realize that this could apply to his Era of Music?

    I thought Tim Burgess, Rob Collins etc of the Charlatans were a bunch of 90's 20 Something's when they did "The only one I know" and "From one to another"! That they were from Macclesfield Cheshire, with the subsequent Accent, not Bristol, Somerset and it's. I also didn't realise that they were, in fact, 20 years older and changed their Name to "John"!

    Those Bananas huh!

  10. All this because we have a Culture dominated by Hippie Dinosaurs who had a few not so brilliant Ideas in the 60's and we've had to live by them ever since. Hypocrites too, because if you told them in the 60's they'd have to live like it was the 30's they'd be the first to whinge.

    'Imagine' (sic) you've just escaped to the West in the Cold War, at conciderable Risk to you and your Family, after surviving WW2 and you find that Culture! When "Back in the USSR" was written and sung, People in the USSR weren't in West London Hippie Boudoirs smoking, tripping and fucking themselves into a Stupour. Not so "lucky" really 'Comrade Lennon'. And I'm sure Dubcek must have whistled the cheery Tune when he was hauled off in Chains that year!

    Almost every Problem afflicting the Region is attributable to when that Photo was taken. WW2 was a Response to the German Invasion, the Red Army's relentless Battle westward the Response to "Barbarossa", the Cold War, Division of Europe and Soviet Occupation the Symptom. Corruption, Authoritarianism, Neo Nazism and Xenophobia stem from that Isolation, while their Economies are behind others because of Decades of Communism.

    But heck huh, bet the Hippies had a fucking good Chortle safe this side of that Wall that protected them from those Untermensch Slavs, barbaric Huns, Livonian Hordes, and the Rus!

  11. People who would tell you that the Warsaw it was taken in no longer exists. The City was Razed after the Uprising of 1944 and very few Buildings from before it remain today. It wasn't just the physical Geography either as it's Human Geography was 'cleansed' into Sectors.

  12. I wrote this because it's what the Yippies hide behind!

  13. I thought I'd post this here ....

    "Game of Thrones" and Uncle Benjen.

    One of the bleakest Scenes in the Show is when Benjen Stark is finally killed at the frozen Lake. He puts the near dead Jon on his Horse before making his last Stand against the Wights.

    A few Episodes earlier he's asked if he wants to come through the Wall to Safety. He says he can't. We discover that he was brought back from the Dead by the Forest Children, but the Wall is imbued with a Magic that prevents him from going through it. He might physically, but it would probably kill him or something.

    It's like the above isn't it. Not necessarily a physical Barrier but one that works in other ways, even with People who might have fought for it. Benjen has fought for Westeros, but can't go there. Tommy Silver Balls has a similar Effect.

    All in all, Peter Townshend is a bit of a Scuzzbag isn't he!

    Oh, and you don't suppose Martine has changed her Name to Ulbricht and started working for the DWP do you?

    Maybe it's time we tracked down the Shitbag responsible for the Hippie Rock Opera called the Piazza!

    Adjacent to Silver Balls is a Public Library. The Building wasn't paid for by the Public, it was meant as a Shop Premises while a Planning Glitch prevented the purpose built Library from happening. But it was fitted out and filled with publicly bought Books, staffed by publicly paid Employees and run with public Money. It doesn't belong to Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey, John Entwistle or Kieth Moon, the Acid Queen or any other Rock Nazi Exclusivist.

    So much for "Music bringing People together" huh!

    Everyone was equal, except some were more 'equal' than others it seems!

  14. What would have been particularly horrible would be if, after the Wall came down, the Iron Curtain was drawn back and the Cold War ended, all that Crap merely relocated to a Town in South West England!

    I remember a Ukrainian Lady describing it as "repressive" like she saw or felt things somewhat familiar to her own Countries recent past!

  15. "Dayinthelifeluckymanlocalboyinthephotographbackintheussrherecomesthesummersuncometogetheroverme/you" etc .....

    The BLM Protests have targeted some War Memorials, including Winston Churchills Statue, and others are horrified.

    The thing is, the first People to have disrespected what those Monuments might have represented ARE those others. Since "A Day in the Life" we have been trapped in a 1943 Photograph of Warsaw like VE Day never happened. There might have been a May 8th 1945, but there was also a May 9th, 10th etc, and the Nightmare ended at considerable Cost in Lives, Suffering and Wreckage. So why are we continually living a Photograph from 78 years ago, and what did those the Monuments represent, and Churchill fight for if it wasn't to end it?

    What's so funny Sir Paul?

    What wouldn't be is someone playing "Back in the USSR" in Wenceslas Square in 1990. That all ended too but no-one told the Hippie Culture Industry it seems.

    So if those "Disgusted from Tunbridge Wells" People obviously don't respect what the War Memorials mean how can we expect BLM Protestors who are already disenchanted to?

  16. Also, when anyone who fought those Wars speak out against them - one of the most vociferous being WW1 Veteran Harry Patch, and all the way up to and including Iraq War Veterans - they are ignored. But these are the People those things commemorate. So what are these things if they don't represent those People? Just Clutter in the Street?

    And considering Stuff that has been done to People in recent years, in Britain, what if we brought what Churchill fought for into a modern Context? Things might get a bit awkward if the Wartime Prime Minister saw what many might call cultural Fascism!

  17. The Nightmare was supposed to end for some of us 30 years ago, so what's with the Yippie Theme Park obviously meant for them?

  18. There was no Doublespeak 30 years ago that the Yippies can deceitfully hide in, so it's like all that Stuff never happened. I called this "Cold War" because that's what was supposed to be commemorated in post-1989 Prague.

    As someone once sang "what's the point of being rich if you don't know what to do with it". They certainly didn't

    ......... or wouldn't!!!!!

  19. Maybe they're miffed because they didn't, or maybe thought that they could bury it all in corporate Concrete, obscuring it all behind the Hype of Development Fever!

    It's like "The Wire" and how it ends much like it starts; the Sofa is still used by Slingers in The Pit, Marlo sees through the Developers Meeting and ends up on a Corner again, the Basement Room is swept, waiting for another Squad to do exactly the same as McNulty and Co, while we see how Dukie is living in the end Montage - not what (St) Germaine should be doing.

    You can only build and sell for a finite amount of time. Those Questions still remain!

    Even if you do try and dismiss Brian Keenan as "old News"!

  20. Wakeupitsabeautifuldarksideofthemoontime etc .....

    And the Great Rock and Roll Scam continues as the Doo Badleys, aided and abetted by Alan McGee, set the Alarms on their 1990's Indie Pop Album "Wake up", except we already had it. It was a Song called "Time" on Pink Floyd's "Dark side of the Moon" with those Alarm Clock Samples.

    And how about the Album Cover with the Guitar on it????

  21. The Sex Eagles .....

    I've mentioned elsewhere how Julian Temple might have had meetings with Joe Walsh and Glen Frey of the Eagles, and some probably thought it unlikely. Why, when the Sex Pistols Records were released in America by WEA, the Eagles Record Company? So maybe they were the Sex Eagles, or even the Seagols, Eric Bird!

  22. Having watched lots of Stuff about the actual Cold War the questions I have now aren't about what was happening before 1989, they're about what has happened after it.

    Stalin won the Great Patriotic War up until 1945, what he did after that was very questionable. Ulysses Grant was the Hero of the American Civil War, but his Presidency was characterized by Corruption. Churchill was our Wartime Leader - but not particularly good as a Peacetime Prime Minister.

    Many of my Questions are about how People - whose Lives were firmly established by the end of the 1980's - merely consolidated in the 90's while for others it's still like the end of the 80's never happened.

  23. And if I hear the Word "Deliver" again I'm gonna scream!

  24. Not necessarily relevant, but today, quite probably the hottest Day of the Year, why is that Bloke wearing a Duffle Coat?????

  25. Meanwhile, why does a Statue of Robin Hood, Staff fighting with Little John, at the Sherwood Forest Visitor Center, look like the Man sat on the Rubble in the above Photograph of WW2 Poland, or that he might do a Paper Round in Portishead?

  26. Now, about these Tyres and all of those Derivatives .......

  27. Meanwhile, it seems we are back to that stupid WW2 Photograph - the one allegedly taken in Warsaw with Inner Tube Lady!

    Apparently someone called Sarah 'Stewart' (now there's a Name) was "Floored" (Pusherman) when someone let her Tyre down in Merchant Square, Portishead.

    Presumably she's a "Pretty Nurse" and this could have been "Penny Lane" and the Tyre is a Beatle singing "Don't let me down" while the Photograph is that from "A Day in the Life".

    While all this happened in a Square I was reminded of "Shadows and Reflections" by 60's Mod Band the Action. The thing is, I hope no-one gets "hit" (the double A side of the Group's Single).

    Having just made a huge Compilation of 60's Groups - many of which made the Beatles Pop and Psychedelic Stuff sound a bit bland and mediocre, I began to realise they are more of a Regime than a Group.
