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Friday 7 October 2016


Here you will find stuff about Scams.


The Internet is brilliant, except, with the Benefits came the Crud, the Wheedlers, Con Artists and Criminals who use it to cheat People out of Millions every year.

I will use this Post to explain some of them, and some which - unfortunately - sometimes you aren't aware of until you (almost) get involved with them.

Here's one that I discovered literally in that last 24 Hours.........

The THW Scam...........

Here you are invited to join an ever growing Group of 'Researchers' to watch TV. You are asked - apparently, it says here, allegedly, so we're told -  to review said Programs and be paid 'up to $25' a time. Note it says "Up to" not $25, so no Guarantee of a 25 Buck/Quid Gig here then.

Here's what I wrote subscribing to a Scam Reviewers Site about it......

"I signed up to this (unfortunately sometimes you have to to find out anything about it), and it all looked a bit vague. No mention of current Opportunities to subscribe to made me skeptical. This is supposed to be better than YouTube - who have HD Content - while the poor quality Video of (fiverr.com probably) Actors and Actresses looked suspicious. They have a Newsfeed, but that isn't difficult, while there might be some Movies and TV Shows - but then, neither is that.

The Scam becomes apparent when you see the Certification stuff - quote; "The THWGlobal Online Sales Training and Certification Course cost $995, plus $39.95 monthly for continuing sales, motivational and technical training and education. However, for a very limited time the cost of the system is being discounted to $695, plus $39.95 monthly for our early movers. Once the promotion is over the price will go back to $995."

Shame you have to this, otherwise you get paid in Tokens - the usual Remuneration from many of these Market Research Companies if you just become an lV rather than a Certified lV.

They're trying to recruit 5,000,000 People. If all of them paid that amount they would make $5,875,000,000. You give them that amount of real Money - they might pay you in Tokens and a very ambiguous Work Rate. You're paying them to work for them! Not only that, but they get all that Data - AND your financial details if you decide to do it.

YouTube is free, and it's cheaper to buy a Cable or Satellite Package!"

So, they'd have to give you quite a few "$25" Gigs to repay the amount you give them, while Tokens won't assuage any Credit Card or Finance Company when they want their $1175/1445 back!

Then there was this one.................. based on the 419 Email Scam.

I got an Email from India from a "Widow" who claimed to be that of a wealthy Indian Businessman who wanted to give me - yep GIVE ME - $15,000,000. To achieve this I had to complete a Form and a Declaration stating that the Money was mine - and this was the "official" transfer. This was scanned, signed and sent back to the "Accountant" dealing with the "Widows" "Estate" etc. Then I get an Email from a "Solicitor" who wanted me to send a "Processing Fee" so the Money can be sent via Wire Transfer. This was for $200, which I didn't have - so I said they could deduct this from the "$15,000,000" - or I would even consent to them spending some of it to bring said Monies to the UK and we could go and celebrate our good Fortune! It was here that the Tone completely changed and they got a bit shirty. No less so when I suggested that he lent me the Money and I would repay him once I received this vast Sum.

Hmm, so a "Solicitor" with a few prestigious Clients couldn't find $200 against a guaranteed repayment? An "Accountant" who worked for an "Executive" of the "Reserve Bank of India" - except the Email was sent at about 4AM Indian Time (an "RBI Executive" working those hours?) and was written by what looked like a semi-literate 12 year old? Also, the RBI isn't in New Delhi - it's in Mumbai!

It was here that their Ruse fell apart - and after I Emailed them with some of this I never heard from them again. What suggested to me that they were part of a Network operating this and other 419 Scams  was how nothing appeared in my Inbox from any other "Widows" afterwards.

Also, How many of you have "won" an "Ipod/Ipad/Tablet/Macbook/Laptop/Smartphone" etc, and you fill and send the Form so you can "Claim your Prize"? I've done many of these - and if there are many others who have all I can say is there must be a huge Depot somewhere with "Ipod/Ipad/Tablet/Macbook/Laptop/Smartphones" piled to the Rafters that got lost in the Post! This, I think is just an Email grabbing exercise where the Addresses get sold on to "Widows" in "India" wanting to "give" you "$15,000,000!"

By all means share to Facebook, Twitter etc


  1. I'm starting to wonder how much of this supposed 'Make Money online' stuff has more to do with People Manipu....., sorry - 'Management' than actually making any Money online!

  2. Here's an Exchange I had with someone commenting on Scams....

    This was what they had to say...

    "I must say that is a great article. I am a P.I., and have a scam buster website. I have made videos and posted articles about the “Make $3,000.00 a Month Doing Surveys” thing. I think this is a re-hash of that same Clickbank product. Selling information is not a scam, but the misleading sales copy with fake testimonials makes it a scam. Truth is that most people will see little to no money from these things. Women seem to fit the bill more then men, especially if they are stay at home moms. What people fail to realize is everytime they answer a few questions to “qualify” they have just taken a survey and did not get paid. These people also have these things linked to CPA offers, so when they give you a few points or pennies to sign up for a free trial, they get paid. This is a great little scam they have going here, and I have all but giveen up on reporting these things. I have come to the conclusion that nmost looking for easy money are too lazy to take action, or do a little research on their own, sad, but true."

    Here was my Response.....

    I think that’s insulting to anyone trying to make a Living online. As a supposed Scam Busting Blogger you know as well as anyone that sitting at a Computer for Hours trying to find something that works isn’t being “lazy” at all. It’s People trying to find an Opportunity in an uncertain Economy and increasing Unemployment – and heck, if someone offered you a “PI” Job for the sort of Money these Sites claim to offer are you telling us you wouldn’t take it?

    As for not doing their “Research” again, as a “PI” you must be aware of Consumer Law and how it affects Retail. The Internet is like a huge Shop – and while I wouldn’t expect to continuously have to go into a Supermarket with Scales, a Measuring Jug and Chemistry Set to ensure Food and Drink complies with Weights and Measures and does or doesn’t contain those Additives I also shouldn’t have to do same with Online Products. The Onus isn’t on the Consumer it’s on the Search Engine People to ensure Scams don’t reach the Customer. A Shop Owner would be in breach of Contract if they sold Stuff that wasn’t as described. If you knowingly lent your Car to someone who was going to commit a Crime you are an Accessory after the Fact. If these ultra-wealthy Internet People can’t employ a department to check Scams then there’s an Area of Law that need addressing.

  3. If an Attorney General was to convene the Owners of these Multi-Billionaire Internet Companies (Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, AoL etc) and told them that they should dip into that huge Profit Margin and use the Computer Resources they already have to research Scams or have their Trading License revoked - even go to Gaol - Scams would disappear very quickly. Supermarkets employ People to research Products long before they ever reach the Customer - why shouldn't they?

  4. I'll have to add the supposed "Free Stuff" Scam here too....

    This is where you try and download a Program - only to end up with loads of Surveys - which seem endless - and then your Spam Folder fills up with all sorts of Junk. The thing is this "Free Stuff" isn't anything - apart from being eligible to win something in a Draw. Which could mean nothing.

    There was this supposed "Free Apple I Phone" - apparently packed and ready to dispatch - and you only had to pay £2. The thing is, you aren't paying that £2 fro the Phone, you are subscribing to some online Radio Station, and in very very fine, almost illegible Print that turns into a huge double Figure Payment automatically debited from your Account. Other "Free Stuff" turns into a Phone Call from someone selling you a Lottery Syndicate for £39 a Month - and on it goes. I spoke to someone who does Market Research - and they said they were nothing to do with this sort of thing. Maybe they aren't, maybe they are - but at least they wore a Laminate to show you who they were, what they did and that they were a Researcher - and no-one asking for any Money either!

    In fact I might bundle up some of this Email and forward it to the Trading Standards Office, while maybe some of it is in contact with some of these People you see here - with those horrible Smart Phones, wafting around one of the biggest Scams of all - Portishead!

    People who are obviously paid a Retainer to be like they are - while another Yippie Scam Artist was probably someone I worked with on our Project 27 Years ago..... and I'm not kissing that!

    "Free Stuff"......

    Why would I want to give someone (and you have to read the very feint Print) a Subscription of something like $90 a year to listen to an online Radio Station (the Unfree in the supposedly 'free' Apple iphone) when I could buy a World band Radio for about $10 and listen to all of that for free forever? I could buy a Smartphone from Amazon for about £40!

    Why would I want to give someone £39 a Month for a Bunch of Numbers that might or might not appear in a Lottery Draw when I could buy a Ticket for a £? I'd be better off playing Black Jack or Craps anyway - the Odds are far better and Cards and Dice much cheaper.

    (Sigh) I remember when my Grandmother used to save Milk Bottle Tops for Guide Dogs for the Blind. Ahhh, that Age of Innocence, until they built a Piazza with Silver Balls!

    And that's where you almost have to meet the Yippie Scam Artists....

    Maybe Donald Trump would like to get Revenge on our Behalf on those People. This is what Obama's supposed 'New Age' Government Spawned.

    Thugs in Kaftans....

  5. Just to emphasize this here's a Link to what I call Intellectual Property The..., sorry, Market Research, which 'offers' the usual probably non-existent Junk (Iphones, Ipads, Gift Cards, supposed Lottery Syndicates etc) and a Competition to win this factitious Stuff.


    If you signed up to all of this - erm - "Free Stuff" your Account would probably be debited about £200 a Month.

    Shame the Anti-Spam Regulations means that while this Scam can be sent I can't Email People promoting this so they don't get scammed by it isn't it!

  6. But then, when the supposed respectable Media is not much more than a Scam these days, marketing is full of Cyberthugs, and their Cronies here - with those horrible little Smartphones, sending them their Instructions - and the Stinkernet is probably about 90% Scam how can Honesty prevail? Scamtown - the supposed Model Community - hmmmm??????

    Culture? Trying not to laugh - and how much of all this is about Social Control than anything else? I've just watched another Scambot Video - and hasn't that Fiverr.Com Actor been in others?

  7. Here's something that's very intriguing - whether it's via Scams or just Numbers....

    I have used a Supermarket twice in recent Days and both times I've ended up with a symmetrical Price at the Till. The first one was particularly sinister - £1.91, which in the context of a certain Terrorist Organisation looks very ominous. What Date does that look like? I got p****** off with this and said "Effing Terrorists" before I left. The second one was when I was charged £1.21. At this I said "Not again" and grabbed something else to break up the Symmetry. How does this keep happening - irrespective of what you buy? Does this suggest that Al Qaida are found in the Numbers? Osama Bin Laden - Garbage and Full Houses huh! Either that or it's a Ruse to get you to spend more Money than you might!

    That Number appeared elsewhere in an Account Number for a Bank - except it was the straight forward 911.

    What's the Probability of choosing random Items in a Shop and that happening?

    Oh, and then, there's this scabby Article that Ginger Spices Screws of the World Published about 12 years ago - and a Copper from Birmingham!

    And I'm still going to delete the Word "Well" from the Dictionary Sarah. How's Rachel by the way?

    I wouldn't be so bad if there was any real Money involved in some of this. They're just meaningless Numbers on a Computer Screen..... with a very wrong Subtext.

  8. Here's something that isn't necessarily a Scam in the conventional sense - but feels like you have been scammed.....

    I'm dealing with one of these little Finance Merchants - and make a Deposit. They have this weird and I don't mind saying - intrusive - new addition to their Website which asks what the Money is for. You have 2 choices - and I opt for one of them. I see my Account Balance and it is showing that I have XXXXGBP in it. Great, I then try and do what I need to do with it - only to continually have the Transaction declined. This happens many times - and I don't know why - after all, I have enough Money in the Account to do this.

    Eventually I phone them up and am told that they operate a dual Account System and Money form one is separate from that of another. Oh, - hmmm - nothing on the Website to tell you this, nothing on the Account Dashboard to either! Right, so could you transfer all Monies in the Account to one of the Sub Accounts so I have the correct Balance to proceed? Yes - I am told - and it has to be referred to their Senior Department - and "Escalation" they tell me. They say they're going to do this and I will receive a confirmation Email when they have.

    I check my Mail - and find they haven't, phone them and am told that they can't do this. This contradicts what I was told about 12 Hours earlier. They they get very condescending and tell me to spend the Money on... etc I remind them that it is my Money NOT theirs and request a Refund. This also has to be referred to their Senior Department - rather than initiated there and then. Why even bother calling their Customer Support Department if they can't seem to do anything?

    several things need saying here....

    1 - They should be saying all this on the Website - but aren't.
    2 - There should be a Facility where WE can do the Transfer - not have to phone them asking them to do it - it's OUR Money NOT theirs.
    3 - They need to get their Script right - and have a Policy of Consistency rather than being told one thing by one and another by the other.
    4 - They should have an unconditional Refund Policy for People who have been inconvenienced by all this.
    5 - They introduced this System to "Help" People - except it isn't helping anyone - the very many Phone Calls they are getting about it proves this.

    For example; I've checked my Balance before I went to the Shop. I buy Stuff making sure the amount won't exceed the Balance. I try and use their Debit Card only to have it declined, and we try this several times - the same thing happening and you don't know why. The growing queue of other Customers see what is happening, so do the Staff - and at the end - the Stuff you were going to buy has to be returned. You go home and you haven't been able to buy any Food!

    You then make the Phone Call!

  9. Here's where it starts looking a bit scammy....

    These Sub-Accounts have different Amounts - one considerably more than the the other - except it's the Latter which does what you need it for. Instead of them transferring Money to it from the other Sub-Account they ask you to deposit into it. This seems like a convenient way of making People deposit with them doesn't it - while their difficult to obtain Refund Policy makes it difficult to reclaim that Money - so you might deposit it with that Latter. Why can't they just transfer what they already have instead of you depositing from an external Source. I'm starting to think I might have sent Money to that Latter anyway - and how it ended up with the former is a question for them.

    Why can you pay into it is Seconds with a Debit Card for which you get charged when they can't reciprocate similarly, but trying to reclaim it involves IBAN Numbers and several Days for it to be transferred to the original Bank Account that Card is linked with?

    If I was in any Branch of a High Street Bank and wanted to transfer Money from a Deposit to Current Account - even a Credit Card - I can do so even though they are separate Accounts with different Statements, Cards, paying in Systems, Numbers etc.

    What if we were in a Casino (although I avoid them) and this happened? The other Guests start seeing you as a Schmuck while the Croupier would discreetly call the Floor Manager and you might have to go into their Office to explain why you are trying to buy your Stake with non-existent Money.

  10. Here's an Idea that might create some Work for People.....

    Work from Home Jobs? How about Facebook, Google, YouTube, MSN, Yahoo, Twitter etc create an App that People can sign up to which records login/logout time and they work on a Laptop from anywhere going through Scam after Scam using the usual Wording associated with them - noting the URL of each - and then passing them on to some sort of Admin - who then sends a generic Email to those doing it telling them to delete Stuff promoting them? Considering how much Internet Companies make they could pay them a decent hourly rate to do this!

  11. Here's something that's awesome and puts this Country to shame in its chronic designer Inertia when it came to Scammers - or protecting its Citizens against them.


    This means that American Judiciary has taken a zero-tolerance Attitude about Scammers - and if one State Attorney General does this the other 49 probably soon will. That you don't have to be wealthy to do it - they will do it for you - and maybe even obtain Compensation for the Aggrieved. That last bit is also important because it also means that - unlike the rare Circumstances where a Scammer is prosecuted elsewhere and the proceeds merely disappear into the legal System - the Victims gain recompense. While the Government in Britain abolished a large Chunk of Legal Aid and those Dinner Party Socialists - with all those Barristers and QC's - seemed conspicuously acquiescent, so called Consumer Affairs Media only seems to represent a certain Demographic, other Areas of Medialand regard it as a Game of Football or something, the State that took on Al Capone seems to give a Damn about the People the "People" in the Legalese means.

    That because Scams are going on on the Internet somehow renders them immune no longer applies, and I think that maybe writing about it and clarifying what being scammed online means might have contributed towards what is now happening in America. That whether you are robbed in the Street in Illinois - or remotely scammed by someone there - the Ramifications are the same. That Scammers operating on Websites with impunity, even after People have skilfully proved that it's a Scam, is like a Robbery going on on CCTV and no-one doing anything about it. Now - thanks to Lisa Madigan and her Team - that no longer applies.

  12. Here's something that needs saying after many Forays into YouTube.

    You might have seen one of the many Commercials on YouTube by People claiming to have made huge amounts of Money through this, that or the other, while all of them will at some Stage require you to to send Money or subscribe in some way or other to some 'Program'. Information is as valuable as Money these days so even if you aren't giving anyone any Cash you could be giving them something maybe more valuable.

    What to need to ask is this ......

    If these People have made so much Money why are they advertising on YouTube at all? Surely, if they had they'd be buying Airtime on TV and Radio and Column Inches in Classified Sections of print Media, wouldn't they? The thing is, if they did they would be subject to a very strict Code set by People like the Advertising Standards Authority and their equivalents elsewhere.

    So, while HD Video might be available to anyone who can also access a Weblink, and although they might make all these Claims in their Vids - there doesn't have to be any Substance to any of it!

  13. While there are obvious Scams, which directly try and appropriate your Money, there are others which scam you of your Time and Energy. Most of these are Bulshit Websites, made up on the Hoof by People who don't even need to write HTML. You then get lots of Email which is full of Subtext. I will copy and paste one of these (after I've blocked the Sender) with a dissection of what it is, what it really means, and a Commentary of the Subtext. I used to edit Tape to BBC Radio Standard, so will apply the same Technique. I'll also elaborate on the Event Backdrop.

  14. Here's an Example of a more recent Scam. People who hire temporary Numbers like you might a Domain. Most Android based Phones connect with a Site that has a Database of updated Scam or Spam Callers that will say "Incoming suspected Spam".


  15. Here's another one, and rather like all of them, the Caller's Accent doesn't tally with the Numbers Area Code.


  16. Meanwhile, here's a regular Scam which is derived from the PayPal Email Scam. This was when the Scammer emailed you wanting you to "resubmit' your Account Details, except you aren't sending them along with Financial Information to PayPal. You are sending them to a Scammer. The HTML might look very similar to the genuine Website but it isn't. This one is sent via Text and the Link connects with a Page that even contains the PayPal Copyright.

    "You sent a payment for 20.14 GBP To James Hitchin. If you don't recognise this transaction check here


  17. And here's another Scam, hiding behind a foreign Phone Number .....


    Suffice to say that if it was legit why is it using a 'for hire' Phone Number? It's a Crypto-Currency Scam and when something similar called a while ago I asked which Currency they recommended would increase in value they quoted one that didn't exist!

  18. Here's a persistent little So and So ..


  19. Here's today's Nuisance ......


  20. Today's Telephonic Pest .....


    Call it back a recorded American Accent tells you the Number isn't in service! Weird, considering an 0203 Code is London.

    Is this "London Calling" or something ......... Brother?

  21. Yet another one ......


    Most Smartphones have a default App that connects to a Database of Numbers which have been recorded as Spam. Thus, this one appeared as such.

  22. Here are today's Tele Stalkers ......


  23. Now it seems, these supposed Trading Companies double up as Adderley Garage , Market Drayton, and Jesters, Croydon. At least that's what Smartphones tell you they are!


    I'll give 'em 10 out of 10 for multi-tasking!!!!!

  24. What they are doing is using these Numbers as a Host. Unlike when they use available Numbers - presumably the Host has to pay for the Call. Considering how these Companies suffer from verbal Diarrohea when they try to convince you about their Scam that might amount to quite a lot each Quarter. Not only is it a Nuisance for those who receive them, it's also a Hassle for those they use!

  25. Oh, and maybe Zuckerberg could tell us what a "Developer Alert" is.

    Don't know what's worse. The Scammers who stalk the Internet or the toxic Geeks in it!

  26. Here's today's Tele-nuisance .....


    Phoned 3 times. Maybe they're the - erm 'Tobacconist' mentioned elsewhere. The Fag Fairy who leaves 3 Cigarettes. Maybe they also do Coins to buy them and Chewing Gum as Breath Freshener afterwards.

  27. The Fact that almost all these Numbers appear as Spam should be a Cause for Concern. A Question that could be extended to any 'Management' is how much of it is attributable to them?

  28. I've since had confirmation that some of these Scams are linked to some of these People. When a Spammer phones it appears as an "incoming suspected Spam Call". I declined the Call, it called again, I declined it again, it rang yet again - I answered it telling them to fuck off and can't they get the Hint, I disconnect the Call, it rings again, I answer it. Then we have a "Conversation" except they don't realize they are talking to someone who can read Subtext. The Subtext here not only connected the Spam with People I've met recently, but also with some of those People from 30 years ago. Not only have I got a potential Scam on the Phone, those I've been meeting recently have been lying as well as patronising. They're like bit part Actors in the Scam called Portishead!

    Also, if I get a Phone Call from the Virgin Islands at about 6PM the time at their end would be 10PM. Who employs these People to work those Hours? Intriguing considering the Caller used 2 Numbers, one in Tiverton, Devon the other Henley on Thames!

  29. Here are today's Telephonic Pains in the Proverbial ......

    01952899553 called 9 times in succession

    01684491940 called 8 times

    And I never realized I was that desirable!


  30. The Conjouror's Sleeve (where we get a Glance up the Magicians Sleeve to see how they do it)

    Here's another Tele Stalker .....

    Whoever does it knows there are Websites where People report Scam, Spam and nuisance Phone Calls. They write something on one or some of them, phone People with the above Number, who then refer to the Site and read what they posted, Wallah, instant Psyche Warfare fake News!

    Companies employ People to manipu..... Sorry, work with Social Media, this is exactly the same.

    Wonder if the Number belongs to someone heard but not seen called 'John' who likes to make things "permanent"!

  31. Beware of Internet Ads or Listings (eBay, Gumtree, Property Sites etc) that don't show Photos of Interiors. Have more Caution if they say "Serious Buyers, no Visitors" too.

    Firstly, we could all find the most expensive House, Photograph it several times from outside, never going in, post these on a Site selling the House for a too good to be true Price, decline Visits to see it, take Payments and/or Deposits, but never sell anything.

    "No Visitors" suggests they don't want you to come and see it, get Proof that they own it or have a better Idea of what you are buying, and they just want you to give them Money!

  32. When one of these Scammers phoned and I told them to fuck off, using other impolite Expressions, I was right to. These Filthbags are trying to con you while you never asked them to phone you up. Others who should are the Unfortunates unwittingly hosting their Calls (see above).

    In the end, you give them your Money, you need to speak to them about it, how do you phone them when they either use temporary Numbers, available like temporary Email Services or Web Domains? Worse still when they use other People's Phone Numbers.

  33. We had another one. The unsuspecting Host is a Mobile Phone Owner whose Number I won't put here. It also reconfirms that some of these are linked with here. A rogue 'Trader' called Ryan used to call working for one or another Binary Options Company asking about my "Net Worth". It also implies that supposed 'Management' is connected too. Of course, here being the Bastion of Virtue would resist such Nonsense!

  34. If it continues I will be raising a Petition to a certain Levanti Country asking them to dissist.

  35. Today's unsuspecting Victim is the Sherwood Cobbler. It called showing thus on the Screen but I waited for it to finish - then called it back. If you do this you actually speak to the Owner of the Number not the Parasite who is using it. The Israeli Embassy needs to explain to us why their Residents are doing this?

    It isn't a Coincidence, where their Numbers might be the same either. If it was it would show as a 972 Number!

  36. About the most decent thing you can do is phone the Number Owner after you've put up with the Scamspeak. When you phone it you won't speak to the Scammer. After all, that's how it works, they can call you but you can't call them. When you speak to the Owner, tell them what has just happened and suggest they contact their Service Provider (BT, Talk Talk etc) so they can investigate it further.

  37. Here's today's Telebulshit .....


    Ostensibly a Millom, Cumbria Number, but obviously fake News Pre-emptive Crap. Someone reports it "I think it's a marketing Call, but hangs up". So, is this Radiohead or Kylie?

  38. Today's Irony is how it's a Bank Holiday but these Finance Scams don't have, or give you, the day off.

    It called, this time hiding behind a Mobile Number, and you get the usual Pause (this lasting a staggering 55 Seconds), then a Squelch, and then a foreign Accent. Same applies where you can't call them back, so how can you contact them about anything?

    Also, they claim they aren't asking for Money, but why is someone paying them to phone you if they aren't?

  39. More Telebulshit ......

    This calls ...... several times.


    Didn't answer, declined the Call, further research said it was a legal Service reclaiming Binary Option and Forex Scam Money.

    Then instantly got this one ....


    Supposedly similar based in Germany. "Press One to speak to an Operator" but when you do it ends Call. Obviously fake.

    Then this......


    A "Skegness" Number. Heck, I s'pose even a Scammer must have their Holiday at the famous Seaside Town. (Think Deckchair, Ice Cream, Donkeys etc)

  40. Here's today's fake arsed Number ....


  41. While Binary Options and some Autotrading Programs scam a few 100, maybe also a few 10's of 1000 Currency Units, it's almost like they were a tolerated Nuisance leading to a bigger Scam. When you verify your Account you send sensitive Information to a Website. They collate 1000's of Passport Images, Bank Statements, Tax and Utility Documents, Driving Licenses, all with unique Numbers on them.

    Has anyone asked what happens with this Stuff if or when the Trading Company has, or is, shut down?

    After all, if People aren't above leeching off of other People's Phone Numbers, who's to say they aren't above cloning your Passport or Driving License?

  42. Here's today's Fiddl ...... Sorry, 'Management'!

    I get some Digishit in my Inbox. En Tyre Web. Which I blocked. There's a Red Car outside (en) a Van (Tyre) and another Red Car (Web). There's another Van - which is Versatile apparently, then we have the Turquoise Dog Walker. Like we were in a Student Bar in 1996.

    Job To Me.

    So the first Email is probably nothing to do with 'Make Money online' the second nothing to do with finding Employment.

    It's a bit like catching Digital Fish in Slovakia!!!!

  43. I'm waiting for someone to write a Review of one of the biggest Scams in Britain, Portishead the Town. And while whoever might manipulate the Internet to its aims, all those other Scams used to, or still do.

    Fake Review Sites for Binary Options and Auto Trading Robots, Fake Monitors for supposed HYIP Schemes, Crypto Scams and so called Bitcoin Generators. Social Media now nothing more than a Platform for all these and the very Corporates they claim to replace.

    YouTube saturated in cleverly manipulated Videos promoting all of them, while honest Reviews struggle for SEO.

    So Scamagment and these Scams might use the same Tricks and perhaps the Similarity doesn't end there!

  44. Keep getting pestered by Nabuh Energy.

    Suspicious of any Energy Company that touts for Customers via Sales Calls.

    Justified when I read Reviews about them. Prepay Bonuses not appearing, Money put on Accounts that are charged but also not appearing. Prepay Cards not sent,Customer Helpline that isn't free, and anything up to an Hour before they answer.

    Stopped the Calls!

  45. Not sure whether this should be here or in "Movie Quotes" but it's like something from a Documentary has become real. The superb Series "Meltdown" explored the recent Credit Crunch that prompted the worst Recession since the end of the 1970's. In it they interviewed a Property Speculator who got swept along by the Dubai Property Hype. Ridiculous Claims being made as vast Acres of Apartment Blocks were built on spec and a Skyscraper built by someone who has never seen "Towering Inferno"!

    They mentioned how the Factors that led to the Crisis haven't gone away and are potentially worse. So, if I decided that drink this latest Cool Aid I might end up in a Block of unfinished Flats.

  46. https://fakenumber.org/phone/0284

    Here, you will read some very useful Stuff about spoof Phone Numbers, presumably used by People operating a Scam. They are probably like those temporary Email Addresses that last 15 Minutes.

    It was prompted by this .....


  47. Here's a thing .....

    Transport in Italy must be the most awesome in the World. First, you get a Phone Call from Calabria, the most southern Region of the Country, you disconnect the Call, they call back - this time from Rome. Amazing huh, that they travelled that far in only a few Seconds.

    Then, the View from either is incredible. Italian Tourist Companies and Estate Agents must be clamouring to sell the Idea that you can see the Swiss City of Lugano, the Lake and the Alps from there!

    All of this, or the same People mentioned above are doing the same thing with Italian Phone Numbers as they are with British ones.

    The thing is, when all of this is apparent you are within your Rights to disincline to acquiesce to their Request - whatever that might be. They are doing the Telephonic equivalent of being let in through your Door, which means you have the right to protect yourself against any potential dishonesty. If it is obvious they are selling something like a dubious Financial Product, or you suspect they are, you are right to ask. You are also right to tell them you aren't interested.

    Suffice to say, upon phoning the Numbers back a prerecorded Message told me I had dialed an incorrect Number, although according to 'who is' Websites they are Calabrian and from Rome. (Country and Area Code).

  48. +390965813510. +390774334316 +390775251548 +390773625068 +390775506690 +390399900601. +390818023379. +390113291055. +390832205540. +390541759506. +390302167105. +390832921187. +390543403527.

    Phew! These are all Italian Phone Numbers from different Cities and Regions which are probably all Scams. You can't phone any of them back, (and I always thought "Don't call us, we'll call you" was just a Showbiz Cliche), and the Irony is even the Caller doesn't even claim to be in Italy at all!

  49. Couple more Phone Calls from Italybutnotreally. Maybe she phoned about Tyres, maybe she's the Lady in Red!

  50. Here are the latest Calls, probably the supposed, it says here, apparently, so we're told 'Management' telling me about all those Royalty %s they've got for me ......

    01216237918, 01216237915, 01216237922, 01216237917, 01216237900, 01216237902, 01216237935, 01213680026, 01216237916,
    01216237934, 01213680026,

    Shucks, what it is to be so popular huh!

    Either that or it's just the usual exploitative Yippie Bulshit!

  51. And I don't even come from Birmingham!

  52. Few more Calls from the 'Management' probably .....

    01216237913, 01216237905

  53. Few more Calls from Brummy Stalker ....

    01216237932, 01216237906

    The wierd thing is, if you phone it back you get a Sample of crap Music and a pre-recorded Message saying "Your Call is very important to us". Except it goes on indefinitely. If your Call was then that wouldn't happen.

    All I can surmise is it's some sort of Ruse to get you to use up your Call Minutes. Either that or they somehow hack into your Phone while it's connected to theirs.

  54. But none of this has yet addressed the biggest Scam of all, the Town and the Group Portishead. They might have tarted it all up like the proverbial Dogs Dinner while the Group created the Impression to its Demographic (90's Students) that it's the Trip Hop Capital of the World but it's still a dismal Shit Hole with nothing to offer but the 'Paperwork'. They might wheedle those new and recent Arrivals but there are some who have been here since 1973 who feel like they arrived about 10 Minutes ago!

  55. And it's obvious to anyone that there is, and never was, any Intention of integrating those People as they get pushed further and further back in the Queue behind whatever Newbies arrive whenever!

  56. A Quarter of a Century of Portishead Guestlist are self-evident of that! So much for "Music brings People together" then, because that's another Scam that doesn't work anymore, the Hippie Scam!

  57. Oooer, now I suppose I'm supposed to be scared. It seems the Italian but not really Caller has rediscovered the Redial, and this time they are calling from Palermo, Sicily +390916811819,

    Then they called from the Mainland, +390306897510

    Then, as they say, all 'roads' lead to Rome, +390697240732.

    But the thing is, because of this they aren't phoning from any, while they aren't from where they claim to be either.

  58. Has anyone else had a Text from someone claiming to be "Richard", where he/she/they send one of those self written URLs (you know, all UpPEr anD LoWER cAsE LeTteRs and Numbers) offering you a bOnus, which you can "Collect"?

    Strange thing is; the Text doesn't support any Replies, so you can't ask him to elaborate!

  59. Meanwhile, how much of this Internet Money thing is Doublespeak? Get your Ad(vert) 'blasted' to 18 High 'Traffic' Websites for one full year etc, drone, blah. The usual Crap, rather like Photos of France, empty Djinn Promises!

    On it goes!

    There are tons of these Snake Oil Sites, sending Email to who knows where. Supposed Safelists which are nothing more than an Echo Chamber where you exchange their Crap for yours. A Loop. You can track where it goes and some have, only to find it all ends up either in the Crap Exchange or nowt more than a Cul De Sac.

    The unfair thing about Email Law and Campaigns is while huge Corporations can send vast Emailshots to Millions at once you can't. The only way to ensure Mail goes to an actual Address is send it via your Email Provider. Most of these though limit you to about 200 a day!

  60. I used several of these supposed Email Blasters. Millions of People apparently, receiving Email, except whether I sent a Reply Address, or looked at Stats for Websites or Affiliate Links, nothing, zilch, not even a tiny Spike in Site Visits or single Reply, so where were these "Millions" of Emails going?

  61. Here's today's pain in the nether regions .....


    Erm, 'Bye Bye' and all that!

  62. Here's a thing eh Gordon .....

    You get a Phone Call from a Number you don't recognise. So you refer to the many Websites where you can see who it might be. You see the Stuff People have said about it. That's what you've been doing isn't it Hippie! Except you're behind the Calls in the first place aren't you!

  63. And while one Hate Network manipulates the Internet here's another ....

    This was in my eBay Messages .....

    "Dear friend
    Please don′t worry about the package. I just check it is on the normal shipping way, and ask the carrier speed up. I suppose you will get it soon.
    Anything I can help,please contact me rather than any bad feedbacks or cases.
    I will help you out.
    Thank you for shopping and have a great day."

    All very wierd considering the Item arrived a few days ago and Feedback had been posted. Is this like the above, some perverse erroneous and pathetic Attempt at Pre-emption? Probably, and it wasn't just sent once either. It appeared no less than 3 times.

    While the previous might be miffed because People do know a Forge from a Forgery, what are the Motives for this one?

  64. It seems there might be something else worth monitoring ......

    The Rosetta Sport La Bicycle Scheme!

    I've called it a Scheme at the Moment because it looks like a speculative thing rather than complete Scam.

    On the Internet you might find a Chopper Style Bicycle called a Rosetta La Sport Bike. They look quite cool and certainly better than the Schwinn Stingray, while, with a few Modifications would make a brilliant E Chopper Bicycle.

    I bought one, or at least thought I had. I'd been monitoring their Website for a few Weeks because they were having distribution Problems. They would say that the Bikes would be available on 27th September, then the end of October, now it's the 5th of December. In the Interim you can pay in advance to "reserve" your Bike when they do arrive. I wasn't going to do this, and when I visited their Site very recently they were "available" so I bought one ......

    Then I got this ......

    "Dear David,

    We want to let you know that your order 700/101119/47 status has been updated to...

    PROCESSING, the production took longer than expected and delivery of the new consignment is now arriving around 5th December. If this is too late for you please let me know.
    If you have any other questions about your order, send an email to (address etc supplied)"

    Hmmm .... I was a bit miffed about this and replied .......

    "Shouldn't you be saying this on your Website? When People visit it it tells them that these Bikes are "available". I realise you might have had distribution Problems but you were telling People what you've just told me that a "Consignment" was expected on 27th September, then the end of October. How long will it be before you then say "early January" or something?

    Do you have a Contact Address/Email for your Supplier (probably in China) so we can at least find out if they're even still made?

    Be advised I will be asking PayPal for a full Refund!"

    I haven't bought a Bike here, I've bought a speculative Promise that one might be available in the Future! That and some Word Manipulation "Pro Duck Tion" "Con Sign Ment" etc. Except they are taking Money from People for this.

  65. Also, the actual Bike doesn't exist. It's a Decal fixed to a generic Bike supplied by the 1000's by Chinese Companies on Alibaba.com. You will see identical Bikes on that Site - just with different Names and Decals on them!

  66. And here's the Proof that the Town is the biggest Scam of all, and has been since 1973.

    07730 004743

    Note the symetry of the Number, rather similar to those Wankers who fuck about with tri-syllaballic Words.

    If the owner of that number starts getting loads of Phone Calls, tough Shit, you shouldn't have phoned me in the first place

  67. I remember when this supposed "Emma" kept stal....., sorry, phoning me up, pretending she was in Switzerland while using a huge array of Italian Phone Numbers and calling from neither. After I asked if she was yet another of these supposed make Money type Scams she said she was "Offended" and then called me a "Masculist". It was here I got pissed off with her middle çlass, designer Crisis, Armchair Sociology and fake Social Conscience and wanted to tell her how I met 2 very inspiring Women from a City that had known 20 years of sectarian Violence, whose Brother had disappeared in another that had known 15 years of civil War and they didn't even know if he was still alive.

  68. I've mentioned the Dating Site Scam in "Movie Quotes" and it looks like they operate a similar Scam someone was trying with me. It was on one of those Exchange and Mart type Sites, like eBay but without the Auctions and they didn't want the Payment via PayPal. I offered a bit more Money to cover the Fees PayPal charge to anyone selling Goods via them and the Vendor stopped replying to the Emails. I even offered something towards additional P&P!

    They were after Debit Card Details probably or even Account Details which are almost impossible to get a Refund from even if it was just a one off Payment. PayPal however have a very good, robust, Refund Policy where they insist upon everything being as it seems. Because they refused PayPal I wondered if they would send anything after they received Payment!

    The Dating Site lures you in, takes a few PayPal Payments, then refuses them, asking you to pay via Debit Card - where they obtain your CVV Number and you can figure the rest! People might tell you that their Computerised System deletes CVV Numbers after Payment has gone through, but even if it does what's to stop them writing it down?

    So, if you can, always use PayPal. They provide a useful Protection against potential Fraud!

  69. Here's another Reason why that Dating Site looks like a Scam ......

    Dating Sites usually mean a random Bunch of People, subscribing to a Site in the Hope of finding a Partner. They might join it, send a Profile, upload a Pic and visit it occasionally to see if they've had any Responses.

    This one isn't like that .....

    While doing the last Minute Surf before charging up the Phone and going to sleep I visited the Site. As soon as I did I got a Message saying they knew I was online and visiting the Website. This was at a very obscure time of the Day and suggested to me that whoever that was is either deranged and sits at her Computer all Hours of the Day and Night, or more likely whoever might have been on shift at that time. That they have these fake Profiles and Pics while the Scammers have a Staff who run the supposed Messenger Service.

    That they use Chatroom Software is also possible. How many Websites do you visit where a Widget appears, usually in the bottom right Corner asking if they can assist? This is derivative of what happened that time with that supposed Subscriber.

    The Emergence of the Selfie has sidestepped the use of Stock Images too. It was common to use the latter on Scamsites to 'populate' it, but Google Images can verify who it might be. It would tell you that the supposed CEO of a Company was Captioned "20 something Office Executive" a generic Image rather than actual CEO. What they could be doing now is using instant Photos which won't show up as a generic Image and look like it could be a genuine Subscriber.

    Also, why are all the supposed Members in the Midlands? Birmingham, Walsall, Wolverhampton, Droitwich? Not that they are probably, because you can make up anything on the Web. How many of those on Facebook even exist, let alone be who they claim they are?

  70. And now it looks like the Dating Site has dug its own Hole of Paradox.

    Does anyone remember a TV Show Cilla Black did called "Blind Date"?

    This was where a Contestant would be given 3 potential Dates, hidden by a Screen and they would ask supposedly random Questions of them. The supposedly random Answers were obviously prewritten and rehearsed.

    That's what some of these supposed Messages look like, while some have even repeated themselves.

    Now, one seems to have stooped to Pornography.

    If this is some sort of Ruse involving Madame Re Be Kah and the 'Management' not only have I made more than enough Money for Newscorp via the Hand and the Rose, I'm not gonna respond to a Bunch of Pornographic Priestesses!

    Even if certain People find it Of Fence Ive!

  71. Here, you don't s'pose that scammy Dating Site is run by Gollum do you .... my Le ..... Sorry, my Love?

  72. And just to show what a lot of Crap the Dating Site us, and just how much notice the Admin takes of your Requests to correct Errors .....


    "I'm always on the lookout for delicious looking men in my area! Look like it found what I'm after, right bob_lambert?"

    This is a milder Example of some of the Messages you get, while after reading it I referred to my Profile and saw that it still said I was from and in Wolverhampton. I've never been or lived there and I contacted their Admin about it. So far, nothing - while if they're as lapse about this what if you had a problem buying those Coins from them?

  73. Here's the latest from the Scamsi....., sorry - Dating Site.

    Quote; -

    Hey, what are your hobbies?

    Hey, what are you doing this weekend?

    urgent - help needed! don't worry, I won't ask you for money. I'm just so cold right now and I hoped that you'd have a good idea for warming me up and making me hot... so that I can forget my cold feet ... write to me! the pressure's on x Fine

    These are some of the supposed 'Messages'! You don't suppose the first one knows Mr Collecting do you? He's the Arsehole who eats Pink Floyd Albums and has an "Arnold Layne" Fetish. That last one looks intriguing too.

    The thing is, my Dad knew the Woman who presented "Blind Date" with all those pre-written and rehearsed Chat-up Lines and Responses!

    On the Subject of Scams, with the Elections looming I have to ask Boris if he's a potential Candidate or a Nail Bar and Launderette in a small Town Shopping Precinct in South West England?

    Oh, and is he running for the Tories or the Green Party?

  74. Here are a few more so called 'Messages' on the My Sca ....., Sorry, My Dates Website!

    Hey bob_lambert no time to waste

    well, you?

    Not only did my Dad know the Woman who did the very contrived "Blind Date", some of the apparent Photographs look like those faked Paparazzi Photos of People like Posh Spice with some Caption or other about her continued Soap Opera of a Life!

  75. Something I've noticed about that supposed Dating Site, where everyone seems to be in the Midlands, is how none of them tell you what they do for a living. Maybe that's because if they did and someone from a similar Vocation replies and asks them about their Work they get caught out if what they say was professionally wrong. But then, we know what they do don't we. Professional Internet Scammer!

  76. Here's the Background to the supposed Dating Site......

    Domain Name: mydates.com
    Registry Domain ID: 4869316_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
    Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.psi-usa.info
    Registrar URL: https://www.psi-usa.info
    Updated Date: 2019-08-27T11:08:00Z
    Creation Date: 1997-12-03T05:00:00Z
    Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2020-12-02T05:00:00Z
    Registrar: PSI-USA, Inc. dba Domain Robot
    Registrar IANA ID: 151
    Registrar Abuse Contact Email: email@psi-usa.info
    Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +49.94159559482
    Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited https://www.icann.org/epp#clientTransferProhibited
    Registry Registrant ID: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
    Registrant Name: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
    Registrant Organization: Boranu Online B.V.
    Registrant Street: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
    Registrant City: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
    Registrant State/Province: NL
    Registrant Postal Code: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
    Registrant Country: NL
    Registrant Phone: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
    Registrant Phone Ext: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
    Registrant Fax: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
    Registrant Fax Ext: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
    Registrant Email: https://contact.domain-robot.org/mydates.com
    Admin Organization: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
    Admin State/Province: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
    Admin Postal Code: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
    Admin Email: https://contact.domain-robot.org/mydates.com
    Tech Organization: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
    Tech State/Province: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
    Tech Postal Code: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
    Tech Email: https://contact.domain-robot.org/mydates.com
    Name Server: b.ns14.net
    Name Server: c.ns14.net
    Name Server: d.ns14.net
    DNSSEC: unsigned
    URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System: https://wdprs.internic.net/
    >>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2019-

  77. You'll notice how any sort of ID that might give you the who and where has been "Redacted for Privacy", which is somewhat ominous while the Name given "Boranu BV" is a Pharmacy in Holland. This could mean that, rather like a lot of other Scams like HYIPs, and those fake Phone Callers, they could be using the Pharmacy as a Front. A HYIP might make all those huge Claims to Wealth etc but when you trace the Location it might be a slightly decrepit Street in a low Rent District!

  78. I was disgusted and disappointed to see that legendary Scambuster Ethan Vanderbilt had been banned from YouTube. Shows how wrong things are when someone who is trying to do the right thing is denied Access to Social Media while the same Media is available to Scammers everywhere! Shouldn't that be the other way around and People like Ethan get as much Support as possible?

  79. More Shit from the Doushbag Scam Site .....

    "Hey bob_lambert I have no interest in kids games!"

  80. And here's today's scammy Bulshit.

    Cue: Python Characters in Cafe.

    "Spam spam spam spam, spam spam spam spam, spamitty spam, spamitty spam"

    Calling at 13.31. Now there's a time.

    Here's the Number .....


  81. Here's some of today's Bulshit on the Scamsite ......

    "Hey, I was looking for something interesting when I stumbled across your profile! Hot! What do you think of me? Do you think you could have fun with me? Then send me a reply!"

    Yeah, right, except the supposed 'profile' is Bollox. They insist I'm from Wolverhampton when I've told them I'm not. Not sure what constitutes "Hot" in it either. And while she's called "Secret Moonlight" when does the Acid Queen appear dressed as Kylie playing with Silver Balls?

  82. Meanwhile, while Words have 2 meanings have I told you how most of these supposed make Money online things either fall short of the Hype or are Scams meant to deprive you of your Money?

    There are those that have those "Safe lists"! The problem with them is they are full of People in exactly the same Situation as you, looking to promote something or other. Thus, even if they bother opening the Email, they are not necessarily potential Customers. It's an Echo-Chamber of People all chasing the same thing, and none of them succeeding.

    That's if they go to anyone at all.

  83. There was one, where you did a "Blast" to a supposed 5 Million People. You'd think at least a few might click on it. I did this for Months. Sending as often as the Service allowed, but there was no descernable increase in anything..... Not even with multiples of 5 Million. Were they even arriving anywhere?

    Then there's how that 'Safe list' can become obsolete. It has been sold to so many People that Inboxes get saturated with Spammy Mail. How are Recipients gonna know which is legit, and which isn't? Why would they even respond if they develop Email Fatigue?

    Ideally, the Email that works is the Stuff you get from Brand Names, and thus, that would be the List you would need. The Problem is, the Law on Email Marketing can be quite strict and while Walmart might have an Army of Lawyers to defend against any Suit brought against them you don't. They can also afford the List to start with, and it's considerably more expensive than those publically available ones you use.

  84. Here's today's exploitative scammy Bulshit .....


    Your App might tell you it came from "Geneva" which, of course, it didn't. While it wasn't from someone claiming to be "Ellie" either was it Phantigant!

  85. People might ask why that Dating Site hasn't been closed. The thing is, the People whose Job might be to do that could be behind it. If I told you how they ran my DWP Claim that isn't as outlandish as it sounds!

  86. Here's Confirmation that the Scamsite is connected with the spammy Phone Call from Ellie Fant...... who might be in a Cage!

    When Ms Pachyderm phoned me about this supposed online "trading" I told her I wasn't interested!

    Here's another so called Message on the Scamsite .....

    "ah, so it's like that. you're not interested in anything? what do we do then? maybe I can make you interested in me? ;)"

    From someone calling herself Kickass, except she looks as real as her Peroxide Hair Colour!

  87. More Crap from the supposed Dating Site ......

    "hey bob_lambert, you're online too! nice! then we can get down to business :)"

    Someone called "Chipsy"!

  88. Here's some more BULL Shit from the Scamsite. Calling herself "Scarlett" the Grey T'Shirt suggests she's trying to be Joel from "Caberet" but could even be Alex - while the Name means it might be an Actor who pretended to be Will Scarlett in the 1980's. Although she night even be a fat Jitter Inbreed who ran a Pub and is part of Mr "Hip Hop Worldwide" Çronyist Club.


    "Hey you... we don't know each other personally, but I have learnt something about you ;)"

    Fucking shame you Media Hippies couldn't leave us Kids alone eh Alex!

  89. Here's a thing that is very sinister. Currently being in something if a Debacle about an Ebike I contacted an eBay Vendor about a Product I bought from them. This is in conjunction with a Battery I bought elsewhere on ebay. The former wanted to know about the latter so I copied the URL leading to the Battery Description. I took it from an Email I sent about this a couple of days before.

    Here it is ......

    http: vi.raptor.ebaydesc.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemDescV4&item=392483118704&category=177814&pm=1&ds=0&t=1580279055000&ver=0&cspheader=1

    If you copied and pasted this into your Browser you get a very intriguing, and quite horrible Result.

    I neither browse or use Pinterest so how this happened is anyone's guess.

    I subsequently had to contact the Vendor again and resend the URL, which works correctly this time.

  90. I went to Sent Items in Gmail. Clicked on the relevent Email. Right clicked the URL. Went to "Copy URL" on the drop-down Menu. Clicked that. Went to eBay Messages. Chose the relevent Message. Clicked "Reply". Pasted the URL in the Box and wrote a Greeting and Description. Then sent it. I revisited this and hadn't had a Reply so I copied the URL to see if it worked. I pasted it into the Browser (Chrome). Then clicked on some of the Results. That is what appeared instead of a Page about a Battery.

    Someone isn't hacking any of this and playing Games are they?

  91. If the Link was broken nothing would appear. The weird thing is if you just clicked on the URL it goes exactly where it is supposed to. It's what does appear that makes it sinister.

    Baby Dolls huh!

  92. Then things got very odd.

    After copying, pasting and sending the Link which worked - and then a few Hours, I tried copying and pasting it into the Browser only to find that it says the Document could not be found. So something is happening either on this Phone, the eBay Message System or Google's Search Engine, like it was being hacked!

  93. Here's some more Shit from the Scamsite .......

    Quote: "So boring, no one answers on here"

    Explanation .....

    This isn't anything to do with dating is it Danny Kaye! It's Howard Devoto era Buzzcocks and the Spiral Scratch EP. That and SkateBOARDS, Semen Stains. And we can fast forward to "Shot by both sides" by Magazine which might be the Soundtrack to someone posting a Letter, and "Orgasm Addict" by post-Devoto Buzzcocks. Whoever is behind that so called Dating Site probably knows someone formerly of United Scam Artists!

  94. You know why that so called Dating Site looks scammy! Because they know I write about it here and while you have to pay to use their Website Facilities by buying "Coins", "Contact us" here is free. Some of those Sites even block email Addresses in their Messaging Services because People send them to avoid continuing using the pre-paid System.

    The other thing is, you can usually spot Sock Puppet Discussions too. This is where non-existent People have a supposed Discussion. Sock Puppet Accounts are where someone creates multiple Social Media Accounts which look like a Group of People talking about something or endorsing a Product.

  95. I've just been reading about MLMs or Multi Level Marketing Programs. Many are Scams rather like a Ponzi Scheme, but what if those running them screw their own Business Plan?

    I worked as a Street Fundraiser. The Idea is that you get 30 People to donate at least £6 a Month to a Charity. You do this on a weekly basis.

    Thus you spend 4 Weeks X 30 People X £6 = £720 a Month. While you do this you are paid £220 a Week = £880 a Month. Even though this might be more than what you made for the Charity you do this for the next 4 Weeks while these Donations start coming in via Direct Debit. Thus, on the 3rd Month you have £720 from the first and £720 from the second which is £1440, covering your £880 Paycheck. And on it goes, Layer upon Layer of Donations as you get more People to donate.

    That's the Theory. The Problem is it can be quite difficult to get 30 People to stop and chat let alone give you any Money, and even more so when you ask for Financial Details.

    You might only get 20 and after 3 to 4 Weeks you are fired. So you don't get to build up any sort of Acumen with further Donations. Someone else takes your Job and the whole thing starts again, their £220 being paid from your Donors. If you only got £500 a Month from them how long can the Company do this until the Money runs out?

    The thing is, the Company plan around the Donor staying with the Charity for up to 5 years! I got an average of 20 a Week so if they did I was making £30000 for them long after I left the Company, paying someone else's Wage while I had to endure the Nightmare of the DWP.

  96. These Stats are being peculiar. According to one Figure there are 5 People browsing this Site, when you click on Posts that Figure is 1. If you are one of the other 4 on this Site right now post a Comment here to confirm you are!

    Meanwhile, the War in Cyberspace continues in the Phone Systems.

    According to my Phone App I'm supposed to have had a Call from Wem in Shropshire. When I click on the Icon to return the Call I get a Recording telling me I've dialed an incorrect Number. Obviously one of those temporary Numbers an estimated 80000 People use. Pocket Landline is a Company that offers these, rather like temporary Internet Domains like Bitly.

  97. Nope, nothing, so these Stats are Bulshit! It could be 100's - who knows!

    Has anyone else had a Call from this ......?


    When you call it back it tells you "Your Call is very important and will be answered as soon as possible". You know this because in the Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks probably you are being important you are told 1000's of times. Until the Phone Battery, your monthly Minute Allowance or prepay Credit is used up. And you are told so in an American Accent.

    Is this some some Nonsense to use up the above or the usual Bulshit from the exploitative Fucke ......, sorry 'Management'.

  98. Meanwhile, even Covid19 doesn't stop the Scammers and Doublespeak Bulshitters.

    Today's Nonsense is a "Plug-in Must Join Traffic System" yet another of these Bulshit supposed make Money online, but are actually People Management Crud.

    Firstly; "Plug-in". This is the Character from the Beanos, Bash Street Kids and the Plug Ugly Fire Crew in "Gangs of New York".

    Then there's "Must Join" which is probably Radiohag as opposed to Stiff Little Fingers "they say if I don't join I just can't win". That and some horrible old Bag who has been running things since the 70's who tells you you aren't a Joiner.

    The last is "Traffic System" - which is Portisheads "Roads", Steve Winwood and those Road Signs.

    One thing it isn't is making Money online.

  99. Here's something that is utter Bollox ....


    Look at that URL for a start. It's like all those other Scams that use some sort of free Website Service.

    The Wording is also Bulshit.

    "John Beck Er" is crap for a start. With an emphasis on the middle Syllable. "Personally" puts us in a redneck Shithole that the BBC made a Drugs Documentary about in 1997. "Spots" not sure about this one, it might be a Horse, a Leopard or just Acne. Probably isn't Sex Pistols On Tour. "The inner circle" is probably a Bullseye, which is apt as the whole thing is Doublespeak Bulshit!

  100. There's a Fella on Facebook who has just done a Test.

    It's in the "Work from Home online" Group and he posted a supposed Opportunity just to see what happened.

    The thing is, he did it twice, once telling People they use their Skills and Efforts and can make up to 30k a Month.

    The second, how you can make 30k without doing anything.

    He got the same Result for both, which says what a lot of Crap some of that FB Stuff is.

  101. Seems, even Covid19 Lockdowns don't deter the Scammers. The Bulshit dating Site continues like nothing has happened, except how have People been on any real Dates when the Country has been on Lockdown for the last 2 Months?

  102. PS; the virtual Keyboards on Mobile Phones are crap!

  103. Meanwhile, here's something that was only to be expected ......


    Sorry about the huge URL but it's to a Site that is typical of this sort of Scam. The fake 'News' Page about a supposed Autotrader that makes you Money etc.

    The thing is, if you clicked on any of the Links (Politics, TV etc) they take you to the same Landing Page for the Scam. So don't click on Politics and expect to read the latest from Boris etc.

    Also, wasn't sure if it was this even, and not "All along the Watchtower" with those "2 Riders that were were approaching" or even "Going underground" by the Jam.

    Only to be expected from a Town made famous by its scammy little Group!

  104. eBike Batteries ..... The Scam waiting to happen .....

    Alibaba, DH Gate, just some of the Websites offering a huge array of all kinds of everything, except how much of it is genuine? A veritable Wet Market full of Counterfeit Goods and Knock-offs that aren't verified by anyone. Even Amazon and eBay end up supply's this Stuff as Account Holders buy it from them and sell it on.

    The "Landrover" Phone a few years ago, with the classic Plaque used by the famous Utility Vehicle since the 1950's , until you notice it's written "LANDRONER" - I guess an "N" might look like a "V" in the right light.

    Ebike Batteries must be one of the worst. You buy one and it lasts about a Month before chronic deterioration. Some unlucky People have had theirs explode or ignite. People spending huge on what is sold as "Samsung", "Sanyo", "Panasonic" or "LG", only to have bought some 3rd rate shit knocked up in a Garage somewhere.

    Even lesser known but reputable Brands are prone .....

    Liitokala have their share of Forgeries. One for example has a Plaque that confuses Input and Output, while claiming that a 3000mah is a huge 30ah, which can't be both. Another where the Plaque is completely different, so it's a Lottery to see who gets the real one!

    A 60ah - yep, you read that right, 60ah Battery, sold for less than £100 and weighs less than 2kg. Sorry folks, but my 15ah Battery weighs about 3.4kg and cost £250. Unless Battery Technology has improved massively in just a few Months that is impossible.

    You can't tell what Cells any of them use because the Softpack is usually opaque and this goes on many 1000s of times.

    There doesn't seem to be a definitive Review Site of these either where someone puts these things through their Paces to see if they what they say on the Tin.

    Until then, People will continue to use Petrol because it is what it claims and a Gallon of Fuel is a Gallon of Fuel which will consistently drive your Vehicle where ever you bought it.

    How many People bought an eBike, only to find the Battery stopped working after a couple of Months so put it in the Shed and went back to internal combustion Engines?

    Maybe the Eco-Lobby should set up a Distribution Unit somewhere in Britain that only sells reputable Batteries. Maybe Companies like Samsung, Sanyo, Panasonic and LG should sell them via their own!

  105. Oh crap, now it seems poor old Auntie Beeb has been dragged into the Scammy Miasma. Someone is sending spammy Text Messages with a Link to yet another of those Binary Options disguised as Bitcoin Trading Websites that are all probably run by the same People. Same Video appears as all the others, made to look like a serious News Broadcast, complete with the usual Clips of Bill Gates and Richard Branson - all "as seen on CNN, Financial Times, Forbes Weekly" etc.

    The thing is, Android tells you the Text is from the BBC. Somewhat exasperatingly, considering how Android is supposed to be more advanced than those very basic Talk and Text Phones of the Jurassic Era it's surprising how it doesn't show the Number it came from . With those old Mobile Phones "Details" would always show this.

    Probably not from them at all and is someone using their Number like many others I've mentioned here have.

  106. Not sure if this should be in the anti-Slavery Thread, or some of the Culture orientated ones, but it does reinforce what I've said in either .....

    "4000 Holes in Blackburn, Lancashire", yep, the continuing Scam that has become the drab Bore from Slaverytown Merseyside .....


    And it doesn't stop with a Phone Call either. The Beatles have become a Design for Life with their Derivatives of "Yesterday" which not only facilitates those obviously in the Secret Society of Pepperland like they have here but also appears to be a final Solution to everything that meant Life ended when "Sgt Pepper" was released 53 years ago.

    Estate Agents are at it too ......

    Why would anyone want to spend nearly £100,000 on something that will just be more of the same? Property available, but when you apply due diligence is basically the same Deal as where you are anyway. Nick Mason might be touring
    with his Saucer full of Secrets but why would anyone want to buy a Flat on the Ground Floor in the Center of a Row of 3 identical buildings with a view of a Field full of Washing Lines Arnold Layne?

    Maybe that's a Question for Stonewall Jackson - being a Shepard for a few days, building a Wall.

    Sorry Hippies but you're like the TV Conjourer who accidentally let the Audience glimpse up yer Kaftan Sleeve to see where all the Pigeons are hidden, the fluffy Bunny in the Top Hat, the marked Cards, the Trap Door, Smoke and Mirrors, and the bits of String that make the Ornaments rattle!

  107. Meanwhile, there's the usual Crap on YouTube, you know, those irritating Guru Videos claiming to tell you about how they will make you succeed in some online Business Stuff, except it's all Doublespeak.

    "Stop posting on Social Media" it tells us, as they are going to tell you how to enhance your "coaching Business". The thing is, is that Coaching as in training People in something, or Stage COACHES from Weston Super Mare?

  108. Here's something Estate Agents seem to get away with that Retail never could.

    How many People have browsed those Property Websites, using the Area/Town Search, Filters, listing them as "most recent", "recently reduced", "lowest/highest Price" - drone, blah, found it on Google Maps, the Street View, Floorplans, Room Size, etc until it becomes eversoslightly tedious.

    You do all of this, hoping for something within your Budget, then - wow - maybe you finally have something.

    You might have saved it in your Bookmarks - with the many others - and done all your due Diligence, checking the Area, Services - done the Calculous making sure you can afford it, during and afterwards, and this might take Weeks as you compare it to all the others you have considered. This is your biggest financial Commitment and will decide where you live after all.

    As you do this, and click on that Bookmark, you half expect as time goes on to see it has been "Sold", "Sold subject to contract", "Under Offer" etc, but are relieved to see that it hasn't.

    Then it appears on another Website as any of those ......


    If you had 2 branches of the same Shop selling Corn Flakes and one has empty Boxes on the Shelves, the other none at all - you would be right to complain.

    It's an appalling form of Psychology and the result is People continue browsing in the hope that there will be something that is available when most of the time there isn't.

    Part of this is when they keep Listings that are all marked as "Sold" - which has the same effect.

    All this or Clickbait, where they list a Property that seems awesome, cheap, good value, nice Area and looks available. You make an Enquiry and get the "Thank you for your Enquiry about .....! Unfortunately this is no longer available, but here are some others you might be interested in" which are nothing like as good as the one you asked about. Then you continually get Email from them selling other similar Stuff.

    I replied to one of these asking them why they don't delete spent Listings. Their rather lame Excuse was how they can't do it with every Item on their Website. Y'know, like they must sell 1000s every day and are inundated with Sales and satisfied Customers.

  109. Also, another Ploy of the Property Industry might be the Surveyors Report.

    Do they have 2 for each Property, the one they send to those they won't sell it to, the other for those they will?

    The former could be full of so many things wrong that it would put anyone off. Structural Problems that would cost a small Fortune and involve a small Army of Builders to put right.

    I asked about a couple and got Reports almost suggesting that the Buildings were all but uninhabitable. Timbers with dry Rot, evidence of Damp, even Bulges in the Eaves. This last one created the impression there was too much Weight on the Structure and it could collapse. All a bit odd considering someone was living in the Ground Floor Flat and didn't seem the slightest bit disrupted.

    There was another, and while there were no Bulges there was evidence that the Concrete was crumbling back to the Steel reinforcement Rods, which is also serious. There were Issues with the Wiring too - which is also a thorough and expensive Job.

    The thing is, if these Places were so bad why have they been sold?

    Mortgage Companies are not going to lend Money for somewhere that could become dangerous or even collapse, losing huge amounts of Money in the Process.

    Insurance Companies would either charge a huge Premium or reject an Application because of the Risk.

    So do Estate Agents keep 2 different Surveys for each, one of which designed to either put you off, or make financing and insuring it almost impossible? That maybe they have a Database of blacklisted Contact Details, and those are where they send it?

  110. Meanwhile, in my continuing Battle against Doublespeak I received a Notification about a supposed Job Opportunity .....

    Cygnet (is that fledgling Swan or a Ring?), P4P (note the Symmetry) are looking for (what, like U2?), "registered Mental Health MRN" in Woking, Surrey!

    So, has the Frontman for the Jam turned into Paul Well Er, or just Jam Mrs Robertson, and are we now "doing very WELL" like Ian Dury, or is this the "Wishing Well" by Free, maybe "Wish you were here" which was a Holiday TV Show presented by Jill Dando from Weston Super Mare.

    And why are you calling me Barry Mr Hawkins?

    Ahhhh, of course - because Barry Pepper played Bobby Kennedy in a recent TV Series, but then, Katie Holmes played Jackie didn't she Sherlock!

    Are there any real Job Opportunities there?

  111. A Scam waiting to happen ..... Mobile Phone Unlocking Codes!

    16 years ago someone gave me a Nokia 3510i Phone locked to Orange Mobile. He said I'd have to unlock it before I used it as a prepay Phone.

    I didn't have the Internet in those days and used the Library Computers. This I did, and googled an unlocking Code Website. Once connected I typed in the IMIE Number (printed inside the Battery Compartment), the Model and Network. Sure enough, in what was probably a few Seconds I got my Unlocking Code, which worked and was completely free. They didn't ask for an Email Address to 'send' the Code to so you could get spammed afterwards, or any intrusive Contact Info. It just appeared on the Screen.

    I've used BTMobile in recent years except in that time the Tariff has gone from £20 to £40 a Month. This is because their "free unlimited WiFi" has disappeared and I had to buy an additional Mobile Internet Bundle. This is still nothing like the Access the WiFi provided, so I am paying more Money for less service. The problem with their WiFi is how it relies on someone else's Landline Router, which only works if it is in range or they continue using BT. If neither applies there is no WiFi at all.

    Why are they even doing this when they are the biggest supplier of Telecoms Infrastructure in Britain? Why don't they have WiFi Transceivers in all those Green Boxes and Inspection Covers so it doesn't depend on anyone elses Router?

    So, I decided to change Network!

    Unlocking this Phone seems far more fraught than it was 16 years ago.

    Some Websites won't tell you how much it costs, others are good Value but don't seem to do BT. Some are "free" - except you have to do a Survey or subscribe to a Cable or Satellite TV Network first. The latter seems reminiscent of those "Bitcoin Generator" Scams where you might do all that, but there never seems to be a Product Key. The ones that don't tell you how much it costs might ask you for lots of Data Info before telling you that the Unlocking Code costs a small Mortgage.

    There is even less Excuse for all this than there was in 2004 when we had a very primitive Internet and Computers.

    I can understand how a Network who supplied you with an expensive Phone might want to keep you using their Service - charging Installments from your monthly Payments - but after a few years and this has been paid you should be able to obtain a free unlocking Code to use a cheaper Supplier. Particularly when your current one has gone up by 100% in only a couple of years. The Service might be arbitrary, but the Cost isn't.

  112. How they've done this is like a Drug dealer ......

    They give you this thing for free which you use for a while, sometimes years, and get used to it. Watching YouTube, streaming Audio, browsing and research, and it becomes second nature. Then suddenly it disappears and what was unlimited Internet for £20 a Month becomes 8gb for £40. Severe Ouch, and gets worse if you go over your Allocation. 10p a Megabyte, and while eBay can be a Megabyte a Page you can see how quickly that adds up. An extra GB and that's a £100!!!!

    So you decide to use another Network and try unlocking your Phone. What used to be free and take a few Minutes now takes up to 72 Hours and can cost 10s of £'s. A plethora of Sites do it but some are more honest than others, while that 72 Hours gives you plenty of time to go over your limit and start paying the equivalent of a small Countries GDP.

    I should be able to go to the Manufacturers Website, use the IMEI Number and have it done securely and properly instead of sending a 3rd Party Money, Details and Access for something that might not happen at all.

  113. Erm, now, how has the Great Rock and Roll Scam been applied here? First it seemed we had Chaos from "Jubilee" and how some of that could have been a Template (all Puns intended). Then we had "Gordon" and those TVs and Chip Shops. Now it seems someone I'd known since the early 1980's has got Pinks Hand up her Arse!

  114. And, it seems, Aragorns so called '4th Age' was nothing but a grubby Scam. "For all" he says in "Return of the King" - except "all" seems to mean People left of the Middle in some crappy 1997 Australian Pop Song. That and the Thugs in Cheesecloth doing Club 18-30 Media Types that now afflict the 21st Century. Hence "All3Media" - while some might say (sic) that it's All-right-now, which is confirmed by the latest Word Fiddle when Radio People say "right".

    Gordon Bike knows all about those trisyllabic Words doesn't he!

  115. And if all that New age Gak is a Scam, when does the Magnificent 7 meet Snowy White and a Skinny Lizzie?

    The Great Rock and Roll Scam everyone!

  116. Meanwhile, I met someone called Philip who was very scrawny. I s'pose if you gave him a Bass Guitar, frizzy Hair, a Dublin Accent and a Bunch of Songs about Boys, Whiskey, a Rocker and someone called Sarah, with a helluva lot of Imagination someone somewhere might mistake him for Mr Lynot, but I didn't.

    Maybe he was Menswear, dismal 90's Britpop Band, or even Men Swear, or perhaps he was "Laundering the Money" and knew someone called Arnold, who in turn, knew someone called Penelope!

    I don't know why I call him Gerald!

  117. And don't get me started on the Bay City Rollers.

    And I would still like to know how a Caricature on a Prodigy Album Cover looks like someone from this Town. Understandable if they were a Bristol Band, and we had Phone Cameras, Digital Photography that can be sent via an Internet and Google Images, but they were from Essex and we never had any of that Stuff in those days!

    Sounds like a load of old Bull Terriers to me!

  118. Wheedling Traveler types, Wheedling Media Hippies ..... Whatever (sic) next?

  119. Oh, and is that McEwans Export, or Just "Lager, Lager, Lager" Mr Hyde - or should I call you Les?

    "Roll 'em, Roll 'em, Roll 'em" and all that, except I wasn't aware that Debbie Harry was in the early 1960's TV Western!

  120. I look forward to the Day when Fleet Street publishes a Front Page exclaiming "Portishead, Scam City!"

  121. And then one Day, we end up in the Channel Islands .......

    Guernsey, and maybe it's a bit like "Enemy at the Door". Got a Text Message about some supposed "Sum". Of what exactly is a question for them, but suffice to say the jumble of letters and symbols that formed a Website Address didn't work. Then a bit later on I got a Phone Call from a similar Number and it seems both are a Guernsey based Mobile Company called "Sure". This might have actually been from the Channel Islands or just from someone using a Phone bought there.

    So, is this another of these Word Fiddles where Insurance becomes "In Sure Ance", or a badly mis-spelt Coast - or perhaps it's a Tin of Deoderent with a ✓ on the Can!

    Must be said that anything involving the Channel Islands and Money could either be very good, or very bad.

    The Area Code for these is usually 077.

  122. Operation Overlord/You/The Moon, "Bridge over troubled Waters/River Kwai" etc ...... Yawn!

    Hmmm, anyone else download and install an App called Chess 3D Free? When you did were you ever offered a Game called "War and Order"? Did you install and play any of it? I did, and sure enough, after a while it started asking you for Money. This is done by allowing you to reach certain Stages in it, then it will pause. A Timer appears telling you you can upgrade to whatever Level after it has elapsed. This can be anything up to 30 Hours. A long time, but guess what; you can shorten that considerably if you pay a certain amount of Money. This is real Money, not Credits/Gems/Treasure/Gold acquired during your progress. I suspect this will happen quite regularly as you continue, and might even increase in Increments as it does and you reach the Conclusion. This was where I uninstalled it.

    While you play it a very comely Lady called Bella appears like your gorgeous Guardian Angel and dispenses Advice and Directions. When she does she refers to you as "Lord"!

    You see where this is going don't you!

    Probably get a free Download of "Moon River" by Andy Williams, "Moonraker" by Shirley Bassey, or "Dark Side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd.

    Then various Tunes by George Harrison, Martine and Sharleen Texas.

    All that, and a free Link to Netflix and "Tommy"!

  123. Is it just another of those horrible scammy, insincere New Age things?

  124. Ebikes, the Scam waiting to happen.

    Anyone else noticed this?

    Fiddly ebayers selling ebike controllers and being creative with the Description.

    The Controller is a small Aluminium Box with lots of Wires and Connectors. It's the bit that processes the Information like how much energy to feed the Motor and how much Assistance to give the Pedals.

    They come in many Sizes and Power Levels, and if you build a Bike you usually get a Default Controller with that Configuration. But you can boost it with more powerful Unit.

    This is where it gets a bit scammy, and a bit finnicky.

    They'll describe one of these, but those that are above any Default usually have a Photograph that is outafocus! Meaning it is blurred so you can't see what is written on the Plaque, which tells you useful Stuff like Voltage, minimum Voltage, Current in Amps, and maximum Current. This is where you can see if it would be better than whatever you have installed.

    For instance; you might have a 15+1a Controller but want to increase it to 17 or even 20a. This makes it more powerful, which is useful in hilly Areas.

    I bought what was sold as a 17+1a Unit because I had been running a 15+1 but needed the extra Ooomph to negotiate some of the Hills. When it arrived it was exactly the same as the default Unit I had installed. I asked the Vendor to send me the 17+1 Item and was told to take a Photograph of what I was sent and they could "check" it. Like taking a Photograph would somehow upgrade it!

    Sorry, but I had paid them to do all this, and there seemed to be others playing the same Game. The Bloke describing his as "20+1" except you cant verify it because the Photograph makes the Plaque illegible.

    All this Crap about Photographs, Out of Focus, Blurred etc makes me wonder if Damon Albarn is somehow involved or that Kylie and Thom once worked in a Clifton Record Shop. Maybe these things are made by Henry Ford!

    They saw the Photograph huh!

    Except who's laughing if or when it bursts into Flames?

  125. Here's a very odd looking Property Listing. These are the Details about the Rooms, except either each is a "Strong" Room presumably requiring a Key or Combination, or they are owned by whoever this 'Strong' Character is. Or maybe it's an Adjective describing each as robust.

    strong>Hallway/strong> - 3'3 x 16'1 ft (0.99 x 4.9 m)

    strong>Sitting Room/strong> - 10'7 x 14'4 ft (3.23 x 4.37 m)

    strong>Kitchen/strong> - 7'6 x 9'11 ft (2.29 x 3.02 m)

    strong>Bedroom 1/strong> - 10'6 - At widest point x 11'8 ft (3.2 x 3.56 m)

    strong>Bedroom 2/strong> - 9'4 - At widest point x 10'7 ft (2.84 x 3.23 m)

    strong>Shower Room/strong> - 6'4 x 5'5 ft (1.93 x 1.65 m)

    I most sincerely hope this wouldn't be expecting People to pay upwards of £68,000 for a Table in a Supermarket Cafe!

    I also hope they aren't trying to sell the same House twice. This particular Property was supposed to have been sold about 8 Months ago!

    There are other Listings that seem equally intriguing .....

    That they are shown empty. When my Parents sold any of our Houses they always had our Stuff, and People would be shown around while we were in. It's like these Places are kept empty for some Agenda - probably scuzzy! Also, a few never show any Interiors, while there isn't any "For Sale" Stuff on display anywhere. It's like they took some Photos outside a random Building and listed it.

  126. And while there's something odd about some of these Property Listings, how about other Stuff that might be connected?

    I got a Text (amongst the many others in years) today from someone claiming to be "Ladyaida". The usual Crap offering Money if you visit some Website with an incongruous Jumble of Letters, Numerals and Symbols firming the URL. It's the Wording though that looks odd, and subtextual. "50 FS GET NOW" (presumably free Spins) and "Opt-out" etc.

    Then we are back to these Batteries.

    I've mentioned how ebike Batteries were a Scam waiting to happen. There's a Battery on sale, supposedly made by a Company claiming to be Fi Ji La that proports to be 36volt and "68ah". Yep, that's a whopping great 68Amp Hours. Weighs less than 2kg and costs less than £100!

    How, when my ebike Battery is a UPP 36volt 15ah Battery that weighs nearly 4kg and cost over £200? It has Chinese Cells not Samsung, Sanyo, LG, Panasonic or Sony either. A 68ah Battery is nearly 5 times as durable (Distance and cycling Hours) so should neither be as light or as cheap unless there's something very wrong or dishonest about it! Not only will it not last 4x + a 15ah Battery it might even explode as it gets very very hot.

    There are many others, some even calling themselves "Panasonic", which obviously aren't and those Okoman Batteries were given an endurance Test and failed.

    So, back to these Fi Ji La Batteries ...

    Would it be in the Name Fi Ji La? "Fi" being the Fi Fy Fo Fum in Giantspeak, the "La" being some early 90's Scouseadelic Band? Can we connect this to that Property Listing? How about the so called Money Offer?

    FS GET NOW. Hmmm, but Ra Get Ti from "Pirates" was played by a Crook after all!

  127. Meanwhile, I've just browsed one of those Property Sites and probably about 70% of them weren't displaying any sort of "For Sale" Paraphernalia. Is this what they do now or are some of these Listings bogus?

  128. London calling?????

    Erm, now, here's a wiered one. Quite a few years ago if you received a Call from this or an 0171 Number you'd know it was from London. Except those Area Codes were discontinued in 2011. When I called it I was told that due to a large simultaneous Volume of Calls it couldn't be connected. When I called it again it simply wasn't recognised!

    Someone somewhere must be using it, even if it isn't in London.



  129. How awful are these Property Auctions....?

    There seem to be more and more of them, and who's to say you don't end up bidding against the Agent as they increase the Commission on the Sale? They're all online so it isn't like a conventional Auction where you might get the Measure of everyone else there, and where you will see others bid for any Items.

    A lot of the time they will show a single Photograph of the Property so you have no Idea what you are bidding on.

    Some Auction Houses probably don't either. 100s of Miles away from the Goods, all it is to them is a Listing, in one end, out the other.

    The supposedly cheap "Guide Price" is just the starting Price, not any sort of Limit on how much it could sell for, so it isn't a sure fire way of buying a cheap House at all. At least a fixed Price is fair and square, leaving no-one in any doubt how much Money is involved.

    Some "Offers over" are Auctions by another Name, particularly if they have a closing date. Why, unless they collate Offers up to that Date and sell to the highest. In other Words it's an Auction - and one where you can't even increase your Bid like you can on eBay.

    It was bad enough in the Era of the Gazzump - where your Offer could be increased on by someone else.

  130. Here's a very good reason why I don't trust Property Auctions ....

    I was browsing the Property Websites and there was something in Penrith that looked probable. I browsed the List (yet another Auction) and watched the Video. This is quite common as Covid19 has restricted House Viewing and many Estate Agents now offer an online Video equivalent. In it the Agent goes into the House through the Back Door.

    After I watched this I was astonished to find an Email from one of those Make Money Online things, among the 100's I've had from them in recent days, going on about some "Backdoor" Opportunity. It's like they're somehow linked to those Estate Agent Videos.

    The thing is, this is a Property Auction, and thus, it's not conducive to have all and sundry pry into this before the Auction even starts. You might physically go to one (Southerbys etc), given the Provenances as you went in and there might be an Hour or two before bidding starts. But no-one knows who else will be there until they are. Thus, everything is above board, fair and legit. It's like the Item has been sold before it's sold, or you are profiled against other potential Buyers.

    Not only a gross invasion of Privacy and not just a little indiscreet - but also prone to manipulation and abuse.

    What reiterated this was something that happened a few Hours before.....

    Browsing the Web about "Game of Thrones" I had an Email from the same People relevant to my Search.

  131. All a bit sinister.....

    And now they are offering an "Early Bird Alert" which prompts the question; are we making Money online or folding bits of Paper?

    Or is this the early Bird getting the Worm ........ Gollum?

    The same thing applied when that Nonsense from the Channel Islands happened.

    This was when someone Texted me with an incongruous URL of Letters, Numerals and Symbols, with the Tag; "Important Alert". I even got a Phone Call from a Channel Islands Phone Number about 24 Hours later.

    I'm intrigued to know how you type into a Computer while playing Guitar in Guernsey ....?

  132. Also....

    If they seem to know you are watching an Auctioneers Video, and send you an email WHILE you are, what happens if you won the Auction and pay for your Property? You are on the Auctioneers Website, giving them your payment Details (Debit Card no, Account Number, Sort Code, and CVV ....)

    How about while you are on one of these so called "Make Money" Websites? Who's to say they aren't scanning your Computer, Tablet, Phone or iPad?

    Whether you're tapping away on a Phone with a Stylus, using the Touchscreen of a Tablet or iPad or using an old School Desk or Laptop Keyboard most of those supposed Money making Sites are like a Fruit Machine in a Casino. You could do it for ages, even put Money in it, hoping for the big Payout but most of the time the House always wins.

    It's not the supposed "Account Balance" that appears on the Site, which might appear large, and increases, it's whether that Number can transfer to your Bank Account.

  133. The Conjourers Sleeve ..... The PTC Site Scam.

    Here is where I show you the Conjurers Sleeve, the Smoke and Mirrors, the Top Hat and the Trap Door of how some of these People operate.

    The PTC or pay to click Site has been operating for quite a while and there are many of them. They pay you so many Currency Units a time to view Blocks of Advertisements. It usually involves completing a Captcha, which you do every time an Ad Block appears. The Rate of Pay can be very attractive. On one they supposedly paid 21cents for each, which would be $1.05 for 5. This took about 30 Seconds, so you could 'earn' $120 an Hour. With an Hour at Lunch and 15 Mins Morning and Afternoon that would be $780 a day..... 9-5!

    Wow huh!

    Hmmm, except does anyone get paid?

    These things always have a Referral Program where you promote the Site to others, and they 'pay' you a generous 'Commission' of up to 30% of each subsequent Subscriber.

    Mega Wow ......

    Hmmm, maybe not. What if you referred the Site to 100 People (and it's a Make Money thing with an attractive sales pitch) and each of them did 100 each? That's 10,000 People in just 2 Levels and then they even just did 50 each. It's exponential and a Pyramid with a very very wide Base.

    These are online Advertisements which will appear on all those Desktops, Laptops, Tablets and Phones that otherwise wouldn't have. Suddenly they have blasted these to a potential Audience of Millions, but did it cost them anything?

    They might pay the first 100 to give the Site Traction and a Foothold, who in turn refer it to others, and you get the above very quickly, while there's the Hosting, Domain and Website Build - which is probably about £20.

    But Millions of People have now seen Products they wouldn't have, which can't then be unseen, even if they aren't paid anything. Thus, the Ad Campaigns of some household names and famous Brands is successful for minimal Expense.

    Apart from those Millions of People who joined the Site for nothing of course. Not great if you were unemployed, on a Pension or a minimal Wage and could have used the extra Money.

    Thus, I refuse to promote anything until I get paid, and know they will.

  134. There are other things wrong with this .....

    It's excruciating if you are living on a meagre Income when you do these things in the hope of remedying that and it doesn't happen. I've been there believe me and it's horrible, particularly as the Benefits System became increasingly difficult. Or remembering some of those awful Hand to Mouth Jobs and the dribbles of Money they paid.

    The fake Feelgood Factor doesn't help.

    Those dubious Testimonials on one I did a few years ago.

    "Igor" from "Sverdlovsk" who was "very happy" because he has received 1000s of Rubles on his Yandex Card in payment. You imagine him sat outside some Cafe in the Urals having a Cold Beer with the Money, or just stress free because he has paid next month's Rent. "Igor" from "Sverdlovsk" doesn't exist but as you worry about the Rent and feeding yourself you wish he did and you were him.

    Seeing others living the Life makes it worse.

    What makes it seem even more attractive is how they don't ask for Money. No Risk then, you think as you start doing it, then realize you have given Hours of your Life to nothing more than a Web Page.

    Then there's that Referral Link .....

    You send it to all those People and suddenly the Site Admin knows who all your Contacts and Friends are. Would you willingly give a Stranger your Phone Book so they have access to everyone you know, and what that could do? Someone somewhere has got a Mobile Phone of mine from 2008 and I haven't spoken to anyone in the Contacts Book on that since.

  135. Metrowynn
    Hi does this work with a Visa Debit Card?
    2020-11-29 23:35:19

    Hello. Please, tell me how long does it take to transfer money from Webmoney to the credit card? Today, I received $ 2,500. I ordered a bank transfer and wanted to know how long I should wait.
    2020-11-28 07:36:14
    Hello, Anna! The transfer of money from Webmoney to a bank account takes from 1 to 3 working days.
    2020-11-28 08:20:36

    Hello. I withdrew money to PayPal for about 5 times, on average $2000-$3000. But I was frightened by the rumors that I have to pay taxes. Is this true? And what will happen if I wouldn't pay?
    2020-11-27 17:03:01
    Yes, that's right. The individual must pay an income tax at a rate of 13% of all incomes. You can register as an individual entrepreneur and pay taxes by the simplified scheme.
    2020-11-27 17:55:20

    Thanks to the admins for prompt solution of my issue with an additional payment for Paypal)))
    2020-11-27 10:57:08
    We are always ready to help!
    2020-11-27 11:35:36

    Hay! I'm getting to work! Wish me good luck)))
    2020-11-26 16:32:53
    Good day, Rebecca! We wish you good luck and success in your work!
    2020-11-26 16:39:03

    Hello! I need your advise, what is the best way to withdraw the amount of 2000-5000 dollars per month? PayPal demanded to pass identification after 3 transfers and send document scans. Maybe, cc is a better option?
    2020-11-26 10:40:24
    Hello! There is no big difference. Pass identification in PayPal. It takes not too much time but gives more opportunities to withdraw money. By the way, we can consult you if necessary.
    2020-11-26 11:01:50

    Hello. Please tell me the best way to withdraw money from Skrill? I received $ 3950, but the withdrawal limit is $ 3000 per month. Can I withdraw the entire amount immediately? I need money to buy a tablet))
    2020-11-25 14:05:08
    Hello. You need to verify the account in Skrill, and then you’ll be able to withdraw up to $ 10,000 a month. The instructions was sent to your email.
    2020-11-25 14:45:51

    Yesterday, I withdrew $3980 instead of $4000 transferred to the PayPal account. What is the matter? Thanks.
    2020-11-25 07:13:23
    Hello, Lewis! Perhaps, the commission 0.8% was taken. We are now investigating the case and will report you by email. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    2020-11-25 08:09:04

    It's insane!I did not believe until the very end ))) literally, until the money was transferred to my cc. Two weeks aren't wasted in vain, 4800 dollars earned!)) My gratitude to the administration for this opportunity to earn some money! Already withdrew it, and I’m going to spend it tomorrow)))
    2020-11-24 21:27:33
    [No replies]
    2020-11-24 22:26:57

    Here is a Copy-n-paste of the so called "support" page. As you can see, my quite reasonable question hasn't been answered yet, while there doesn't seem to be very much Feedback for a Site with so many apparent Subscribers. Also, their List of apparent Payees is right up until today, so why can't they also do enquires as promptly?

  136. Oh, and what's "Cardano" when it's at home?

    Must be something from a Pink Floyd Song!

  137. That is, if those Payees even exist. According to the latest the highest paid received $799, and a decreasing List of 50 ended with $230. These so called "Support Enquires" are being paid up to $4500. How can the Website afford those sort of Payments on a regular Basis? If it could you'd think it'd be a bit more ambitious in appearance than it is, while I noticed how the Same Ad appears very regularly when you do it, meaning there aren't that many Clients.

  138. One thing that suggests something might be a Scam is how, rather than a Communique saying; "We're sorry for any misunderstanding, we have now remedied the Problem, please accept our Apologies and enjoy using the Site in the Future" (or something to that effect) you get an aggressive or toxic response, either directly or elsewhere on the Internet.

  139. Meanwhile, I live in the 4th wealthiest Area of the 5th wealthiest Country in the World.

    The thing is, where does the Money come from? Where are the 4th most lucrative Employment and earning opportunities to make it so?

    London and Westminster has all the Finance Houses and Stockmarkets (the City), very lucrative Real Estate and the main Offices for most of the big Corporates UK Operations. The busiest Transport Hub on its Doorstep (Heathrow and Gatwick Airports) and hosts the administrative and aristocratic Capital. Thus; you can understand how it is the wealthiest.

    You can also understand how the Stockbroker Belt of Surrey is the next wealthiest. That's where most of those who work and trade in the wealthiest live and commute from.

    But why here? There are none of the above, while what employment is available is mainly Minimum Wage Service Industry Work in Shops and Cafes. The thing is, meet their equivalents elsewhere in Britain and they're nothing like as sleek, and certainly don't have their Lifestyle. The Charity Shops here are like commercial retail Premises - while their equivalents in nearby Clevedon look like Charity Shops. The Women waft around like Movie Stars without the Movie Industry and call into the Nail Bars to get pampered. They're like something from some horribly glamorous American Soap Opera.

    How is Property so expensive, and People might winge, but they still seem to live in it?

    So where is the Money coming from to live the Portishead Lifestyle?

  140. Meanwhile, back at the Website and there is still neither Payment or Reply to my Technical Support enquiry. Maybe the People at adsjob.xyz would like to do both after a Week, or is it more about how something appears on a Computer Screen than anything to do with earning?

  141. Or perhaps it isn't either, and it is in fact something to do with Tyres, or even Re Tyre Ment!

    As I was made aware of it by Megamailboost, maybe they would like to tell me how they knew I was watching an Estate Agent Video and sent me an Email, while I was watching it!

    This wouldn't be "Hackers 2 - the Sequel" would it, but while both Payment and Reply are something of a non-Event and noting one of the Names in that so called "Support" I call a Vote if no Confidence in 'the Management'!

  142. I contacted adsjob.xyz via WhoisGuard 4 days ago, who will forward the email to the Site Admin and have yet to receive a Reply. Namecheap, who provide the Domain Name, were very helpful with this and gave me loads of useful Stuff about how to approach this. Big Thanks to them for that.

  143. Meanwhile, just had an email about yet another supposed Money making System, this one called Exitus. Presumably then there must be a Sibling Program called Enterus too, which also has "3 Steps" (to where, Heaven or the Rag and Bone Yard?). All that "ConVERTing huh!

    Maybe 'Jay Hale' thinks he, she or they are Jay Gatsby, or perhaps they just make Cakes in a wooden Castle in Clevedon.

  144. Still nothing from adsjob.xyz even though there is still a Payment pending and an unreplied Question in their so called 'Support'.

  145. ....And like the whole thing has turned full Circle, has anyone else had that "Congratulations this is the (however many) searches and you have won a Prize" and you get not one, not two, but three Choices. Yep, three Choices, but then it gets weird and as you click on any one of them you are told that the Site Owner has banned your IP.

    This is like the Stuff I mentioned in the original Post about so called "free iPads, Laptops, Phones, Play Stations" etc that never seem to arrive. How many People have been there I wonder?

    I guess at least these People don't even pretend to send anything!

  146. Here's a thing .....

    While there is still no response from adsjob.xyz - either in payment or reply to support requests - every time you refresh their Home Page you get a different List of "Top 50" earners. And this is every second.

    Each entry isn't the next 50 either because the figure for the #1 earner is always around the $700-800. So how can there be a different "top 50" every second?

  147. Just tried it again and not only do you get 50 different People every time you refresh the Browser, there is no date or time displayed. Thus, these could be pre-made Lists, and if they have enough of them no-one will notice if the same one reappears.

    Also, how can they process so many of them so quickly?

    Every couple of Seconds a new 50 appears like they have been paid and their Payments made by PayPal, Credit and Debit Card, Bitcoin and Wire Transfer. This means someone at the Website can process all that Info in the time it takes to reload the Page, which seems impossible. Not forgetting whoever compiles the list in the same time.

    They must have the same Resources as a High Street Bank, a huge Corporations Accounts Department and some like the DWP. How many People receive Payments every night from them every night/early morning?

  148. 100 years ago someone might run a Shop or Business and one Night a Brick goes through their Window. The next day, while they're clearing up the Mess, by some strange Coincidence someone comes along looking rather dapper and offers them 'insurance' against it happening again. The polite Term for this is Protection, the actual Description is extortion.

    100 years later and someone scams you on the Internet. Then by some strange coincidence someone else offers to get your Money back for you ....... for a Fee of course. This is calculated on a % of the Monies they will reclaim for you, except there are no guarantees that they will recoup that amount of Money at all. If it was Cryptocurrency you might give them 10% of its Value at time of Agreement, but what if that Value plummets while they are working to 'reclaim' it? Bitcoin is about £40000 and you might be owed 10btc. You give them 10% of £400,0000 = £40,000, but what if BTC plummets to £20000? You haven't given them 10%, you've given them 20% of what is now £200,000.

    A lot of these so called 'reclaimation' Companies are the same or associated People as the Scammers - operating a more sophisticated version of the same Racket they worked a Century ago!

    I prefer how the FBI work - where they just reclaim your Funds for no Fee while in America you pay any Fee to private Companies after you've received your Funds and not before. If they can do this there why not anywhere else!

  149. Anyone else had an Email claiming to be from Currys/PC World offering free Apple iPhones?

    I have had several, except they're not from them, they're from a dubious marketing Company called Subdiscovert.com. When you click on "Get started" you you up on a Webpage from someone calling themselves "Rollnout" - but if you Google "Rollnout.com" you are told the Webpage doesn't exist.

    Also, the "Registrar" couldn't write for Toffee. They announce they're Promotion thusly "RE:metrowyn PendinG DeLivery.PLeease conFirm!!66

    Not sure what the Scam is here - while it might be something more significant than just Money.

  150. And I would still like my Phone back!

    That one didn't even need to be hacked eh Rebekah!

  151. Oh, and it seems the "Time" by Pink Floyd is 1331 PM "click".

    It's the Portishead Puppet Show, except maybe it's Birmingham, but would that be in the West Midlands or Alabama? Would it be the Alabama 3 even?

  152. Here's something that plays right into the Hands of the Scammers .....

    Has anyone else noticed how eBay's new Checkout doesn't work if you opt for PayPal?

    There are several Payment Options, the most common being your Debit or Credit Card - but when you choose PayPal nothing happens. You might be able to get a Refund via a Credit Card Chargeback while PayPal are brilliant for doing this, but once a Debit Card Payment is made it isn't refundable via its own System. You have to hope the Vendor will reimburse you should there be a dispute. eBay is notorious as a Market for dubious Traders and you hope they might at least allow you the Support PayPal offer.

    I bought a DVD Player recently that was obviously a shoddy Copy of another. None of the Buttons worked, the Box was a flimsy Plastic thing with no Ventilation and it started deteriorating within a couple of days. Even the Remote started becoming arbitrary. I contacted the Vendor who offered me a $10 partial Refund. I bought it with the more valuable GBP and because I couldn't use PayPal I am now relying on the Decision of a flaky online Merchant. PayPal would ensure a full Refund.

    I have told eBay this via their Feedback service - but to no avail.

  153. Has anyone tried reporting an Item on eBay?

    When you do you get given a list of Reasons, none of which are particularly relevant, while, when it asks for more detailed Info it doesn't provide you with somewhere to write why you are reporting it at all.

    I was trying to report an Item where the Description didn't match the Photograph and couldn't because of this. This could be a Scam because if you paid for it against that Backdrop the Vendor could say; you paid for something knowing there wasn't even an Attempt to describe it accurately.

    I contacted them several times via both eBay and their Website mentioning the discrepancy and suggesting they remedy it and not only did they not have the Decency to reply to either they still haven't made it right.

  154. And eBay are still using that crappy new Checkout which doesn't work if you choose to use PayPal. If you do it just chunders away for about 30 seconds and nothing happens. Using PayPal gives you a lot of support should there be a dispute and they've been brilliant when I had to resolve something.

  155. Has anyone tried emailing Ali Baba - omnipresent online Wholesaler of everything - only to never get a Reply?

    I made a reasonable enquiry to one of their Merchants asking if they had a UK Retailer selling Bicycles and they never bothered replying. The thing is, if they don't even reply to email - which is free - who's to say they'd send you any Goods you might have bought from them?

  156. Here's a thing .....

    The Internet isn't all its hyped up to be.

    Billions of Websites and Pages - a vast Nebulae of everything - except it isn't.

    Trying to locate a UK Supplier of Bikes imported from Ali Baba proved impossible, trying to locate someone in the World who might sell extended Bicycle Forks was scant to say the least. One in America who could use a Course in Customer Service, a Company in Europe that was horribly expensive and one in Italy - and that was it. Despite several derivations of Search Criteria on Google that was all that would appear.

    So either the Internet is manipulated and edited or it isn't the vast Marketplace of Possibilities it claims to be.

    Apart from all the Scams, Doublespeak and fake News that is. Plenty of that!

  157. And how about Cryptocurrency?

    Is it the Kyliecoin, where the "Lunatic is on the Grass" - and "in someone's Head" etc, while there's even a Mooncoin too? It looks like some Bulshit at the Behest of whatever might be said on the Internet, like an Article on the Subject published by something called Luno!

  158. To add to the Sandbox Manipulation of it all yet another Article on the Subject of Cryptocurrency is written by Chris Clothier.

    Wonder if he has a strange Hobby!

  159. So how are the very many Scams on the Internet happening with apparent Impunity?

    If you lent a Car to a Bank Robber, knowing that that's what they will use it for you become an Accessory after the Fact. If you rented Property to someone for illicit Purposes the same can apply, or you would be put under Pressure to remove it. If you ran a Retail Premises selling counterfeit Goods you can face at least a hefty Fine, even if those who produced it don't.

    Here what I got from a Web Service Provider when I mentioned a suspected Scam to them ......

    "As a website building platform, we are not responsible for our users' activities or for content they publish, nor do we provide any investigative, law enforcement or legal services, and do not take any other part in disputes involving our users and any of their visitors.

    You are, of course, free to take legal action against any of our users as you deem necessary, but please keep in mind that we will not and cannot take any part in such action.

    We, therefore, suggest that you contact the site owner directly with your concerns, or proceed to seek a court order for the removal of the content you believe to abuse your rights. We will be happy to comply with any such order."

    Effectively they remove themselves from any Responsibility. I'm a Realist who acknowledges that many 1000's of Scams go on without the Web Providers Knowledge, but when someone draws their Attention to it they no longer have that Excuse. I also realise that they don't have any legal Powers - but they could at least ask the Website Owner to keep to whatever might be 'as described' - be it Goods or Services. If an Investment Scheme pledges a certain ROI then that's what they should do, if they describe a Product that's how it should arrive to the Customer. They could sanction the Owner by suspending the Service if they fail to comply.

    eBay have closed People's Accounts, so have PayPal, Website Admins can cite you for Infractions, so why can't these People if it looks like their Network is being used for Fraud. The ASA have asked commercial Media to withdraw Commercials as and when this happens.

    It seems the Internet is somehow exempt from all this!

  160. Here something I haven't done for a while .....

    Today's nuisance/ Bulshit Phone Call.


    The Idea here isn't the usual Spam. It's to prompt me to read some fake Comment on one of those Who-called-me Sites. The one I used was this; https://www.telguarder.com/uk/number/02083940010

    The pre-empted "Comment" was "svindel" obviously meant to look like the German or Eastern European Pronunciation where the W becomes a V! Thus the actual Word is "Swindle"!

  161. The Great Rock and Roll Scam huh, although would this be the Julian Temple Film or the Biopic with Maisey Williams?

    Glad I'm not the former Boss of A&M huh Mr Byrd!

    Now, about these Balloons!

  162. One thing after another with these People isn't it.

    In the Subject of Scams are we back in the Land of Now, where nothing happens?

  163. It seems the dreaded Phone Spoofer is at it again.

    This is where they hijack someone Phone Number to call People. It means you might answer a Call that appears as a regular Phone Number, and even might have a Business or Name associated with it if you have an Android Phone, but it isn't. They're usually from abroad and it's mostly some so called 'Trading Company' (Binary Options, Forex etc).

    Thus, you might have a Number and/or Name in your Calls Log which you phone back only to have a very perplexed Human at the other end who didn't phone you at all.

    It's a particularly annoying type of Phone Nuisance and I feel sorry for anyone who has had their Number used in this way. If I call the Number back and this happens I usually apologize and recommend they contact their Service provider to see if it can be traced.

  164. Here's a thing .....

    The more for less Utility Companies.

    Oh, those former publicly owned Utilities and what they have turned into.

    I used to be a BT (British Telecom) Customer, using their Mobile Phone Service, until I started paying more Money for less Service. But this paled into insignificance with what came next.

    I unwillingly became a British Gas Customer after they bought the not-for-profit Robin Hood Energy last year. I was an RHE pre-pay Smart Meter Customer before the Switch.

    Thus, I became a regular Bill Payer and the first estimated Bill was from November 10th 2020 to February 25th 2021 - the Winter Quarter - was £231.90. This was reasonable and was similar to what I had been paying before, and so I paid it.

    Then we had the next Quarter .....

    From 25th February 2021 to May 27th 2021 - the Spring Quarter - this shot up to £763.50!!!! That's a huge Increase for using fewer things (no Heater or Tumble Dryer) and a Fortnights less time.

    This is also supposed to be an estimated Bill, based on the same Tariff. They claim they read the Meter some time from April 1st, except there was no Card through the Door confirming this, while we have lockable Cupboards for the Meters in communal Passages that you need a Key for. How they got to them is a Question for them.

    So why am I suddenly paying considerably more Money for less Service?

    I would quite gladly pay something similar to £231 - but not £763!!!!

  165. Particularly as even a Bitcoin mining Rig only uses about £200 of Electricity a Month, which - quarterly - is still only £600, £163 less than this. Mining Rigs have a Rep for huge Consumption of Power, while apart from very intermittent Heater and Tumble Drier use in the Winter Months, I have nothing that even comes close to that.

  166. Here's today's Scam.....

    A Text saying: "Your Parcel from Camthorne Industrial Supplies is due on Saturday 12th June 2021, by 3,00pm. Not going to be in? Track it at http://tyml.me/?NB100717845GB&ylygjxeyZaQ

  167. The Website doesn't exist and the Scammer/Spoofer is stupid anyway. If they want to be plausible then they would use a URL Shortener!

  168. Here's a disgusting Scam Estate Agents use ......


    How many of us have spent Hours browsing those horrible Websites, trying to find a House, Flat etc that we might proudly call Home? We scroll through Page after Page, click on Link after Link, type Search Criteria after Search Criteria - and suddenly there it is!!!!!

    It just seems to slot into every Parameter you require. View, lovely Rooms, Potential Access, Location, everything. You do tons of Research, Website Enquires, Google Maps - tracing the Routes to and from, adjacent Areas, potential for Exploring, you even do Google Images to see what the Area looks like. After all, there's nothing to tell you that it is unavailable is there.

    You make an enquiry via that Site, and then watch your Email Inbox for the Reply.

    Then, suddenly it isn't available, it's "Under Offer", "Sold Etc" - sometimes even "withdrawn" from Sale. That horrible Feeling starts in the Pit of your Stomach, you try other Websites to see if it might be listed there, then theres that awful Link "View similar Properties". Sometimes you get a Reply saying "We're sorry but the Property you asked about is unavailable, here are some others" and they're usually more expensive, not as nice and usually nothing like the one you asked about.

    So why is it even still on the Internet, why couldn't you have been told that once you made the Enquiry, and is it just a Lure designed to sell you other Stuff on their Website instead? You should be able to say; I don't want that other Shit, I want to know about that one!

    What if you had one of those limited Internet Bundles, just a couple of Gigabites a Month? What if you had spent Money on Research, maybe even visited the Area, after all due diligence is never ill advised?

    I think it's an appalling form of Marketing and these People should at least have the Courtesy to remove a Listing once it is under offer, sold or otherwise unavailable!

  169. You sometimes wonder if it was a real Listing at all. How can somewhere be "Under Offer" after being 'live' for only "4 Days"? Was it not just an old Listing they kept on the Site to draw People in?

    Strange also that it became "Under Offer" after the Office had closed and you couldn't phone them!

    There was another a couple of years ago.

    A rather nice House selling for less than £70,000. Then suddenly that wasn't available. You do some research, remembering the Address and you find it's sales History. The last time it sold was longer ago than that, and not for the Amount advertised. So either that is lying or the Listing was! After all, that supposed 'sale' wasn't recorded!

  170. The Viewing Process can take more than 4 days.

    It supposedly goes live "4 Days" ago. That means it went online on Monday (today is Thursday). How many, if at all, would have seen it on that first day? Very few probably, after all, what are the probabilities of their Search landing anywhere near it in that time?

    It has been online for 24 Hours (Tuesday) and maybe someone has seen it and it piqued their Interest. They might have contacted the Agent for more Information - phoned them even, but how many People have booked, and had, a Viewing Appointment there and then? They would have to get there, many have to get time off Work (most Viewings are on a Weekend for this Reason), and whose Boss is going to give you the day off on the same Day, or even Week, to look at a House? Someone might have seen it, then booked a Viewing, but probably not until Saturday - thus they haven't seen it yet, let alone made an Offer.

    Obviously a popular Listing (isn't that the Idea anyway) but even that would have to obtain some Traction in the Market along with the Logistics of organising Appointments. Even before Covid19 you couldn't just walk into an Estate Agent, point at a Property and both jump in the Car to visit it immediately. The Virus has slowed the Process down considerably anyway.

    Making an Offer is quite formal. There is a Procedure you must observe that protects the Vendor from being messed about, and cushions you from being gazumped. After all, if you make it, then dither for Weeks, only to tell them you won't do it they could have sold to someone else. If you make it quite sincerely and they accept someone else's after accepting yours you are back to square one with a lot of loose ends. That Offer has to be accepted, and if either withdraw there usually has to be a very good Reason.

    So, from the initial Debut on the Internet to being "under offer" should take considerably longer than "4 days" even if the Property is going to be popular.

    Also, why isn't there any Furniture in the Photographs? No Towel on the Bathroom Towel Rail, no Food or Utensils in the Kitchen? Who exactly is selling it, and they don't seem to be living there?

    All in all, the Listing starts looking like a Too-good-to-be-true Fake, designed to attract you to their Website so they can sell you more expensive Stuff that isn't as good or desirable!

    In the Retail Trade they call that a Loss Leader. The cheap Stuff in the front of Shops to get you to come in and buy more expensive Stuff you probably never wanted.

  171. I've just browsed another Website and at least 35% of them were "Under Offer" or "SSTC". Why bother displaying them at all? The Idea here isn't just to lure you in to buy other Stuff, it's also meant to keep you visiting; "Awe, look at what they sell, who knows, one day I'll be on their Site and another will be available". That sort of thing.

    No different to some crappy Game Show Host showing you what you might have won if only ......, or a Casino saying "better luck next time".

    They should remove them once this has happened - and only relist them if the Offer or Sale has fallen through.

    I wonder how many times Jim Bowen from "Bullseye" has had a seething Contestant wanting to punch him on the Nose?

    Not so "smashing" eh Jim!

  172. Another Question I have about the contentious Listing is; how have they got aerial Photographs if it? The Agent must have one heck of a Budget to afford to hire Helicopters to photograph Property.

  173. And the Scam and Lies continue.....

    From the moment a Property was advertised online (10,33 Am Monday) to 9.12 AM (today) it has been spotted, viewing Appointment made, viewing had, Offer made, accepted, and now, a Surveyor Report has put a Retention on any Mortgage. This implies that one might have been applied for in that time, but the Valuation Survey knocked £3000 off the Loan until Repairs had been done.

    All this is less than a Week????? Phew, that was very fast.

    Either that or its the Disgusting Ocracy rigging the Game so some People can't own Property. They might own quite a lot of it while others can't the Rooms they live in. while let's not forget it was the Cabal of Realtors, Lawyers, Surveyors and Mortgage Lenders who caused the Crash of 2007.

    Hope you aren't any of those, and if you are why are we still trusting you?

    Cromwell cut the Head off a King whose Regime meant People couldn't even own a few square Meters if Land to grow Food on!

  174. And it seems, Weirdo Text Nuisance has seen fit to tell me about a non existent Parcel that isn't going to arrive on Saturday from a fictitious Sender called "SWTL". They give me one of those impossible URLs as a supposed "Tracking Link" - the usual, made-up Jumble of Letters, Numerals and Symbols that certainly don't say "http//:royalmail.com>trackyourparcel"

  175. Which would be the real Tracking Link for any Parcel sent by Royal Mail, as opposed to whatever "Royal Mail" that one claimed to be from.

    Heck, maybe they're the Peter Jackson, Uruk Hai Royal Mail. After all, what was it that one says in the Film...."We will deliver them"? It could even be Tony Blair's "Deliverability", that 'Paperwork', and perhaps it could even be (A)lurtz!

    Either way, it's just Bulshit!

  176. And on the Subject of Bovine Poo I wrote about a supposed Dating Site called "MyDates" a while ago, raising all sorts of Questions ......

    Like, why do some of those Photographs look like professional ones? How the heck do they know what to write in your so called Profile? They had me coming from the West Midlands, except I'm from Cambridge and live in the South West.

    How you pay real Money for a fake Chat, not with whoever the Photo claims to be from but usually with some rough old Boiler in a Boiler Room Office full of other rough old Boilers doing the same.


    Here are some review Quotes .....

    This one corroborated my Comment;

    "The dating website MyDates.com is a scam and its operator Boranu Online B.V. is well known as a fraudulent company. The page uses operators that maintain fake profiles for conversations with real users. Who adopt that they have a chat with a real person and pay per message."

    And this .....

    "Mydates company totally deserves negative 5 stars. It's a well-organized slick scam. They hardly have any real woman profile at all. All messages are sent by bots."

    Sound like a right Bunch of Arseholes!

    The thing is, if some of those Photos and Profiles were who they say they are they shouldn't have to join a tacky Dating Site.

  177. I discovered they were still online when I decided to declutter the Home Screen on this Phone. I clicked on the Icon expecting it to be a dead end, but astonished to find it wasn't.

    How appropriate ..... that I Con actually is, and I guess that whole going to bed thing probably has more to do with Flowers than Consumation.

    It's amazing what you can do with Horseshit in the Land of Doublespeak huh!

  178. Or perhaps they're looking for Peat! Who knows, except I ended up with them because I got an Email from someone. Maybe they ran a Referral Scheme at one time, offering Credits or something.

  179. Back to this supposed Parcel from "SWTL" fake-Text-to-say-it-is-being-sent LTD have sent yet another claiming it will arrive today. We all know this is Bovine Poo, but then so is this ......


    It's a so called Discussion about it, which is part of the same thing, and maybe even by the same People doing the Texts. The Idea being; receive the Text, Google to see if anyone else has had the same, and, sure enough, that is what you read - which you're meant to.

    It's some perverse Attempt to invade your Consciousness, a form of Thought Coercion.

    The thing is, if it was from Royal Mail the URL would be .....


    Because it isn't it's Horseshit!

  180. Not sure what was more sinister here ..... the Content of an Article by Reuters telling us how UK Customers at Cryoto-Exchange Binance (who are currently under investigation) can't access their £ Funds because of some site "Maintainance" Issue, or the ridiculously convoluted Cookie Consent Form that suddenly appears so you can't read it.

    The former sounds like a repeat of what Xapo sometimes do, arbitrarily changing Account login Procedures so you can't access it, but to contact Support you have to access your Account first. You can deposit £, $ and € with them which are also suddenly off limits.

    Wonder how much Money was appropriated by that?

    The latter was incredible, like I was reading a Showbiz Contract or something. You had to read the small print before you clicked on "Consent" or "allow". They tell you it's for your Benefit, but that's Hokum. It's so they can pitch the Site at you with their ends in mind. I just clicked on the Site to see what was happening in the latest in a seemingly endless Story about Crypto-Sleaze - not suddenly and unwittingly become yet another Market to sell to or research.

  181. WhatsApp can be a bit like that too.

    If someone sends you anything via it before you can access it you get asked if WhatsApp can have access to your Documents. What does that actually mean, and in doing so does it gain access remotely?

    It's like those remote Desktop Programs Scammers like using.

    You deal with them in something that might seem innocuous - then they might say they have to access your Computer to set up an Application or do a Screenshot etc. Next thing you know they're clicking around your Device accessing all sorts of stuff. Anyone who has any scanned Passports, ID and financial Stuff like Bank Statements, Debit or Credit Cards should beware.

  182. As Crypto Currency is the Scam of the 21st Century, completely reliant on the Scamternet how much more of that Stuff on the Web is real and how much of it just Clickbait?

    Everything from Too-good-to-be-true Property to Vehicles, Vessels and all sorts of other Stuff, nothing more than thinly veiled 'research'.

    You might see something that looks like a real Bargain. You do that "Contact Vendor" thing, wanting further Info etc, only to be told the Item is "sold" or "under offer". They aren't under any obligation to prove it or tell who the so called Buyer or Offered is, so how do you know if it was real at all?

    A common Scam is the Phishing Scam, where they harvest Email and Contact Details, Information about People, but who's to say who is honest and who isn't these days? Corporates break the Rules all the time and call it 'Management' when a more accurate Description would be Exploitation, so what came first in this particular Process; the Chicken (Scammer) or the Egg (Adoption of the Practice)?

    So you've done the Contact Vendor thing and sure enough the Item isn't available any more - if it ever was to start with. Next thing you know the so called "Vendor" is snitching your enquiry to anyone ..... the Media, the People running Search Engines and the Internet ...... all very indiscreet and completely fake.

    My Advice here is make your enquiry anonymously and create a designated Email Account or Phone Number to do so. A prepay Sim Card will allow incoming Calls and Texts.

    I used to work in the Media and we had to work for our Information. Don't make it any easier for those Snoogy Bastards and make them earn their Money like we had to!

  183. ANyonE elSE INtrigued ABOut thoSE PECuliar EMails clAIMINg thAT YouVE WOn somEThiNG? WrITTen In CAPITALS aND lower case? MUst takE theM AGes to dO iT as TYPing This TAkes a WHile. MUst haVE a LOt of PRIzes tOO, frOM chEAP FUNerals to DYson vaCUUM CLeanErS. TheYRE aLL PIffLE of COursE, thE liNK uSUALLy yiELDS a blaNK PAge!


    I was one of those very unfortunate People who got passed on to BG when Robin Hood Energy ceased trading last year. When I was with them I used a Prepay Smart Meter and was putting £20 on every 12 days on average.

    Then we changed Supplier.

    I paid the first Bill to BG for about £240 a Quarter - the Winter Months of Nov to Feb - which seemed consistant. Then I got the Bill for the next Quarter!!!!!!!

    How on earth did that amount soar to £760.50 for the 3 Months of the Spring Quarter when the Winter Months were only £240 and Prepay was about £630 a year????? I am running the same Stuff I was before.

    I gave them a Reading just before this, but I can't understand how any vast Increase in Usage should show on it. I don't use the Storage Heaters, very occasionally use the Tumble Drier and only use a Fan Heater for a few Minutes to warm up the Room, except this isn't for the Winter Quarter anyway.

    I contacted them by Phone which is a Nightmare. I was assured that they thought the Bill too expensive, asked for a Reading, then another in 7 days, and would calculate a new one. They also put me on a new Tariff which looked cheapish, and that I thought was that. I asked for a Confirmation Email about our Agreed Strategy, but they never sent one.

    I had one telling me about the Tariff, then another as a Reminder for the unpaid Bill. I clicked on the Pay now Button to see if they had amended the Amount only to find it didn't work and I should phone them.

    I waited for the new Bill a few more Weeks, then got a Reminder in the Post for the £760.50 which I disputed a month or so earlier. So despite their assurances they made no effort to amend the Bill at all.

    They tell me they sent 2 Reminders which is untrue because I only received the aforementioned.

    I phoned them (another Nightmare) explaining all this, asking them why I pay them while I do their Job - reading the Meter - and they used the catch-all Excuse "Covid19". I was terse, but coherent and not unreasonable, and sure enough the Call got disconnected.

    In the Interim I had one of their Engineers (not a BG Customer) come to install a new Meter, but couldn't because they didn't have an Economy 7 Machine.

    I now have an unpaid, exhorbitant 3 Month Electricity Bill for more than I used to pay a year, with a Threat it will be passed to a Debt Collection Company.

  185. Here's an Inventory of my Electricity Usage showing what I have connected to the Supply ......

    Kitchen: Fridge, Washing Machine/Dryer (once a Week/Fortnight), Microwave (15 Mins every Evening), Toaster (occasionally), Kettle (frequently), Lamp low Energy Bulb, various Phone Chargers. Emersion Heater - running at night.

    Lounge: Hifi Amp, Low Energy TV, DVD player, Fan Heater (10 Minute intervals when it's cold). 15w Guitar Amp, 12v FX, Desktop PC, LCD Monitor, Fan (very occasionally), Ceiling Light (Evenings),

    Bathroom: LED Light, Shower, Fan Heater (only when it is cold).

    Hall: Ceiling Light low Energy Bulb, Ebike Battery Charger every couple of Days.

    Box Room: Ceiling Light low Energy Bulb (very rarely).

    Bedroom: Lamp LED Bulb, Phone Charger.

    This is the same Configuration I have had for a long time, and when my prepay Meter cost about £650 a year.

    So how did I end up with a Bill for £760.50 for March-May 2021?

  186. Smart Stupid Meters ......

    Who the hell invented these things? Whoever did ought to spend 24 Hours being continually told off for being so cleverly stupid. Now Utility Companies make us do their Work by reading our own Meters you'd think the definitive Figure - the one that shows you how many kWhs you've used - would be the first displayed which you can see at a Glance. After all, the old mechanical ones did, and it was from that your quarterly Bill was calculated.

    Smart Meters have a bewildering array of Numbers and Figures that only appear for a few Seconds and can only be accessed via certain Keys on the Keypad. How ridiculous, and which one exactly is the definitive Number you are supposed to give the Supplier?

    Not made any easier by how what does show isn't there long enough to write it down. If you didn't have a Cameraphone you'd never be able to do it.

    Mine also shows a Discrepancy .....

    According to the LCD in-Home Display my daily Usage is about 7.5kwh which is a typical Average for recent years.

    Thus; on a Tariff of 14.175p a kWh X 7.5kwh = £1.063 X 90 Days (a Quarter) = £95.67. You add the Standing Charge; 20.780p a Day which is 20.780p X 90 = £18.70p £114.37 total.

    Even using Tumble Dryers and Fan Heaters never increased Usage that significantly - not increasing prepay Top-ups that much - so either the main Meter is wrong, or the in-home display is. I opt for the latter because it's more consistent with the Amount I used to pay as a prepay Customer.

    So £114.70 certainly isn't £763.50.

    The only other Possiblities I can think of is someone might have siphoned off Electricity, except I can't see how, or the estimated Figures they had before were grossly inaccurate!

    One thing is certain; I'm not paying 6.7 times the Amount I should pay for my Electricity.

  187. Having monitored my Electricity usage regularly for about 2 Weeks the average on my in-home Screen is still about 7.5kwh.

    So I am still mystified as to how I ended up with a Bill for £760.50. Calculated using the same Formula the Tariff would have to be something like 95p a kWh, rather than 14.17p.

  188. And no I haven't been running Bitcoin Mining Rigs or any other Cryoto-Mining System. I use Mobile Internet, not a Modem or plug-in Router so I couldn't mine anything requiring that sort of Internet Connection. Someone else might have done - somehow clipping my Electricity Supply, but I haven't. I have been in dispute with a Fraudster called "George" who claims to run something called Instant Cloud Mining - but even if it were real the Mining would be done elsewhere.

  189. Here's a Bone of Contention .....

    You're in a Supermarket, you fill your Basket or Trolley with stuff then go to the Cash Desk.....

    "How much is this (Cornflakes), or this (Bread), and this (Milk), and these (Eggs)?" And on it goes as you ask the same question about everything in the Trolley.

    You walk past a Car Showroom or Lot and see something you might be interested in, except you have to go into the Sales Office to ask how much it is.

    Or with either you say; I'll give you £xx for it!

    The thing is, you don't have to do any of this .....

    While Sainsbury's don't put "POA" or "Offers" on their Stock, neither do second hand Car Sales People - so notorious they used to crack Jokes about them. While you might be able to haggle with the latter you do so from an established Figure on how much it cost.

    So why, while browsing an Items for sale Website, of 48 only 14 had a Price Tag?

    If they know how much they'll sell it for why are they asking you to apply first? (POA = Price on Application). Why are they asking for "offers" rather than establish a Figure first?

    What else is happening here as People either apply or make an Offer?

    Is this just more Clickbait, getting People to contact them, thus collating Data on what they might want to do?

    Imagine you start finding out that the Supermarket are telling everyone what you bought or at least asked about, or 'Honest Frank's Second Hand Motors' are doing the same!

  190. The Fact those Websites and the supposed Items on sale shows that they are manipulated. Seeing the Response I got from Wix after I reported a Scam that was using their Service (still are eh "George") Complicity by the Site can't be ruled out. Also, how can you trust any of it?

    I think online Sales should be subject to the same Rules conventional Retail is, particularly as most of the Stuff on that Site is sold in Britain!

  191. The Battle continues ......

    According to British Gas my Meter Reading on 10th November 2020 was 7131kwh. I got billed and paid £233 for that quarter in February.

    By the time we get to 27th May 2021 that usage had gone up to 12067. ÷ that by 200 days (which includes the previous quarter) it would have me using an average of 27kwh a day. No-one uses that amount of Electricity. Even a Fan Heater left on all day would only use 15-24kwh and that is one of the more powerful ones, except I'd only use mine for about 1/2 Hour at a time just to warm up the Room. A single use of the Washing Machine only adds about 2.5kwh while the Tumble Drier only works for 2 Hours. The Immersion Heater would only cost about £6-7 a Week, while it has been working throughout a Period when I was only using 7.5kwh a day anyway.

    So how do British Gas explain an average use of 27kwh every day for 200 days?

    There's either something wrong with the Meter (which hasn't been replaced since it was installed by Utilita at least 5 years ago), the original Meter Reading of 7131kwh was wrong, or someone somehow clipped and syphoned my Supply.

  192. Never trust the Internet when looking for a House!

    Here's a thing ......

    A couple of years ago there was a Property on the Web. I remembered it as being quite cheap but the Listing seemed deliberately vague, like you weren't sure what was offered. There weren't any Floor Plans either, while the Photos didn't tell you very much.

    Thus, I continued searching for Months, the Web showing the same Crap every time - and this went on for ages. Some not very appropriate, others too expensive, a few that never seemed to sell.

    Then, one day, while exploring an Area using Google Maps I came across that Property and noted the Location. I typed in the Address to find any Sales History and discovered it was last sold in May this year. Another Site told me February - while one said December 2020! Hmmm, so which of these is true you might ask?

    The question though is this .....

    Why wasn't it appearing in my Search Results all the way back to November-December last year, or up to and including May of this? Instead of being shown all that other stale Crap?

    Has anyone noticed how every Site on the Web starts with Cookie Preferences?
    How they appear so it is impossible to browse or read the Site without clicking on it first? Or how some of them have so much gobbledygook you have to read first it's like a Showbiz Contract? Then, what happens when you do click "I accept" or something to that effect?

    They tell you it's so their Partners can collate Data on Site Usage - which is another way of saying "Spyware" while they're meant to tailor your Usage to your Requirements - which looks like Coercion.

    But what if they can also omit Stuff using the same Technology? Meaning some things won't appear?

    Would that be why that Property never seemed to appear in Months of Searching while other Stuff did?

  193. And while all that goes on, how about other Fun and Games on the Internet?

    I bought a Bath Robe from someone on eBay recently.

    We all read the Disclaimers about how Colour Saturation might be different on each individual Screen and Monitor, or how digital Imaging can have a similar effect, but when they tell us this we should at least be able to expect something approximating the Description.

    This Bath Robe wasn't even trying to be the "Brown" in the Description, not even a slight Tan or a hint of Beige. It was Road Sign Yellow, which isn't even close, so either they're completely colour blind or up to something!

  194. And if you can scan People with something as trivial as this .... why not scam them about other things .... like dubious Wars that cost 100,s of 1000's of People killed and nearly $4 Trillion!

  195. Here's an irritation .....

    Has anyone else had that Email telling them "Congratulations, you are the Winner"? Winner of what exactly?

    Apparently, this unsolicited Mail tells me I have "won" the potential to be drawn in a Competition to win a Tesla 3 Electric Car. Ahh, but not actually winning it, rather be one of "3" People who will be drawn to see who will win anything at all.

    Then, if you click on it you get taken to a very intrusive Survey with Page after Page of Questions - and this is before you even get told you have been entered into the final Draw.

    The thing is; not only are they trying to turn you into Radiohead here, they also turn you into 3 of something, and while you might, or might not, win anything how do you know anyone else has?

    It's just a lot of spammy Crap that attaches itself to you and while this one might be about Tesla Cars they also send similar offering Dyson Vacuum Cleaners and Shopping Vouchers.

    Which you never know if anyone won any of!

  196. And don't get me started on Songs by Sugar, "Fortune Tellers" and whoever was really behind these Tarot Cards someone gave me! Anyone want them, not being a "Fortune Teller" I have no use for them!

  197. Here's a Scam that has been going on for years, except no-one knew .....

    Anyone remember the Story of the Bloke who worked in a huge Companies Payroll Department? The one where he became very rich by skimming a Cent off of each Wage Packet every Week? The cumulative Effect over a long period of time, and running the Payroll of 1000's of People, ran into Millions of Dollars. He got caught in the end because he was living well beyond his means.

    This has been happening for a very long time in real Life, or at least as long as Bitcoin has been on the public Exchange, but rather than being done by an individual it has been done by the Internet.

    Anyone wanting to exchange some Currency can type "Currency to Currency" (eg; GBP to USD) on Google. The default online Currency Converter appears and you can use it to see the current Value of Currencies against other Currencies.

    The thing is, it's inaccurate.

    I used it to to see how much BTC I would need to send to equal $450. I sent the subsequent Amount of Bitcoin, only to be told I hadn't sent enough. I thought they were being ridiculous until I tried an Experiment.....

    I set it up to compare BTC with USD and typed in "$450". It showed that $450 was 0.01BTC. The problem is, it was still 0.01BTC from $446 to $470. That's a $24 Variable - which is a lot of Money.

    How many times have People used it to calculate an Amount, using the Result, and sending either too much, or too little Money? How much Money has disappeared when this happens?

    In America you would have to work for over 2 Hours on the minimum Wage to make $24. In some Countries that might be a Week to a Fortnight's Wages!

  198. At time of writing it tells me that 0.01BTC is anything from $418 to $440.

    Hopeless isn't it!

  199. How many Internet Scammers have taken advantage of this, telling Victims who have sent them Money "you haven't sent enough" and tell them they must send more for whatever Scheme or Program to work?
