Wednesday 21 September 2016

The Day after Tomorrow..................

As the World seems to be lurching from War to yet more War for causes as anachronistic as the Fossil Fuels they seem to be about, here's to me doing my bit to slow down the process that is leading to the Day after Tomorrow. Whether you feel that the World is being devoured by all this and maybe it should stop - or you've had enough of feeding that voracious Monster called your Electricity Meter - even both - check this out................

Click Here! Yep, that's right - free Electricity!!!!

Copy and paste into your Browser and enjoy.............

If I find a DIY Fusion Technology System I'll let you know. I find it astonishing that even when confronted by the contnuing Calamity that the Thirst for Oil seems to cause there hasn't been any more investment or enthusiasm for what is probably one of the most sensible alternatives to Fossil and Nuclear Fuels and even some 'renewable' Enery. Solar Panels have a limited Life expectancy before they start to deteriorate - thus having to make more and add to the Carbon Footprint in their Manufacture. Wind Farms are an Eyesore - and merely replace Chimneys with Windmills, while causing Turbulence if there are too many - while Barrage technology (ie; utilising Tidal Flows to generate Hydroelectricity) disrupt Estuaries and Rivers - causing problems for Shipping and Marine Life.

Until then, this looks cool...........and means at
least we don't have a Landscape that looks like the Theme from "The Thomas Crown Affair", you have control of your Wind powered Energy,  your Solar Panels might last longer than some, and we don't end up with Shipping and Whale Jams at an Estuary near you................

In an Age when Probes have left the Solar System, we have seen the Apollo Space Missions and the squillions of other technological advances made in the last 60 years - it's very hard to believe that there isn't something you could drop into the Bonnet of an average Saloon Car that doesn't run on Petrol, Diesel or even Bio Fuel. The latter might sound attractive, but when do we reach that point where we have to ask whether we use the Land to grow Fuel.........or Food?

Meanwhile, President Obama's 'New Age' Government took a Step forward - then a large one back - when they decided to allow Food Manufacturers to not display GMFs on their Packaging. This not only means 'Frankensein Foods' by stealth, but also encourages non-sustainable Food production.

This is when Agribusiness cultivates Species that don't naturally pro-create. Thus, a Crop yield will only grow once. Then you have to buy in more Seed to produce next years Harvest. A purely Monetarist Attitude which does nothing to help Agricultural Communities in some of the poorest parts of the World. It's also madness - because it ultimately means all of it becomes dependent on those cultivated Species. So what happens if or when it all goes wrong?????

There are many 'Isms; associated with Social Consciousness, but whatever your Ism might be - none of it amounts to anything if we can't breath the Air, drink the Water - and can't feed ourselves!   

If you want, share this to Facebook, Twitter etc.....


  1. Sick and Tyred ......

    Somewhere in the World is a vast Pile of spent Bicycle Tyres.

    These were those criminally useless, utter crap things that pass for Bicycle Tyres these days. Y'know, made from Plastercine, worn through before they should be, split, beading snapped, burst, frayed and otherwise rendered useless. In other Words, Garbage sold by supposedly reputable Dealers in some instances. But hey, they give them those tough n trendy Names that make you think you have something rugged and reliable.

    Nothing of the sort .....

    I bought one of those Big Daddy 20x4" Tyres for my eChopper - only to have it split after about 2 Months. I was fortunate. I Noticed this BEFORE I went off of a Kerb or over a Pebble and it burst, throwing me under a Bus.

    I had another that split on the Rim and had to be replaced. Both for Bikes that weighed about 30kgs and did an average of 25kmh.

    I've just bought another, except the Tyre is nothing like the Picture in the Sales Listing. It looks like it is like a Tractor Tyre, solid 1cm thick, with chunky Tread and Bead with Canvas Lining. When it arrived it was like that crappy Big Daddy Tyre. Thin, flimsy and couldn't protect the Tube from a Splinter let alone broken Glass.

    There's no excuse.

    If they can make a Motorcycle Tyre for a Bike that weighs up to 350kg, with a fully grown Rider and Pillion, that can do up to 130mph why can't they do this for Bicycles?

    Motorcycle Tyres sell for as little as £39, which is the average for a Bicycle Tyre so there's no additional Expense either.

    Why have I posted this here?

    While there is a vast Pile of spent Tyres there is also a huge Hole in the Earth's Resources used to make this inexcusable, criminally crap Trash!

  2. So there are several things happening here ......

    People are paying for sub standard Crap that no one seems to question.

    That because it is for Bicycles it is potentially lethal. You could be cycling on a busy Road when it fails and be killed.

    Because of the high volume of them the impact on Earth's Resources is huge, both in production and disposal.

    There is no excuse.

  3. I've watched loads of Stuff on YouTube about the Environment, what would happen after the Oil ran out and how Earth would repair itself if Humans disappeared.

    So the Oil runs out and there is none left in the Ground. Suddenly Reserves are rationed and Governments prioritise its use - even these start to dwindle in less than a year. Alternatives like Biofuels are hurriedly grown, made and researched. Food Distribution, Power generation, essential Services like Healthcare start to shut down, the Military is mothballed, Airports close, Ships are permanently docked etc. People start leaving Cities, Agri-Industry ends as it can't feed Livestock, People rediscover local Alternatives ..... and on it went .......

    But wait .....

    People thrived for 1000s of years without Oil. Ships sailed the Seas, Caravans moved Goods and People from Asia Minor to the far East, huge Wagon Trains did the same across the American Continent.

    So where was any if this in the Program?

    Also, while the Roads and Highways were empty of Cars and Trucks where were the 1000's of trusty Bicycles being used instead?

    The Program seemed blinkered by the very dependence on Fossil Fuels that is the cause of the Problems raised by it.

    With modern Tools you could build Fleets of Sailing Ships much quicker than they did for 1000's of years, while modern Navigation makes Journeys easier. You could do the same with Wagons, building them to replace Petrol powered Trucks, while using some of the Livestock to haul them rather than starve, and instead of the uncertain, rough Trails they used to travel you have a ready made Network of Roads, Bridges and Tunnels, shortening Journey times conciderably. Cycling becomes easier, as the recent Lockdown showed - because you don't have to avoid the millions of Vehicles like you used to.

    All of this removed the Pressure from scarce Oil Reserves used as a Stop-Gap during the Transition to Alternatives like Algae, while using the above reduces the Demand on Farm Land to grow Ethanol Crops like Soya. It can still be used to grow Food.

    So instead of the Gloom and Doom there were many Alternatives that have been tried, tested and true for Millennia!

    There was another, showing what might happen during Energy Disasters.

    For instance, a Ship carrying millions of Gallons of LNG exploding in a City based Harbour.

    Why is it even using an LNG Terminal in a City at all? Why isn't there a Pier several Miles long into the Sea where it loads and unloads? LNG piped to and from to similarly remote Storage Facilities?

    Spent Nuclear Fuels being transported 100s of Miles to reprocessing Plants that could have been built adjacent to the Power Stations. No very dangerous Road and Rail Haulage, fraught with Risk of Accident or Terrorism.

    Again, Stuff that might have been avoidable with a bit of common sense!

  4. It continued ......

    The War for Water ....

    How Countries upstream from others on Rivers effectively appropriating most of it. How desalination Plants aren't much use for People 100's of Mile's inland.

    So why not build desalination Plants to process Sea Water for coastal Cities and Towns, which are always downstream, while distributing fresh Water for inland Communities. Thus, you have relieved Pressure on the latter, and the former can avoid any politically or militarily induced Droughts!
